... cereal!
Funny stuff but now, like Super Bowl halftime shows, there will never be another NFL cereal due to this "toll free number malfunction!"A few weeks ago, the gleeful NFL villain debuted his own cereal line in Cincinnati – OCHOCINCOs. The breakfast treat was designed in part to push support to the player’s pet charity, called Feed the Children.
On Thursday morning, the cereal was pulled from shelves after an area parent attempted to call the toll-free number on the box – 1-800-HELP-FTC.
When Tara Sand called, she got the following message: “Wanna get off with the sluttiest girls your imagination can dream up?”
Cringingly, someone got their 800-prefixes mixed up. Instead of the charity hotline, the number directs callers to a sex chat line. The correct number begins with 888.