An ongoing thread to discuss these rigs.

I currently own two - a 3031A ('VFO' tunable) and a 3030AR (decade-based, thumbwheel switch frequency entry). The 'R' suffix designated a RTTY filter and the 3030's now resides in the 3031.

Hot on the list of wants are the 3041 and 3040. Differences between the two series is that the latter offered LSB as a mode/filter option, whereas the 303x series offered RTTY.

Thanks to a Bulgarian Connection, I have enough 4.998 and 5.000 MHz crystals to build a bunch of the 4-pole LSB or RTTY filter boards that were offered with the receivers. Anyone needing one can get in touch.

I also have the schematic for an ISB option board and may try to duplicate it, albeit with some additional DSP filtering incorporated.

The 303x/304x line is considered the shizzit for LF/MF DXing, and I've managed to snag a fair number of NDBs using mine.