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Thread: Organic Food ??

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer n2ize's Avatar
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    Organic Food ??

    The other day I was visiting some friends and they were watching an online video about the horrors of the food (and in particular the meat) industries. One particular activist appeared over and over in the video talking about how they mistreat cattle, they mistreat their workers, they use illegal labour, the food is processed under deplorable and disease inducing conditions, cruelty, wickedness, etc. The depictions of the horrors of industry were shrouded in tear jerking images of the depression era and Woody Guthrie folksongs sung in a way as to bring forth as much emotion from the viewers as possible. A case was even brought out about one woman who lost a child due to food that was tainted with e.coli. However, in the video I saw no clear connection between the food industry and this particular and unfortunate e. coli incident. E. Coli is a rather common bacteria and can reach the food chain at many different levels.

    The second part of the video we see this same activist just happens to be involved in the production and sale of "organic foods". of course he depicts his "organic food" business in just the opposite of the way he depicted the mainstream food industry. His business is built on humanitarian and environmental principles, traditional farming methods, cleanliness, and upholding the values of the American farmer and the American worker. We also find this same "organic food activist" cozying up to Wall Mart, but with the perfect pitch.... not that he likes Wall Mart's business practices or the way they treat their workers, but, they are selling his products in some of their stores and, that is a big step in creating a sustainable world... Huh ??

    My friends saw this whole production as an expose' on the horrors of the food industry. I saw it as one big sales pitch. You blast the mainstream food industry in an emotion wrapped tear jerker video while promoting your own "organic food" business. The guy even mentions at one point in the video that his environmentalist friends have criticized his cozying up to Wall-Mart. But when he explains the "sustainability" and "traditional environmentally friendly farming" ideal to them their anxieties over Wall-Mart allegedly fade away.

    Of course my friends rolled their eyes when I explained to them that far fewer people die from food poisoning eating mainstream industrial foods nowadays than they did 100-200 years ago when "old fashioned traditional, sustainable" farming and food processing was done. They also rolled their eyes when I mentioned that on average people live longer today than they did 100-200 years ago. I guess facts are meaningless when emotions take over reason.

    I am not trying to say that everything pointed out in the video was wrong. I am sure that a lot of the criticisms of todays mainstream food industry that were shown in the video are quite valid and there probably is a need for some kind of regulations to force the food industry to clean up its act

    Nonetheless, a sales pitch is a sales pitch and this video appeared nothing more than that. It's amazing how people are so easily swayed. Besides, isn't all food "organic" ?
    I keep my 2 feet on the ground, and my head in the twilight zone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    My dad will be 94 next month. he worked in a petrochemical refinery in Philadelphia, and ate working man's food and meat all his life.

  3. #3
    SK Member (12/16/2011) W3MIV's Avatar
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    I much prefer inorganic food, myself. I will admit, however, much of it is harder to chew.
    73 de Albi

    Veritas vos liberabit!

    "We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us." --- Jean-Paul Sartre.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I prefer Mexican food!

  5. #5
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3MIV View Post
    I much prefer inorganic food, myself. I will admit, however, much of it is harder to chew.
    Yes, silica is hard on the teeth. It does, however, provide a nice crunch.
    All the world’s a stage, but obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.

  6. #6
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3MIV View Post
    I much prefer inorganic food, myself. I will admit, however, much of it is harder to chew.
    Yupper. Water is my favorite inorganic food, personally consume mass quantities.
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'll bet you're a real pisser.
    Last edited by kc7jty; 09-20-2010 at 07:31 PM.

  8. #8
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kc7jty View Post
    My dad will be 94 next month. he worked in a petrochemical refinery in Philadelphia, and ate working man's food and meat all his life.
    (obligatory chemical preservatives comment)

  9. #9
    Witch Doctor
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    i work in the fire suppression industry and i visit so called organic food growers lets just say the hygiene of these places
    is of dubious quality i find dairy farms cleaner in the food prep area
    Sarcasm is a Body's Natural Defense Against Stupid

  10. #10
    SK Member (12/16/2011) W3MIV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KG4CGC View Post
    (obligatory chemical preservatives comment)
    Butylated hydroxytoluene can keep damn near anything from going rancid.
    73 de Albi

    Veritas vos liberabit!

    "We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us." --- Jean-Paul Sartre.

    "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past." --- George Orwell.

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