So for the second time in a year or so, our RAID controller fsck'd us over. It's a cheap implementation, so every time there's a failure, it replicates the corruption -- making RAID just about worthless, wouldn't you say? So I'm upgrading the server to something similar to what we have now, only I'm either going to use MD (Linux software RAID) or make sure we get a decent reputable controller installed.
I was able to fail the one drive and fix the data on the other, but it was & is still a mess. :-| So things might be a little erratic for the next few days while I switch everything over. We're going to be using the same hosting provider, so the IP's are portable as long as I stay in the same data center (which I plan to) -- so there shouldn't be any weird DNS issues.
Just an update for the sake of an update.
I also hastily bought a slice of a NAS on their 'local' network, so I can make more reliable backups every night, instead of.. less often.This was an expensive investment, but it'll protect the Island's data more soundly. It was a close call this time, I'd rather avoid that in the future.