I am wanting to build a good performing set with the Diodes Cor sent me. (thanx again Cor)
Slowly figuring out where I want to go with such a "simple" radio is starting to get confusing. Been looking around at a bunch of the crystal radio sites, Do it this way not that, NO!! don't do it that way either!! here's another way etc etc etc.
Went to one web site and they call the basic coil the "crappy coil" method.
Another site claims that PVC is better over cardboard ("you can't use cardboard for the coil form because of moisture affecting the "Q") only to find a dozen different designs using Oatmeal, Salt boxes, or even a paper towel roll for a switchable band SW rig.
Also you have sites using loose coupling of either the antenna, detector, or BOTH for "Better performance" with little or no mention of how to calculate the additional coil inductance's ( besides the tuning coil itself ) etc.
So you have the choice of the
"crappy coil"(basic air wound coil)
"Spider coil"
"Basket weave coil"
or something like one of those 1920's jobs .....
all with or without loose coupling.
Then you have the wire choices
Since D.C.C. is all but extinct
You are pretty much down to the debate of
Litz wire (for Higher Q coils)
Enameled wire
Coil Diameter
vs Wire resistance
vs Freq
Vs Q.........
Of course don't forget to throw in all the different flavors of wave traps, output impedance, full wave vs 1/2 wave rectification, audio transformers, and headphone debates.....