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Thread: First antenna in the air!

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, NY

    First antenna in the air!

    Don't know if "in the air" is really appropriate, but I got my 2M dipole (Was vertical in my attic at the old QTH) attached to a little bracket off the garage.

    It's nice being able to hear stuff on the radio again Next up: Figuring how to run my fan dipole. I don't have the benefit of an attic (Well, a crawl space); and my lot isn't conducive to an inverted V. I think I may just have to sink a tower, at least a decent TV antenna tower attached to my garage like my landlord at the old place had. Not sure.

    This Saturday, I'm throwing something up, be it a single wire, just to get to hear (And, maybe QSO on low power) because I'm dying to get this shack at least functioning 100%, even if sub-optimally for now.
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  2. #2
    Conch Master W5GA's Avatar
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    Corey, check out a 4-BTV, and add 12/17m to it with some PVC and a couple bits 'o wire. Doing it that way allows QRO, which the factory made add on's don't. Don't know how big your lot is, but there's no law saying radials A: have to be in a circle and B: that they have to run in a straight line. I did mine with some years ago with 32 radials of various lengths, none measured as doing so when they are on the ground is a waste of time. The longest was about 35', the shortest was about 20', all arranged in a bow tie going E/W. Worked like the OK section in the ARRL DX test a few years in a row.

    And, by the way...those antennas are CHEAP!
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  3. #3
    Orca Whisperer
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    Buffalo, NY
    I've got to check that antenna out. House just isn't in the right position to do an inverted V (Well, I guess it could be...), and I don't think a fan dipole will work here. But, I might have to ask my Realtor(TM) ham-friend, N2KKM what her opinion is :D

    Big Giant Meteor 2020 - We need to make Earth Great Again

  4. #4
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    +1 on the 4BTV. I would think about the 6BTV version inside some PVC pipe, disguised as a flagpole. You don't need the capacity hats and other such protruberances of the 4 and 5-BTV series with the 6-band setup so flag-poling one is easy.

    What type of rig do you own? Any chance of using a remote tuner and random wire/radial system with it? I own several Icom transceivers which can interface to an AH-2 antenna tuner via control and bandswitching cable; if I was in your situation I might consider mounting the tuner on a plate then using a nearby tree to support a cage monopole. Feed the cage element with the tuner and lay down a bunch of radials as a counterpoise.

    An inverted L also works good in this application.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  5. #5
    Orca Whisperer
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    Buffalo, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    +1 on the 4BTV. I would think about the 6BTV version inside some PVC pipe, disguised as a flagpole. You don't need the capacity hats and other such protruberances of the 4 and 5-BTV series with the 6-band setup so flag-poling one is easy.

    What type of rig do you own? Any chance of using a remote tuner and random wire/radial system with it? I own several Icom transceivers which can interface to an AH-2 antenna tuner via control and bandswitching cable; if I was in your situation I might consider mounting the tuner on a plate then using a nearby tree to support a cage monopole. Feed the cage element with the tuner and lay down a bunch of radials as a counterpoise.

    An inverted L also works good in this application.
    My rig is an FT-840. I could do the remote tuner, it'd have to wait till I get the dollars lined up, but it's doable. Disguised? Pfft! No HOA's here lol

    I might give the inverted L a shot, can't hurt, and it's all fun. I've got plenty of wire to do it, and plenty of coax.
    Big Giant Meteor 2020 - We need to make Earth Great Again

  6. #6
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Are you patriotic?

    If you are, and your front yard is decent sized (with no inconvenient overhead electrical wires in the wrong place), then I have three words for you:

    Flag. Pole. Vertical.

    ...I have to finish the front steps tonight (ran into a few problems last night, nothing insolveable but I need another stringer & a few more 2x4's), then some more railing. That's tonight & tomorrow, weather & school open house permitting. Saturday & Sunday, the 4' x 12' extension on the side. And THEN I install the FPV.
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    Cutch 300!!!!!

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  7. #7
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    I have all this room, and I only have a 144/440 Arrow J-pole up. I better hurry up.

    Though I think I'll get it together before 'IzE does. :stickpoke:
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  8. #8
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Have you considered a dual band configuration set up as a slopper?

  9. #9
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KG4CGC View Post
    Have you considered a dual band configuration set up as a slopper?
    Slopper? Is that an antenna made out of a bedpan?
    All the world’s a stage, but obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.

  10. #10
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ6BSO View Post
    Slopper? Is that an antenna made out of a bedpan?
    Bedpan, tin can, king of Siam, body slam. The Slopper antenna can be a longwire or a dipole.

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