Quote Originally Posted by W3WN View Post
Ahem. Getting back to our regularly scheduled thread, already diverted in tangent...

If you're going to run phone on SKN, for those who aren't code aficionados, no problem.

But stay in the spirit of SKN.

The whole point is to use an old fashioned key... no paddles, no electronic keyers, and I believe the original intent was no bugs, though I may be wrong on that.

So... a phone version should mean AM. Double sideband full carrier Amplitude Modulated phone. No reduced or suppresed carriers, no single sideband, no FM, no digital voice or VoIP.

IMHO. Of course, I could be wrong.
From what little I've heard of AM on 75m, I could never be that in love with the sound of my own voice. :roll: :bfd: