SC QSO party, Sep 15, 10am to 11pm
Below are the rules.
SC QSO Party Rules
1. Object
For radio amateurs outside the state of South Carolina to contact as many South Carolina stations in as many of the 46 South Carolina counties as possible.
For radio amateurs within the state of South Carolina to contact as many stations as possible.
2. Contest Period
1400Z – 0300Z on the third Saturday and Sunday of September.
3. Bands
The SCQP shall be conducted on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 meter bands only.
4. Modes
4.1. Phone
Use “PH” as the mode in the log header and on each contact.
4.2. CW
Use “CW” as the mode in the log header and on each contact.
4.3. Mixed
Phone and CW contacts are submitted as a single entry. Use “Mixed” as the mode in the log header, but log each contact by the actual mode used (e.g. PH or CW).
5. Exchange
5.1. South Carolina Stations
Signal report and county abbreviation (see section 14 for county abbreviations).
5.2. USA Stations Outside South Carolina
Signal report and two-letter state abbreviation. Note that Washington, D.C. is a multiplier for contest purposes. Puerto Rico, USVI, Guam, and other US territories are considered DX for contest purposes.
5.3. Canadian Stations
Signal report and two-letter province/territory abbreviation.
5.4. DX Stations
Signal report and “DX” (not country).
6. Categories
6.1. Fixed
6.1.1. Single Operator (SO)
One person performs all operating and logging functions. Only one (1) transmitted signal on the air at any time. There are no limits on band changes.
6.1.2. Multi-Operator
Those obtaining assistance from another operator or logger. There are no limits on band changes. Multi-Single (MS)
Only one (1) transmitted signal on the air at any time. Multi-Multi (MM)
More than one (1) transmitted signal on the air at any time. Only one (1) transmitte d signal per mode per band.
6.2. Mobile
6.2.1. Mobile Single
A single mobile or portable station that operates from at least two (2) different South Carolina counties and making at least one (1) contact from each county.
6.2.2. Mobile Multi
Same as the Mobile Single category but with multiple operators and/or multiple simultan eously operated stations in the vehicle/location.
NOTE: A mobile station may have a non-contest operating driver, for safety, and remain in the Single operator category. However, if the driver operates at any time in the contest, then that Mobile station shall be classified as Multi-Operator. Mobile stations must move the entire operating site at least 200 meters into the new county.
“Line Sitting” is not allowed.
Use of spotting assistance including packet clusters, reverse beacon networks, CW Skimmer, etc. is permitted in all categories. Self spotting is prohibited.
< p class="MsoNormal">7. PowerQRP: 5 watts or less.
Low: 100 watts or less.
High: Greater than 100 watts.
8. Entry Category
For the log file item of “Category:”,
- Use one of: SO, MS, MM, ML, or MU as the first part,
- Use one of: QRP, LP, or HP as the second part,
- And use one of: Mixed, PH, or CW as the last part.
NOTE: The Cabrillo file line for category might then be ent ered as:
Or any other valid combination as described generally above.
9. Scoring
Stations may be worked once per band and mode for QSO Points. For QSOs with SC Mobiles, also per county. There is no partial contact credit.
9.1. QSO Points
9.1.1. Phone
Each completed and valid phone contact shall count as one (1) point.
9.1.2. CW/PSK/RTTY
Each com pleted and valid CW, PSK, or RTTY contact shall count as two (2) points. Note that for contest purposes, a CW, PSK, or RTTY contact shall be considered equivalent. Thus a CW and RTTY contact on the same band with the same station is considered a dupe.
9.2. Multipliers
Multipliers are counted once per mode (NOT per band).
9.2.1. SC Stations
- Each USA state including South Carolina and Washington, D.C. When logging other SC stations, ente r the SC County as the exchange (not SC).
- Each Canadian Province/Territory.
- DX contacts count for QSO points only. Enter DX for the exchange.
9.2.2. Non-SC Stations
- Each SC county, 46 total.
- SC Mobile stations, when they change counties, may be worked as a new station.
- A Mobile contact counts for points if the QSO is not duplicated on same band, mode, and county.
- A Mobile contact counts for multiplier credit if the QSO is new on that mode.
9.3. Final Score
Total QSO points x Multipliers
9.4. Invalid Contacts
Stations outside of South Carolina may not count contacts with non-South Carolina stations or DX stations for contest credit or multipliers.
10. Awards
10.1. Certificates
Certificates will be awarded to the top scores for in each entry category for the following:
- DX stations
- Canadian stations
- USA stations Outside South Carolina
- South Carolina Stations
10.2. Plaques
Sponsored plaques will be awarded for the top score in each of the listed categories for QRP, Low, and High Power. A certificate will be issued lieu of a plaque in cases where there is no sponsor.
11. Suggested Frequencies
SSB: 1.865, 3,810, 7.190, 14.250, 21.300, 28.450, and 50.135
CW: 1.815, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.045, 28.045, and 50.095
12. Miscellaneous
- A transmitter used to contact one or more stations may not subsequently be used under any other call during the contest. The only exception is for family stations where more than one call is assigned and the operator is changed when the call is changed.
- Out of state stations working from multiple states must submit separate logs for each state. Each state score stands alone, and is not consolidated with other state operations.
- Any stations operated remotely should be entered using the location of the transmitter/antenna, not the operator location.
- A mobile station is a station that can be operated while in motion.
13. Logs
Entries must be submitted within 30 days of t he contest end. Log files may be submitted via the following methods:
- Via email. Cabrillo format logs are STRONGLY preferred, however any ASCII text format is acceptable.
- Via electronic media. CD or thumbdrive only please. Thumbdrives will be returned if an SASE is provided.
- Paper logs. When submitting paper logs, a summary sheet is required. Summary sheets are not required for Cabrillo logs. Send all electronic media and paper logs to:
PO Box 595
Columbia, SC 29202
All logs must indicate band, mode, date, time (in UTC), calls, sent exchange (signal report, and state/province/county/DX) and received exchange (signal report, state/province/county/DX). Note that non-Cabrillo logs must also indicate the QSO points for each contact.
Entry forms, summary sheets, county/state/province abbreviations are available at