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Thread: Blivets of Stealth.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    On an Island of Islands, EL09sl

    Blivets of Stealth.


    As we are all aware electronic warfare is a never ending game, as soon as somebody comes up with something a countermeasure is invented.
    RADAR is one prime example, jamming and stealth are the watch words.
    But, an anti-stealth is out.
    The way stealth works is by absorbing or deflecting a RADAR signal so that there is little return signal to the emitter.
    Well, there is now a counter measure for this.
    The unit I have had a chance to observe works by having a RADAR unit in the nose of an aircraft that would appear to be quite normal.
    However there are 2 wingtip mounted transmitters that may be full RADAR units or just transmitters.
    The units in the wingtips transmit under a master controller and the nose unit only receives.
    The moisture in the air gives a given amount of reflection, that is how weather RADAR works.
    There is also a baseline of noise.
    However a stealth aircraft leaves a "hole" in the air that is very much detectable by this scheme.
    I only know this, the 2 transmitters are very much synced, both in frequency as well as timing of the pulses, very very precise control.
    Everything else is just an educated guess.

  2. #2
    Orca Whisperer
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    Is this anything like Bracers of Strength?
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  3. #3
    Forum Addict w3bny's Avatar
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    I was always under the impression that a blivet was 10 pounds of poop stuffed into a 5 pound container.
    Yeah...I'm a furry...Deal with it!

  4. #4
    SK Member (12/2/2011)
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    Quote Originally Posted by w3bny View Post
    I was always under the impression that a blivet was 10 pounds of poop stuffed into a 5 pound container.

    And on top of that the word "stealth" aircraft only applies to certain types of radar. There have always been radars that could detect a stealth aircraft as what it actually is, they're just not normally used by many countries/militaries because of the high expense involved.

  5. #5
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    Blivot seems to be contrived from blip and divot, and yes, I spelled it wrong.
    The absence of a blip, a hole torn in the fabric of the ether, or at least it sounds good. ;)

  6. #6
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Being a pseudo term blivot, blivet, blivit or pretty much anything you like is correct.
    "The absence of a blip, a hole torn in the fabric of the ether, or at least it sounds good."
    The concept goes WAY back, probably before the first time I saw it in Star Trek when the presence of a cloaked object was revealed by the absence of stars, a hole in space.
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    73 de Warren KB2VXA
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  7. #7
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    The concept goes WAY back, probably before the first time I saw it in Star Trek when the presence of a cloaked object was revealed by the absence of stars, a hole in space.
    A true 'cloak' will utilize some form of lensing to warp radiation (light, radar energy, etc) around it in such a fashion that the cloaked object projects the image of whatever is behind it to the viewers. "Behind" being a relative term and directly applicable to point-of-view.

    This technology is being looked at by the research departments of a couple of universities.
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  8. #8
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    Yes, it is in fact an experiment, but there is now a working model.
    Science fiction is now fast becoming science fact, just look at RADAR and TV for prime examples.
    Teleportation is now a reality, if only on a very limited scale.
    Things are moving, and moving fast.
    Convergence, like in your computer doing just about everything, here now.
    Prior to that the home entertainment center was it, and the only reason it did not incorporate the telephone was due to the Bell System and its pesky rules.
    Ma Bell pushed 'Picture Phone', something that was not ready for prime time, not for technical reasons but social, nobody wants to be able to be watched at a moments notice.
    The jet car is here, sort of, hovercraft.
    Jet packs are not practical but do exist.
    The mini "helicopter" is here in the form of the Benson Gyrocopter.
    Wings you simply strap on have been around for over 100 years.

  9. #9
    SK Member (12/2/2011)
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    A true 'cloak' will utilize some form of lensing to warp radiation (light, radar energy, etc) around it in such a fashion that the cloaked object projects the image of whatever is behind it to the viewers. "Behind" being a relative term and directly applicable to point-of-view.

    This technology is being looked at by the research departments of a couple of universities.
    I bought my cloaking device from the Romulans at a local 'fest, works like a charm.


  10. #10
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N4VGB View Post
    I bought my cloaking device from the Romulans at a local 'fest, works like a charm.

    Just watch the phase inversions, especially around deposits of trylithium.
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