Welcome to the The Island Of Misfit Hams.
The main place to discuss ham radio.
Ask your ham radio questions here. No such thing as a dumb question.
Is there a news story related to ham radio in your area? Tell us about it here.
Come on in and tell us all how you did over the weekend. Contesters can talk about their scores and upcoming events here.
Want to set up a time to chat on the air? This is the place to make a date with that special ham.
Every radio operator needs one. Talk about how to build an antenna or improve your existing one.
Not the kind you drink. Discuss how to build and maintain your own radio equipment and modify stock gear. Keep all mods legal please!
"Boatanchors and Vintage Equipment" - forum for tube and hybrid equipment from the late 70s and earlier. Technical discussions, modifications, repair tips and parts requests or supplier links are welcome here. Show off your restoration projects too!
All things related to computers, consumer electronics, and other high tech gadgets.
Keep the talk and links/photos at a PG rating. Personal attacks are not permitted in here.
Share your favorite dish, brew, or bottle here.
The place for creative writing, photography, art, and other stuff that is dripping with creative juices. Show us what you got!
A discussion of entertainment mediums -- TV, movies, music, books, etc. Share reviews, new & unique content, and other matters of interest.
A discussion of sport events, outdoor activities, and other competitive events. This forum is not for haters.
Offbeat topics, oddball topics, and discussions that some members just might not find appealing now have their own forum. Rules here are a little more relaxed as to content.
Please note: Not all material posted here is safe for work environments. No pornography allowed!
Keep it legal is all we ask. Private party and business sales are permitted.
Let us know of hamfests in your area. Share some photos of the event too!
Let us know what you think of various ham radio gear.
Got an idea? Concern? Gripe? Site updates & information..
Try out your avatars and sigs here.
There are currently 423 users online. 1 members and 422 guests
Most users ever online was 8,824, 05-08-2024 at 05:49 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, K8BB