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Thread: It's a respectable footprint...

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Buffalo, NY

    It's a respectable footprint...

    For an ad-hoc setup.

    Antenna: About 8 meters above the ground
    Freq: 145.03MHz
    PWR Out: 35W est.
    Beacon: AX25 beacon, 1 per minute (I think I annoyed some people, but eh, it's a clear channel)

    From the moderate testing done (Beaconing once per minute), my range is about 4 miles (Squelch breaking), and 6 if I open the squelch, and listen by ear for the beacon.

    Pretty respectable, methinks. The antenna needs to go on a tower, though, and at that time, the Belden 8240 will get replaced with something a bit more conducive to VHF/UHF. Also, antenna is a "droopy ground plane", which works well enough, however, I'm looking to build a colinear antenna, that I see in a lot of the professional VHF installs.

    I know, a lot of people are like,"4 miles! That's useless!". A 4 mile radius, however, covers pretty much all of North Buffalo, and then some (Village of Kenmore, Town of Tonawanda, and Grand Island).

    Not bad... Now, if I can just get ANY BBS installed, I'm golden to start offering it to the general public for usage (Gave up on tnos and jnos, both don't seem to want to start, and can't find a Synchronet download location, and MBSE BBS is starting to irk me already).
    Big Giant Meteor 2020 - We need to make Earth Great Again

  2. #2
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Out in the sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by KC2UGV View Post
    Not bad... Now, if I can just get ANY BBS installed, I'm golden to start offering it to the general public for usage (Gave up on tnos and jnos, both don't seem to want to start, and can't find a Synchronet download location, and MBSE BBS is starting to irk me already).
    Get an old DOS box and install MSYS 1.20beta4 (Y2K patch).

    I'll even donate some hardware (mobo, CPU, etc).

    Have about 15 years experience with that package in case you need help with it.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  3. #3
    Orca Whisperer
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Buffalo, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    Get an old DOS box and install MSYS 1.20beta4 (Y2K patch).

    I'll even donate some hardware (mobo, CPU, etc).

    Have about 15 years experience with that package in case you need help with it.
    I just came over here to add in an update :) MBSE is installed, and I think I've gotten it running ok. Screw FBB :)

    I looked at MSYS, but seeing as it's not actively supported, I didn't want to put my eggs in that basket. I mean, I don't really like any of the BBS software out there, as I think it's a wee bit complicated to get set up (Seriously, why is it so hard to find a source code repo for FBB? And, why is every AX25 program in Ubuntu broken in some way?) So, i'm looking into setting up a BBS much in the line of SDF-1 (, and the Sysadmin there is a ham, so he's being very helpful (Down to letting me steal his scripts :p ).

    Playing, playing, playing :) The world of VHF+ is huge...
    Big Giant Meteor 2020 - We need to make Earth Great Again

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