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Thread: 5 common items found at your local butcher

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  1. #1
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    5 common items found at your local butcher

    Can you name 5 of the most common items found at your local butcher? I bet they differ from region to region, and country to country but not so much as here. =)

    Yes, for awhile this blew my mind but now it is a common thing.

    I will start.

    Horse meat, Cow tongue, Cow testicles, Pigs feet, and rabbit brain.

    Your turn. (Yes, these are common items not rarities.)

    "A night sky full of cries. Hearts filled with lies. The contract: is it worth the price?"

  2. #2
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
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    Gato, perro, mofeta, comadreja y pereza (tres puntas).
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  3. #3
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ6BSO View Post
    Gato, perro, mofeta, comadreja y pereza (tres puntas).

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  4. #4
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KB3LAZ View Post
    Can you name 5 of the most common items found at your local butcher? I bet they differ from region to region, and country to country but not so much as here. =)

    Yes, for awhile this blew my mind but now it is a common thing.

    I will start.

    Horse meat, Cow tongue, Cow testicles, Pigs feet, and rabbit brain.

    Your turn. (Yes, these are common items not rarities.)
    And that's no bull?


    That's a hard one to quantify Trav. Locally, the one butcher shop closed up a few years ago (mini-mall that housed it was torn down for a highway project), and the other one... is more of a specialized gourmet-catering market than a butcher shop anymore. First place I ever saw a frozen, skinned rabbit, ready for cookin', though.

    Then there's the place a couple of miles from here, across the highway from a couple of malls: The UnCommon Market. You want exotic meats? There you go...
    Last edited by W3WN; 06-08-2012 at 01:37 PM.
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  5. #5
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3WN View Post
    And that's no bull?


    That's a hard one to quantify Trav. Locally, the one butcher shop closed up a few years ago (mini-mall that housed it was torn down for a highway project), and the other one... is more of a specialized gourmet-catering market than a butcher shop anymore. First place I ever saw a frozen, skinned rabbit, ready for cookin', though.

    Then there's the place a couple of miles from here, across the highway from a couple of malls: The Common Market. You want exotic meats? There you go...
    Nope, no BS, what I mentioned is rather common.

    The horse I was told is a special kind of small horse made particularly to produce meat. Tried it, didnt much care for it. Pigs feet are not really a new thing as I have seen them before in the states. Tripe or cow tongue as well but less common. Rabbit brain threw me a curve ball and I have yet to bring myself to try it. Cow testicles are not on my list to try any time soon either.

    Now, as for meat in general. Rabbits are sold head and all with the eyes and brain in. Chickens as well. Both of which are often cooked that way and no parts go to waste. The first few times this bothered me but you would be surprised how quick you get used to something.

    Examples of things that took time to get used to.

    Full head, feet, eyes, brain, etc on an animal when it is cooked. Just something about it looking at you when you eat it. Over that now.

    Jamon. Which is basically salt cured pork. Like pig jerky. It comes in different forms. Soft, mild, hard. Soft is like raw bacon, mild is similar, and hard is like jerky which I have grown a taste for.

    Pork and beef jaw is another thing that took some time for me to try but the meat is just out of this world tender.

    Prawn, like large shrimp are served every which way you can think but always head on. Even when fried. I had never eaten the head of a shrimp but I now have. Not my cup of tea as it taste like brine. I will simply remove the head before I eat them. Octopus and squid served whole as babies. Cooked ofc. Fried, normally. Aside from the ink sack its quite good.

    Goat is somewhat common here, more so up north. That as well as ox tail. Both of which are rather good.

    So sea food markets and butchers shops are something that has taken time to get used to. As well as the food that is prepared from them. But once I opened my mind gradually and tasted some things I found out they were either not my thing or quite good but either way not the end of the world.

    One thing they looked at me funny for. I asked for pounded pork belly. They asked me what I wanted that for. I didnt say it this way but Spanish bacon sucks. I wanted a something a little closer to home.

    Now, I realize a lot of what I listed you can not eat but, you get the idea. That is one thing about the Moorish influence in Spain, there are a lot of alternatives to pork. Many of the dishes are substituted with chicken, goat, lamb, or ox. Now, I realize that you are not of Moorish decent but I think that the work arounds would suit the Jewish religion as well, to an extent. I really dont know what is and is not considered kosher. I do know that they bleed out the meat without removing anything before it is butchered or sold.

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  6. #6
    La Rata Del Desierto K7SGJ's Avatar
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    Mice, cockroaches, silverfish, and dung beetles. I got to find a new butcher store.
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  7. #7
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K7SGJ View Post
    Mice, cockroaches, silverfish, and dung beetles. I got to find a new butcher store.
    I would say. Unless you find any of those to be appetizing.

    "A night sky full of cries. Hearts filled with lies. The contract: is it worth the price?"

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    Last edited by WN9HJW; 08-03-2013 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #9
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WN9HJW View Post
    Knives, saws, meat grinders, meat hooks, and bandages.
    We cant get any of that at the butcher store. We would have to go to a hardware or kitchen store.

    "A night sky full of cries. Hearts filled with lies. The contract: is it worth the price?"

  10. #10
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    Last edited by WN9HJW; 08-03-2013 at 09:35 AM.

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