Good morning!
HOOO somebody has an axe to grind...and they are grinding that bitch on 14.300! Hardcore interference (music...assorted digital modes...stupid stuff) anyhow, just listening down here in the basement.
Good morning!
HOOO somebody has an axe to grind...and they are grinding that bitch on 14.300! Hardcore interference (music...assorted digital modes...stupid stuff) anyhow, just listening down here in the basement.
Yeah...I'm a furry...Deal with it!
That's pretty much where the knobs from both sides of the rig hang out.
The unusually serious ones, AND the unusually unusual ones.
"Bacon, Beans and Limousines"
"Actually, it's a Democratic Republic; Democratic comes first".
Please don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is obviously me, But my attitude depends largely upon you.
On now, sounds quite civil on 14.300
I heard somebody asking if they had seen his/her (not quite sure) dingy the other day. Every time they'd ask for check-ins the guy would ask....or accuse them of stealing his dingy. I laughed my but off.
Great... Ham radio is fast becoming just like 11 meters.
For a self selected few, it always was "like 11 meters". As a young SWL, the discovery of annoyed and angry AMers on 75 and 20 meters was very lulzy.
I learned that SSB was evil, as proclaimed by prophecy. True Story
Of course I had to listen to the SSB after that, and I built a BFO kit for my Zenith.
Last edited by WØTKX; 08-29-2010 at 06:54 AM.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman
Still got that BeFO OM?
The MMSN and the Intercon nets have ALWAYS drawn their share of detractors. As far back as 1981, K4MME, W1GM et al were giving those nets hell over some of their questionable practices and the press has shown no signs of abatement to this day.
I'm going to have to lay some of the blame at the feet of both the NCS and the nets' various backers. Contrary to what many of them think, 14.300 is not an "ongoing, declared emergency frequency" and they don't own it - or any other piece of spectrum, for that matter.
You let the FCC drop the ball with regards to enforcement and the events of 14.313 are going to pale in comparison. Another 'BARF' will rise to the occasion. I practically guarantee it.
"Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."