I bought an EZ-Hang a few months ago to do antenna work here as this really screwed up state won't allow sling shot sales. If they had them at Wallyworld or the neighborhood gun shop I would have saved about 90 bucks. The EZ-Hang came with an extra band, too.
My experience, don't use those silly 1 ounce weights, first one I shot up into the tree is still there and won't come down. I used a 5 ounce that I have a few of and on the first shot got it over a 50 foot high limb. I detached the weight, attached my roll of yellow mason twine that I've had for quite a while and hauled that back over the branch with the fishing reel. Then used that twine to haul up my primary black rope and then my Off Center Fed Dipole. It's currently at 45 feet because of a lower branch that is in the way.
Having fun on HF all over again. We've had some wet and windy weather so haven't been able to shoot it higher because of that. And the leaves have come out really fast this year, too. I'm hoping to shoot it up over another branch about 70 feet up. The tree is really close to the house so it's almost a straight up and straight down shot.