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Thread: Jokes Yuks Laughs Ha ha and Jocularity Thread

  1. #101
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    EM84ru, Easley SC
    I overheard a guy talking to a girl at a music festival. He exclaimed, "Woah, you got so messed up last night. You have a penis tattooed on your back.” She replied with, "Eh, at least it's something I like."

    As I was leaving the bathroom I heard a man say, "Urinal conversation is alright as long as the guy doesn't compliment you on your watch."

    Overheard at the grocery store yesterday, a man was explaining to his kid that steaks come from cows. The boy says, "Why do they have to kill innocent cows?" and without missing a beat the dad says, "Because there's not a lot of guilty cows running around.”

    People trying to hand out bibles on campus. Man: "Would you like a copy of the Old Testament?"
    Other guy: "No thanks, I have the new one."

    Overheard a 4th grader say, "Issues? He doesn't have issues. He has a subscription!" From the mouths of babes!

    A conversation about names shortening and changing ie. Elizabeth to Beth, then it got to confusing ones like Teddy being short for Theodore. Then:
    Friend 1: "How do you get Dick from Richard?"
    Friend 2: "Take him out on a date first."

    One day, when I was 18 years old, I asked my father if I was a mistake:
    "Dad am I a mistake?"
    Without missing a beat he quipped, "A mistake? You're not a mistake. You're an f-ing tragedy. You can live with a mistake." He then laughs and walks off.

    I heard an older gentleman of about 60 say on the phone while walking off the golf course, "I only hit two balls today, and that was when I stepped on a rake."

    I was on the street near one of those guys who “spreads” the word of God. He was pointing at a man and shouted, “You sir, are going to hell!"
    With a shrug the guy goes, “Nah man, I’m just going to the DMV, you're going to hell for lying.”

    "Well, I've taken up enough of your time......... and vice versa."

  2. #102
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    When I was an RA in college, one of my residents had a crush on me that wasn't reciprocated. Her roommate invited me over one night to watch a movie with the two of them, then the roommate left the room. There we were, sitting on the floor, watching some stupid chick flick, when she moved over to sit even closer to me. She grabbed a blanket and threw it over our laps, moving even closer. I knew things were going to be going the way of the smooching and horizontal mambo shortly if things went as she planned, but I was not attracted to her and wanted to the foil the plan as best I could. Thank goodness it was taco night in the cafeteria. Even my eyes watered with the stench and spice of that magnificent fart. And it saved me from doing the hibbidy dibbidy with one of my residents.

    "A couple once tried to have a threesome with me. They kept trying to touch me and massage me, and my awkward, idiotic attempt at diffusing the situation was to complain incessantly about how hungry I was and could we please go find some fried chicken. Finally I had to explicitly tell them I wasn't interested. They were really nice about it, so nice that they believed me about being starving and loaded me down with all this fresh produce. I had to walk home at midnight carrying two huge armfuls of cabbage and pears and stuff. All my housemates were up when I got back and wanted to know where I had found a farmer's market so late at night."

    When I was an RA in college, one of my residents had a crush on me that wasn't reciprocated. Her roommate invited me over one night to watch a movie with the two of them, then the roommate left the room. There we were, sitting on the floor, watching some stupid chick flick, when she moved over to sit even closer to me. She grabbed a blanket and threw it over our laps, moving even closer. I knew things were going to be going the way of the smooching and horizontal mambo shortly if things went as she planned, but I was not attracted to her and wanted to the foil the plan as best I could. Thank goodness it was taco night in the cafeteria. Even my eyes watered with the stench and spice of that magnificent fart. And it saved me from doing the hibbidy dibbidy with one of my residents.

    The Old Fried Chicken Excuse

    "A couple once tried to have a threesome with me. They kept trying to touch me and massage me, and my awkward, idiotic attempt at diffusing the situation was to complain incessantly about how hungry I was and could we please go find some fried chicken. Finally I had to explicitly tell them I wasn't interested. They were really nice about it, so nice that they believed me about being starving and loaded me down with all this fresh produce. I had to walk home at midnight carrying two huge armfuls of cabbage and pears and stuff. All my housemates were up when I got back and wanted to know where I had found a farmer's market so late at night."

    It was 2005 or 2006. With some friends at a girl's place. She has a thing for me, but I strongly suspect that she isn't completely mentally stable. We're all on her bed watching Family Guy together. Girl decides she f_cking wants me. Rolls on top of me, pins are arms. Friends are like 'uuuuuh, we're gonna leave' and start to head out. I give them the 'DON'T F_CKING LEAVE ME' eyes. I think fast. Wrestling instincts take over. Flip her over, I'm on top of her with her arms pinned now. She has the 'OH F_CK YES' look in here eyes. I hop up, and 'WOOOP WOOOOP WOOOP WOOOP' Zoidberg crab walk away. She did turn out to be crazy as f*ck. Avoided sticking my d_ck in crazy.

