Ok, I think we need an Island Change Control Board, to sign off on any major changes, especially those that create an outage. Then, we need a 24 hour notice for outages, unless approved by the Operations Manager and the CMFIC and the COOICOMFO (Chief Operating Officer In Charge of Mutha Fuckin Operations).
I bitched about it on Facebook...... Don't let it happen again! ;)
"One man with courage makes a majority." ~ Andrew Jackson
Steve KA9MOT
Macomb, IL
Boy, let a guy have a Birthday, and it goes right to his head.
A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory
I built retractable trays for my Theta 7000/9000 keyboards, fixed my buddy's wife's motorcycle and tried to recover from last night.
"Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."
I drove around a 200K course for a bike riding event scouting locations for temporary digipeaters.
I am surprised at such a sudden deterioration in a woman whose only ailment was a lazy anus.