I have often thought about getting my extra. Though Im not entirely sure why. TBH and everyone knows this, my interest is in listening and learning. Im not really that big on the communications aspect of the hobby (well, my communicating anyway). I suppose that part of me wants it so that if there is someone that I want to strike up a conversation with in a segment of a band that I can not currently use then I could do so.
Another thought was to get it and become a VE. This is mostly because we do not have a great deal of VE's at the local testing session and sometimes sessions get canceled because we dont have enough VE's. Guess there is a lack of interest in becoming a VE.
I havent studied for my extra in..um...well..idk many months I lost interest and never have taken it. But after taking a practice test today and a few nights ago (took three at that time) I scored 65% + without studying each time. :chin: So I am thinking about giving the theory a once over every weekend for the next two weeks and giving it a whirl.
What says you? OFC I know there isnt a downside to taking my extra. I was actually wondering about the VE thing. Any naysayers and if so, why?