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Thread: Was this the first potty-humor joke you heard?

  1. #1
    Silent Key Member 5-25-2015 W1GUH's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Was this the first potty-humor joke you heard?

    It was for a bunch of us in my age group......

    There was a highway engineer who was surveying a new road out west. The route he picked ran right through an Indian reservation. In fact, right throug the chief's teepee, that would be Chief Bawas.

    So the engineer went up to the brave outside the chief's teepee and told him of his plight, and that he wanted to negotiate the terms of an agreement that would allow him to use his preferred route, right through the chief's teepee.

    The brave went inside the teepee for a little while, and when he emereged he said...

    "Chief Bawas no move!"

    Now the engineer mis-heard what the brave said and thought he was talking about the chief's medical condition. So he told the brave that the chief should see a doctor.

    The chief went to see a doctor and said, "Bawas no move." The doctor gave him some laxitive pills and sent him on his way.

    A little while later the engineer came back and asked the brave if the chief had re-considered his offer. The brave again went into the chief's tent, and when he emerged said,

    "Chief Bawas still no move."

    This alarmed the engineer and again he said the chief should see the doctor again. So he did, told the doctor "Bawas still no move" and came out with a whole box of laxitive pills.

    Another week or two passed and the scenario was played out again.

    "Bawas no move"
    "See a doctor"
    And this time the doctor sent the chief home with a whole case of laxitives.

    And again...this time the chief left with a wheelbarrow full of laxitives.

    Finally, the engineer came back and again asked the brave if he could route the road through the chief's tent.

    The brave replied,

    "Chief Bawas gotta move. Teepee full of shit."
    If it's a war on drugs, then free the POW's.

  2. #2
    SK Member 5/14/15 rot's Avatar
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    Had to be the old "Kicking the bear in the ice-hole joke". Pretty tame on the surface, but a primer sanctioned by the patriarch which lead to a more colorful dinnertime conversation. Defineitly my dad's all time fave. Another was the "Wish you had 2 hats cause I'd like to shit in one of them", but I forget the particulars on that one.
    Anyhoo..This just comes from family based dinner chat recall ca. mid to late 60's. Probably some earlier filth noted, but not accepted nor framed in the nuclear family settings which is the benchmark I generally use as a guide to foulmouthedness in tx or rx.

    Thanksgiving is a great time to introduce joke telling to the younger crowd...but a planned path is recommended or one can surely piss off the parents. I have used the ice hole joke around the 8 to 10 year old ones with not so much parental browbeating to date and still consider it to be a safe bet.

    It's alway good to hear a kid deliver a joke. I will always laugh somehow.
    Anyhoo...Enjoy your fam this year...YMMV,
    "In the field of opportunity, it's plowing time again."

  3. #3
    Master Navigator HUGH's Avatar
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    Shropshire, UK.
    Person A:

    This b....y toilet is no use at all
    The seat is too high and the hole is too small!

    Person B:

    To this I must add the obvious retort
    Your arse is too big and your legs are too short!

    (Apologies for the minor difference in language).

  4. #4
    Orca Whisperer
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Buffalo, NY
    First potty-humor joke?

    "Spell icup!"


    Big Giant Meteor 2020 - We need to make Earth Great Again

  5. #5
    Silent Key Member 5-25-2015 W1GUH's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KC2UGV View Post
    First potty-humor joke?

    "Spell icup!"



    Reminds me of...

    ABCD puppies
    LMNO puppies

    What does that say?


    Great story of family holiday dinners. But, up to a certain age my parents were very, very stern about that. When I was about 13 I got ketchup on a cut and said it, "Hurts like the devil!" I got yelled at and had to change that to "hurt like the Dickens!"
    If it's a war on drugs, then free the POW's.

  6. #6
    La Rata Del Desierto K7SGJ's Avatar
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    I did something similar, but said aw shit. I think I still have the belt marks on my ass.
    A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory


  7. #7
    Silent Key Member 5-25-2015 W1GUH's Avatar
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    Ah, yes, Dad's belt.
    If it's a war on drugs, then free the POW's.

  8. #8
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Lakewood, CO
    Not the first, but I told a really funny "spoof" scary campfire story, Boy Scouts, circa 1967:

    A traveller got into town late, and tried to get a room at a motel.
    No motel rooms, but there was a large cottage available. The motel
    manager said it rent it at half price because it was "haunted".

    The traveller laughed and said he wasn't worried. In the wee hours of
    the morning, he was awakened by tiny echoing voices...

    "If the log shall turn, we shall drown".

    Wandering through the rooms, the voices were coming from the bathroom.
    Creeping up slowly, turned on the lights, and stopped the voices. He turns
    off the light and heads back to bed, but soon hears it again...

    "If the log shall turn, we shall drown".

    This time he uses a small candle, and creeps in slowly, hering again...

    "If the log shall turn, we shall drown".

    Looks into the toilet bowl, spies two ants on top of a huge turd saying...

    "If the log shall turn, we shall drown".

    Did it up right with the scary flashlight look, the other kids never expected the punchline.

    Learned that from an Uncle of mine.

    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

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