Originally Posted by
No, that's not going to work.
I went through the zed wars in the 00's and it's nothing like this at all. I got banned over there twice. Once for jamming an asshole veteran about his benefit package and the second and final time for calling Dilmus an "alpha hotel". That's right, "alpha hotel" not "asshole". I've said FAR worse things here, and it's not an issue, and no, it's not because I'm one of the "favored" ones. I have about as many postings as you do, so it's not like longevity is an issue here.
You need to chill out. ALL of us have a tendency to rattle cages a little bit, but you seem to cross the Rubicon every time you go there. I've had many issues with people here, not with you specifically, but I, with a few exceptions, (Dilmus, N2RJ) have kept it off the radar. You seem to take every slight and turn it into a grand mal explosion after YOU make the provocative statement when you are challenged.
Sorry, but I don't think that's right. Calling someone a "nazi" is bad form period, I don't care about the Seinfeld reference. Like I said, Jeff isn't always right, but he's a damn sight short of some those asshole mods on the zed.