Or maybe I won't get a new printer. I've got this HP 7550 that's ancient -- I got it in '2003. It's so old there's no Vista driver for it, I have to use one from another (compatible) printer. Well, that's Vista. Linux recognized it immediately. But this is about printers, not OS's.
Anyway, the only reason I'm contemplating a new printer is that the '7550 is so old & there's tape on it to keep the doors closed, and it's gotten pretty banged around in my apartment.
OTOH, it's still working like new. And that's after suffering more abuse than a printer should ever have to deal with. So...on the one hand, I really don't need a new printer. More tape on the doors & it's as "good as new." But on the other hand, today's printers are dirt cheap and who knows how long I can expect my current printer to be supported? If and when the time comes that it's truly "new printer time", the question is, are Canon printers this rugged and reliable? My HP seems to be able to take some pretty tough punishment & it just keeps on printin'. Are Canon printers as well made?