    Last year my birthday happened to be when I was on spring break from university. Fast forward through a long week at home to my birthday night. Cue college kid shenanigans. 3 hours later I'm laying in bed in my friends basement when a girl from the party comes in and lays in the bed. She starts trying to make moves, but because I have a girlfriend I decide that I didn't want anything to do with her. I drop hints that I was too drunk, wasn't feeling it, needed to sleep, and this girl wouldn't let up. I pretended to give up, she started making out with me, and then, I had a stroke of genius. I stuck my finger in her butt, and she replied "I'm not really an anal girl" then promptly left the room. Many laughs have been had over that story

    A few years back, single, and on the mend from a 9 year relationship, I was on Facebook chatting with my Mother's best friend. We were talking about her kids who are my age, and how they've been, and how I wished I had hung out with them more in High School. The conversation becomes a bit more personal, and it migrates to text. She's asking me how big I am, and how she's always been curious. She's a very attractive lady, but 30 years older than I am. Plus, she has a big rack. Which I got to see based off the pictures she started sending me. In a moment of weakness, I decided, I'm going to hit this. I give her my address, and she starts driving over. In a moment of clarity, I realized what was about to happen and started freaking out. I called my Mother shortly before her friend arrived and told her I was homesick. That I missed her cooking. I asked if she could please come over and cook with me. She enthusiastically agreed, and said she'd be right on down! I asked her if she could please call 5-10 minutes before she got there because I may be in the shower. Her friend then arrives, and immediately strips down naked before the door even shuts. She starts straddling me and my phone rings. I pick it up, put it on speaker, and it's my Mother saying she's about 5 minutes away. Her friend had the deer in the headlights look, put her clothes back on, and bolted.

  3. #103
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    Every Christmas my in laws ask me to cook dinner for them. They always want steaks, and I always make sure to cook them exactly as ordered. I've been cooking for years at a restaurant, and now at the firehouse and know my way around a steak. Every year I stand out in the cold and grill their dinner while they sit inside and enjoy the fire. Every year they insist that their steaks are pink. Every year I prove to them that the lighting in the dining room is pinkish and if they would simply come outside and view their steaks in natural light they would know. So I go back outside and grill their steaks until they turn to charcoal to make them happy.
    Every year I have to listen to 6 months of complaints about how f---ing tough the steaks were" Source

  4. #104
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    I had a patient with whom I had a billing dispute refer to me as a horse doctor. In a split second, it just came to me: No, I'm not a veterinarian; perhaps you are confusing me with my father. I think he once treated your mother.

  5. #105
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    "I was working as a junior executive of a private corporation in the mid 70's. I was headed out to a festive lunch on Dec. 23rd with some of my colleagues to celebrate the coming holiday. As I was preparing to leave, the CEO stopped by my office to beg me to pick up a Christmas gift for his wife on my way back because he 'was running late and didn't have a clue' what she might like. He dropped his AmEx credit card on my desk on his way out of the office. I knew better than to say I didn't think it was part of my job description. His wife got a $1,400 hand tailored leather designer purse for Christmas that year. I heard later that she loved it. Funny, my boss never even asked me to get him coffee after that."

  6. #106
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Lakewood, CO
    Some of this is reads like Penthouse Letters.
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  7. #107
    Tribal Warrior AA1OH's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    OK true story. I had neighbors that thought AM and FM stood for American music and Foreign music!
    When I ran the tech lab we had a new engineer come in and after a hour pawing through our resistor pile I asked her if I could help. She said she was looking for a 10K resistor. Looking over her shoulder I reached in and picked one up and gave it to her. She looked puzzled at it and said "it does not look like it should, it is not zig-zag like the drawing".
    I thought religions were prophet based organizations.
    What do you mean I am out of money? I still have checks!
    Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic

  8. #108
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    When I was in kindergarten, I drew a male ghost going to the bathroom. I had older brothers, so it was very detailed (and I even put a water-line on the testicles...because that is where I thought urine was stored). The teachers and principal called in my parents for a "serious conference" and asked my dad what he was going to do about the picture. After my dad finished laughing, he told them that he was going to make copies and send them to all of his friends and relatives for Halloween. And he did. That was 40 years ago...and I still have a few extra copies if any of you need them. Oh, and I found out that balls do not, in fact, store urine.

  9. #109
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Lakewood, CO
    ^^^ Avatar material!
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  10. #110
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    Lake Michigan Beach MI
    So... there's this sign above the sink at work: "Please do not throw away the wire sink strainer".

    This bothered me... who would throw away a sink strainer??

    So to test reality... I decided to throw away the fire extinguisher which was next to the note.

    Three days later.... no note about the fire extinguisher- but there's a new fire extinguisher.

    So I put up a note which said "Do not throw out the fire extinguisher".

    Boss stopped by and told me "Good idea".
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

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