So I go out to the mail box yesterday morning and fetch the mail. Much to my surprise there was a Gilet power glide (think that is what it is called) in a box with an X-mas card on it. The company sent me a new razor with a 5 blade pack. Now I have used these before and I dont find them to be better than my mach 3 in fact they have too many blades and irritate my face or at least my fusion 5 did.
Anyway, Im not complaining as I just got 25$ worth of razor heads.
Now I am sure that other people get these sample things for free but it makes me wonder if those anonymous surveys are really anonymous. Example: Last time I partook in a walmart survey I got a gift card in the mail. Though, I suppose they mean anonymous to the general public.
On the other hand my mother takes surveys just to get sample packs of razors, toothpaste, coupons, gift cards, etc. To my surprise most of the time they work.
Anyone else partake in such surveys? If so why? (I do so for game credits)