How about a simple roster, or list, of call signs and preferred first names. It is nice when you can address someone by the name that they like. Some folks even use a nickname, or something other than that which is on their FCC License or the ULS. It's also a good way to get to know the new people, of which there have been quite a few, lately, and it would be nice to have one place to go, or to have a list to print out. Maybe even do a list of Call-First Name-State.

After all, we have more of a family atmosphere on the Island than any other site, and it's all about family. Do it for the children.

Or, in my case, for the old farts that can't remember someones name and have to fake it. Hell, at times, I can't even remember my own name, and it would be nice not having to try to remember where I left my wallet and drivers license.