Now that I have VHF (2 meter) capabilities back I am noticing one thing. The activity on most of the local repeaters is extremely sparse. Even on some of the wide area coverage machines they remain more or less silent through most of the day with a little bit sporadic activity throughout the day. In any event the activity on the local 2 meter repeaters today seems to pale in comparison with the activity that was on there 15 years ago. In those days it was hard to find a moment when the repeaters weren;t busy with multiple stations checking in and operating. In those days it was rare that I could turn on my radio and not hear any activity. These days I can monitor for hours on end and hear nobody... except maybe an occasional KER-CHUNK or a CW identifier.
Anyone else noticing less activity on the 2 meter scene in their areas ? Or is it just me ? In some ways I like it better this way. Seems like in the old days it was always one or two stations dominating the repeaters day and night. On the other hand a quiet band doesn't sound too good when one needs to make the arguement that the spectrum is needed for ham radio operations...