It would seem that I no longer have time to live in the shack..thus is life. I am working a lot, go to school, and have a life outside of work, school, and radio..aka I climbed out of my antisocial shadow. Ive never been much of a mobile op but it seems that I really have no choice at this point if I want more than a hr or two a week of air time. I drive an hr each way to work then go directly to school. While at school I have a two hr down period with nothing to do other than study which is something I do at home not between classes because it makes me flustered just coming from work and all but that is not relevant to the conversation.

Ok so my question is this. What do I use as a mobile rig? First I will tell you the intended use. I am not much for FM by any means. I enjoy ssb and am and normally 75/80m, 40m, 20m, 10m, 2m, or 70cm. More than likely the most often used bands will be 2m and 10m ssb and I was even thinking 6m.

Most of the op time will be stationary atop of a 5 story parking garage and not really mobile at all but the antennas will still have to be mounted to the car as a tripod or other temporary setup would not only be a hassle but near impossible in the restricted space. Thus a portable is not out of the question but...not really what I want in this situation.

Though I don't particularly care for the 857 I wont rule it out. And I had a 706 which I liked but did not love. Then you have the 7000 which I already have in the house and I am not only familiar with it but I rather enjoy it. And though I think I would be happiest with a 7000 Im not really sure that I need it. I mean yes it is nice and I enjoy using mine in the house but this station will be a compromise anyway. It wont boil down to the cost as that really isnt a factor for me at this point I could comfortably buy any of the above listed. Though I do not intend to waste money...why vest so much cash into something if I could get by fine with something of lesser expense. Does that make sense or did I just contradict myself...No being able to afford something and buying it are different I suppose.

Anyway my views on the 857. Im not fond of it when it comes to 2m ssb/70cm ssb which will be the rigs primary use. Though I suppose this could be fixed assuming the optional filters function not only on hf but vhf/uhf as well which I assume they do but I have not researched it. And I do not draw this conclusion with the use of one 857 but many. I also did not like the FT-100/d of which I have have had both.

The 706. While I liked mine and was content with it I was also not overly enthused with the performance on 2m/70cm ssb or am for that matter. Again this could likely be fixed with a wide ssb filter..I like a wide filter btw..just better pitch and tone for my listening comforts.

You all have read my reviews on the 7000 by this point I am sure and if not have seen my post on how I enjoy it in one thread or another. So really there is no need to re-emphasize it now.

While I know which I would be happiest with I guess I am really asking myself if I really need to go that extra mile for a few hrs a week.

As for the cost factor its not really that much of a difference if I need the optional filter. 706 is about 900$ + what 200$ for the filter so about 1100$, 857 is around 750+ 200$ give or take which would end up being 900$, and the 7000 is about 1200$. So max we are talking 300$ difference and when already spending 900-1000$ what is another few hundred $. So again price isnt really a factor here.

What says you? Do I just say the hell with it and get what I am already comfortable with? Or compromise?

OMG sorry this is a book..

BTW though this is a question it is one that requires and really is based on I didnt put it in the question section.