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Thread: stuff for sale NOT MINE is he giving up?

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  1. #1
    Witch Doctor
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    stuff for sale NOT MINE is he giving up?


    • Cushcraft A3S, 3-element trapped 3-Bander [20/15/10]
    • Hy-Gain DB-1015A. Rare 3-element trapped Duo-Bander [10/15]
    • Wilson System-1. 5-element trapped 3-Bander [20/15/10]Expertly refurbished by me several years ago. Very strong mechanically & performance wise. My best antenna before my current 5-element monobander.
    • 4-element Gem Quad. Canadian classic, reportedly still in production.Typically configured as a 3-5 Bander [20/17/15/12/10]. Relatively small turning radius for a 4-element Quad.
    • Delta Loop Antennas DL 1520. 4-element “Big Horn” Delta Loop Duo-Bander [20/15].
    • 2-element Gem Quad. Typically configured as a 3-5 Bander [20/17/15/12/10]. Unparalleled Quad performance in a tight turning radius/package.
    • Hy-Gain 103BA “Long John” 3-element 10m Monobander
    • Avanti PDL-2. Famous/innovative/unique 11 or 10m 2-element Quad. Put it up as designed – or make it into a 4-element Quagi as I was going to do – and have “bragging rights” on 10m.
    • Starduster M 400 elegant 11 & 10m vertical in near-NEW condition
    • 5-element wide-spaced 6m Yagi on a 16’ boom
    • 5-element wide-spaced 2m Yagi
    • HD Commerical-Grade 2m Corner Reflector – for those of you on the dark side of the moon needing a bit of help reaching the bright lights of the city
    • Commercial-Grade 2m/220/440 half-parabolic picket-fence type reflector [NEW in the box] – ditto about bright lights, above
    • ~5’ DIA Commercial parabolic Ku-Band fibreglass satellite dish & galvanized roof stand – for your amateur satellite experiments?
    • ~8’ DIA ex-SAT TV C-Band expanded-mesh type aluminium parabolic dish & mount – more ‘umpf’ for your amateur satellite work?
    • HD Satellite Dish Mount (elevation hand-crank adjustable) – suitable for/ready to be modified for amateur satellite tracking?


    • Yaesu G-800 Rotator & Control
    • Hy-Gain HAM M & CD 45 & similar non-wedge-brake ‘Bell’ types
    • Hy-Gain HAM III & IV types w/ wedge-brake


    • NEW LMR-900-FR Type CMR/MPR Times Microwave 68999 ~7/8” OD braided copper shield w/ ~3/16” hollow-copper-tube center conductor ~220’ end roll – for your ‘tube w/ handles’ QRO application [Nitrogen NOT included, HI]
    • NEW Unmarked CATV type 75 Ohm coax ~11/16” OD solid aluminium shield w/ 1/8” solid copper center conductor ~207’ end roll
    • NEW Times Microwave LMR-400 partial roll – will cut to order
    • NEW Times Microwave RG-11 partial roll – will cut to order
    • NEW Belden 9880 very low loss 50 Ohm w/ solid center conductor
    • NEW Belden 89880 very low loss 50 Ohm w/ solid center conductor
    • Several reasonably-long lengths of USED Heliax in good condition

    Too many antennas & such – too little space & time
    Name: Karol, VE7KFM
    Ph: (250) 383-4242 [often on Answering Machine]
    Email: VE7KFM at gmail dot com
    Sept 8/11
    Sarcasm is a Body's Natural Defense Against Stupid

  2. #2
    Anti-Winlink Warlord ki4itv's Avatar
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    Might be forced out.
    But, I can think of a few people who could use that phone number.

    No radios? I'm pretty sure dudette had a radio.

    "Bacon, Beans and Limousines"
    "Actually, it's a Democratic Republic; Democratic comes first".
    Please don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is obviously me, But my attitude depends largely upon you.

  3. #3
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Folks...he's got a 5el 20M monobander...and that isn't on the list.

    My bet?

    Acquiring funds for another "toob with handols" to replace the bad one currently in his amplifier.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  4. #4
    Anti-Winlink Warlord ki4itv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    Folks...he's got a 5el 20M monobander...and that isn't on the list.

    My bet?

    Acquiring funds for another "toob with handols" to replace the bad one currently in his amplifier.
    Yea, noticed the rig and the 20m beam missing from the list.
    I found him up above 14.300 not too long ago. I sort of speculated that "The Tube w/Handles" may have torched the ends of the driven element on that beam a little, making him move up in freq to find its sweet spot again. He always claimed .275 was where that antenna shined, and it was his whether you like it or not.

    "Bacon, Beans and Limousines"
    "Actually, it's a Democratic Republic; Democratic comes first".
    Please don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is obviously me, But my attitude depends largely upon you.

  5. #5
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ki4itv View Post
    I found him up above 14.300 not too long ago. I sort of speculated that "The Tube w/Handles" may have torched the ends of the driven element on that beam a little, making him move up in freq to find its sweet spot again. He always claimed .275 was where that antenna shined, and it was his whether you like it or not.
    The "sweet spot" is wherever his targetsantagonists hang out, regardless of where the antenna is tuned. It goes without saying that all the supporting actors will be along to play their parts.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  6. #6
    Island Canuck VE7DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    Folks...he's got a 5el 20M monobander...and that isn't on the list.

    My bet?

    Acquiring funds for another "toob with handols" to replace the bad one currently in his amplifier.
    Agreed ...... Mr. Kooky seems to be having problems with the "tube with handles" especially during 45 minute keydown rants and continously playing 19 minute long jamming recordings. He's consolidating funds to rebuild that piece of garbage microwave part amplifier....... and besides,he uses an FT 990, and thats not listed anywhere either
    Why,driving into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, would I expect it not to hurt!

    Walk and Talk like a Canajun!!

  7. #7
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    A four element Gem Quad? Oh, how my heart aches for one of those in the back yard...
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  8. #8
    Conch Master KJ3N's Avatar
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    That reminds me...... I really should decide whether I want to put the VHF/UHF/SHF array back up, or put together the old SkyWalker 15m 4-element beam I acquired.... that's never been out of the box. :chin:
    Last edited by KJ3N; 09-15-2011 at 09:20 AM. Reason: skywalker, not skyhawk
    "People Who Don't Want Their Beliefs Laughed at Shouldn't Have Such Funny Beliefs" -AD5MB

    "If someone tells you he believes in and talks to an invisible bunny named Harvey, you put him on medication and a regimen of therapy. If someone tells you he believes in and talks to God, well, that's perfectly acceptable. Why that's the case is impossible for me to fathom." - WP2XX

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  9. #9
    Island Canuck VE7DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VE7MGF View Post
    • Cushcraft A3S, 3-element trapped 3-Bander [20/15/10]
    • Hy-Gain DB-1015A. Rare 3-element trapped Duo-Bander [10/15]
    • Wilson System-1. 5-element trapped 3-Bander [20/15/10]Expertly refurbished by me several years ago. Very strong mechanically & performance wise. My best antenna before my current 5-element monobander.
    • 4-element Gem Quad. Canadian classic, reportedly still in production.Typically configured as a 3-5 Bander [20/17/15/12/10]. Relatively small turning radius for a 4-element Quad.
    • Delta Loop Antennas DL 1520. 4-element “Big Horn” Delta Loop Duo-Bander [20/15].
    • 2-element Gem Quad. Typically configured as a 3-5 Bander [20/17/15/12/10]. Unparalleled Quad performance in a tight turning radius/package.
    • Hy-Gain 103BA “Long John” 3-element 10m Monobander
    • Avanti PDL-2. Famous/innovative/unique 11 or 10m 2-element Quad. Put it up as designed – or make it into a 4-element Quagi as I was going to do – and have “bragging rights” on 10m.
    • Starduster M 400 elegant 11 & 10m vertical in near-NEW condition
    • 5-element wide-spaced 6m Yagi on a 16’ boom
    • 5-element wide-spaced 2m Yagi
    • HD Commerical-Grade 2m Corner Reflector – for those of you on the dark side of the moon needing a bit of help reaching the bright lights of the city
    • Commercial-Grade 2m/220/440 half-parabolic picket-fence type reflector [NEW in the box] – ditto about bright lights, above
    • ~5’ DIA Commercial parabolic Ku-Band fibreglass satellite dish & galvanized roof stand – for your amateur satellite experiments?
    • ~8’ DIA ex-SAT TV C-Band expanded-mesh type aluminium parabolic dish & mount – more ‘umpf’ for your amateur satellite work?
    • HD Satellite Dish Mount (elevation hand-crank adjustable) – suitable for/ready to be modified for amateur satellite tracking?
    • Yaesu G-800 Rotator & Control
    • Hy-Gain HAM M & CD 45 & similar non-wedge-brake ‘Bell’ types
    • Hy-Gain HAM III & IV types w/ wedge-brake
    • NEW LMR-900-FR Type CMR/MPR Times Microwave 68999 ~7/8” OD braided copper shield w/ ~3/16” hollow-copper-tube center conductor ~220’ end roll – for your ‘tube w/ handles’ QRO application [Nitrogen NOT included, HI]
    • NEW Unmarked CATV type 75 Ohm coax ~11/16” OD solid aluminium shield w/ 1/8” solid copper center conductor ~207’ end roll
    • NEW Times Microwave LMR-400 partial roll – will cut to order
    • NEW Times Microwave RG-11 partial roll – will cut to order
    • NEW Belden 9880 very low loss 50 Ohm w/ solid center conductor
    • NEW Belden 89880 very low loss 50 Ohm w/ solid center conductor
    • Several reasonably-long lengths of USED Heliax in good condition
    Too many antennas & such – too little space & time
    Name: Karol, VE7KFM
    Ph: (250) 383-4242 [often on Answering Machine]
    Email: VE7KFM at gmail dot com
    Sept 8/11
    I've heard a report that about half of the stuff in this list MAY HAVE BEEN stolen from another Amateur Radio OP ....... I'll try to get more information on this!
    Why,driving into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, would I expect it not to hurt!

    Walk and Talk like a Canajun!!

  10. #10
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VE7DCW View Post
    I've heard a report that about half of the stuff in this list MAY HAVE BEEN stolen from another Amateur Radio OP ....... I'll try to get more information on this!
    Maybe the Canadian authorities will finally have something to use against the guy to get him off the air. Industry Canada sure doesn't seem to be very interested in doing anything about him.

    Last edited by NQ6U; 09-20-2011 at 09:26 PM.
    All the world’s a stage, but obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.

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