So. i got talking with someone today about internet speeds and how when it comes to the internet and the USA. well we just f'n suck.
Are we even in the top 10? nope.
top 20? not at all
were 28th down, and 30th up.
I guess one would expect the USA with all its "might" would be one of the top dogs. but looking at that list, id have to say were pretty pathetic.
now lets look at cost.
Comcrap eh i mean comcast what would you get for $30USD Speeds up to 15 Mbps! so they say.. more like creep along at maybe 2 or 3Mbps .... now lets look at another goodie i found. In Japan for around $20USD 160Mbps!!!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT! 20 bucks for 160meg! yet it costs us 10 dollars more for the crappy 2 to 3 mbs
why are we so far behind? why dose our Internet access suck so much ass?
Oh yea, I forgot we have the Monopoly! yes we have the comcrap with the crappy service they give which will enjoy sucking all that cash right from you and give you shitty service.
What we really need is Multiple Broadband providers in every market. forcing competition. Had we of had this. I bet we would be sitting with 1GB/s connections for $20 a month.
Wouldn't all the competition be the real capitalistic way?
doubt we in America will ever see that. I guess that 3MB/s aint bad for a 3rd world nation.........