Finally had a little time to sit down in front of the rig last night (between overtime, extras shifts, dress rehersals, and play performances I've had NO appreciable spare time in the evenings, and danged if work didn't keep me busy all day). Discovered I'd accidentally mucked up the notch filter settings as well, which explains why I couldn't hear much when I only had a spare minute or 3... still learning the new-to-me rig.
Heard E4X loud and clear coming in on 40 CW. Of course, then the tuner-uppers and UP senders and all the rest found them too , but I could filter them out. But, sad to say, 45 minutes of a hot pile-up, no soap, no love. And then they went QRT.
Went up to 30, started listening around. Sunnova Beach, there's a weak CQ NA signal from E4X!! Got him on the 2nd call!
Then I look at the cluster. Right about the time I worked him, E4X was spotted, with a few wags wondering if he was, ah, kosher. Checked the on-line log this morning, and there I am.
One more closer to 300 entities worked and confirmed!
...of course, nothing around here goes smoothly. The fan in the shack computer's PS decided to go kaput last night, which takes my log out of commission until I get that replaced. Figures...