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Thread: Pocket Oscilloscope

  1. #1
    Kilroy08 W3MPS's Avatar
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    Pocket Oscilloscope

    I've always wanted to add an oscilloscope to the work bench.

    Browsing through eBay, I found this... 95#shId

    Has anybody heard or read anything about it yet?

    For 72 MHz of bandwidth and only being the size of an overgrown Ipod, it looks like it might be useful for poking around HF equipment.

    Given my preference, I would like an old 4 channel 200MHz Tektronix. However, this little guy appears to be a more convenient size.

  2. #2
    Orca Whisperer N1LAF's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Kilroy08 W3MPS's Avatar
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    Too close to Salem Island
    Cool, thank you.

    I guess I should have been more clear. I would love to have a Tektronix but do not have the room for it. The pocket scope looks like what would fit the bill for size constraints.

    Apparently it has its own wiki

    After some poking around I found I can get it in a snazzy black anodized case, with custom engraving too! The more I read about it, the higher my curiosity quotient rises.

    I'm a little cautious though. Some Chinese stuff is great (my MIG welder), others aren't even worth the precious metal content (or lack thereof) of their circuit boards (POS multi meters). I don't want to end up with a $200 paperweight.

  4. #4
    Orca Whisperer N1LAF's Avatar
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    For logic analyzer work, check this out...

  5. #5
    Orca Whisperer N1LAF's Avatar
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    With the introduction of USB 3.0, we may see more in USB based analog scopes, which will be very nice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Did you read the fine print on that item? "If items do not arrive in 30 weeks, pls fee free to contact us."

  7. #7
    La Rata Del Desierto K7SGJ's Avatar
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    Not being sure of what "poking around HF equipment" means, I'd give that thing a lot thought prior to purchase. To me, it's more of a novelty than a tool. As Keli noted, the delivery time is a red flag. I have questions on quality and manufacturers support. How well does it work in RF environments? What is warranty, and how is warranty service obtained? Is there any support available in the US? Actually, the list goes on and on. My recommendation would be to find an older (way less $$) tube/transistor scope. Although bigger, they are more forgiving, and well proven over the years. After you've become comfortable and more proficient using a scope, and seeing what frequency of use and applications you actually have, then do some searching for a scope that will satisfy your needs. Like most hams, you'll probably find you will only have ocassional use for a scope, and they are nice to have when you need one. However, there is no need to tie up a lot of $$ on something that will not get a lot of use, or break the first time you use it. The money you will save buying an older tube or solid state Oscope, can be put towards other test equipment you will need. Just my dual coppers worth.
    A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory


  8. #8
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    I found a Tektronix 2445 (150 Mhz, 4ch) on eBay that had it's the auction end at about 3AM. That time frame usually works well. Kept an eye on it for a buddy, got it for $225 including shipping. He never used it in three years, so it's mine now. I paid him what he had in it. Lotsa probes too.

    Having the 4 channels is really nice, I can monitor the station RF out and still have two channels for the bench.
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  9. #9
    Silent Key Member 5-25-2015 W1GUH's Avatar
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    I've been asking around about pocket 'scopes, and so far I haven't found anybody who's messed with one. Haven't even seen 'em at hamfests. I'm kinda thinking vaporware? at this time?
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  10. #10
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Bandwidth seems to be low (1 Mhz here) for a lot of Ham Radio uses, but even Amazon has them...
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

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