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View Full Version : URGENT- Hams are under attack and need your help!

03-15-2009, 04:57 PM
This was posted on QRZ and I'm curious as to whAt you all think of this??

Yes I still look at QRZ even if I don't post there.

Please take the time to read. This is of extreme importance.

Last Wednesday I (along with several others) testified in front of an Arizona House committee regarding (PRB-1) HB2514 which is better known as the "Amateur Radio Antenna Bill." This bill would force HOA's to provide "REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION" to Amateur Radio antennas. It is really that simple.

You must understand, in Arizona all new housing since the 70's are pretty much under HOA control. So, it is not all that simple to buy a home outside of one of these. Non-HOA homes are often really old, run down or have land attached to them out in the desert making them cost-prohibitive. Of course, there are exceptions but they are not common. Arizona law requires a neighborhood association and board on all new housing developments.

The reason I mention all of this is because a common response is "well then don't buy a home on an HOA."

There were a bunch of reporters covering this hearing and now it is in the paper. Currently it is in the Tucson paper (Daily Star) and the East Valley Tribune in Phoenix. The Arizona Daily Star is going to be running a big, in-depth article in the print edition of the paper in the morning (Sunday, March 15).

The article online now is not pretty. It takes things and twists them. The reporter writing this article was not friendly to the cause. But it is a public hearing... what can you do?

PLEASE, PLEASE go to: http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/284351.php

and type a comment to this article. We need support from hams to help us get this bill passed. This bill, if passes will help other states get similar laws.

I would greatly appreciate your help. Countless hours and frankly several years have gone into this.

Randy, KF0X
Tucson, Arizona

QRZ URL For Those Who Are Interested: http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php?t=196718

03-15-2009, 05:16 PM
Why Greg! Why didn't ya just say this is an A-Lert. I haven't seen a lert in over a year!


03-15-2009, 05:27 PM

03-15-2009, 05:48 PM
Yes I still look at QRZ even if I don't post there.Even if you don't post there? You act like you have a choice. Let's be honest about the situation, you were banned, because not only did you violate their rules, they (and most of us) determined long ago that your contributions are typically useless and boring. In fact, your contributions usually consist of parroting a news story that most of us have already seen and asking 'what do y'all think of this? A-yuk.'

03-15-2009, 09:39 PM


03-15-2009, 09:45 PM
There was nothing personal about it, just the facts.

03-15-2009, 09:46 PM
Yep there was and you sir are lying

03-15-2009, 09:55 PM
Sorry Greg, but I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you, because frankly, you'd end up covered in piss. But what did I say that isn't accurate? Your catch phrase is "what do you think of this?".. Further, all you posts usually parrot the ARRL, DrudgeReport, or even the Associated Press -- sites all of us who have been using the Internet for more than 15 minutes frequently visit.

If you want to go toe to toe with me, you might want to choose your battles more wisely. I'm smarter, savvier, and just plain more in touch with reality than you are. Out of respect for the moderators of this site, I'm not going to pursue this, but you're really barking up the wrong tree.

03-15-2009, 10:00 PM
Oh I like it a threat, I'm really scared.

You forget I have to deal with lifting dead weight(the departed), I'm really worried.

BTW it's not wise to threaten people, got it and to put into a phrase you will understand,

03-15-2009, 10:04 PM
Alright. Enough of this.

It's the internet. Nothing is that serious. Really.

It's time for something different.

03-15-2009, 10:11 PM
I agree and I'm sorry.

03-16-2009, 10:45 AM
Ah, the old HOA fight again. I hope when they get the bill passed they accomodate junk cars in the driveways as well.

The reason why HOA's exist is because people don't want stuff like that in their neighborhoods. Be it ham radio or motorhomes, they don't want that, so they pay a fee for it.

We're just going to have to get more crafty. They aren't going to go away, and this guise of "but, we provide emergency communications!" speech is getting old. The only time we'll provide emergency communications is in an emergency, and it probably won't be from the comfort of the shack. I prepare myself for such communications portable and assume my home shack will be out of the picture come disaster.

But, I also know if I want a home shack, I'll have to accept some things-like not living in a brand new house in a cookiecutter neighborhood with restrictions!

I'm of the mindset that every time something like this comes up we all get up in arms and draw more attention to ourselves. People wouldn't notice stealth antennas as much if we didn't.

But, there are more people who want these than there are hams. My Aunt and Uncle are a prime example, they love the HOA concept, it keeps other people from "having junky yards, parking their trailer in front of my house" etc. The reason there is a proliferation of them is because people want them.

They aren't going to go away because we want them to. And we need to be realistic about how we get exceptions. This is a hobby, we don't save the world. Its no wonder applications are denied when people go to the HOA board about this stuff. If we were a bit more realistic and demanded some accomodation to pursue a hobby, we might be better received.

But just because you and I like a 50' tower adorned with antennas, 99% of the population doesn't. That means we're outnumbered, folks. We'll have to do like people with other hobbies-figure out a way without stepping on toes. The local model rocket club is a prime example-they have to go way the heck out in the country now to do launches because the locals won't let them do it anymore because of "the risk". They could gripe about it, go to the HOA and scream I'm sure, but I don't see it happening for them either.

I just don't see us making much of an impact with this or many of the other petitions I have seen. Especially since "reasonable accomodation" to some means a tower 100 feet or less....

03-16-2009, 12:47 PM
HOAs are contracts buyers enter into. You can't use the law to invalidate a contractual obligation unless you can show that the obligation is unconstitutional, like the "only white people" covenants from the 50s.

These guys are wasting their time.

03-16-2009, 05:07 PM
This is why I live in the country, who's business is it anyhow if you have an antenna or not on your property?

03-17-2009, 10:35 AM
The way you worded the topic though, I was about to grab my ARES* vest and HT and get ready to get on the plane and get dropped in to provide support to our troops on the ground.

*ARES is copyright ARRL.

03-19-2009, 03:51 PM
OK guys... time for me to chime in:

I'm near the front lines of this.... over 1/2 of Arizona is covered by HOA's since we started having the mass influx of 6-landers.

In fact, some CC&Rs are so restrictive, the ONLY RF transmissions ALLOWED are: Incidental from household electronics, cell phones and cordless phones. Yes, that means wireless baby monitors, FRS radios, CB radios, ham radio, etc. are CC&R violations. In fact, one ham here in Tucson was told he had 2 choices: REMOVE his radio equipment from his car, and give up his call sign tags, or sell his home and move out, as both were found to be CC&R violations.

That's how bad the HOA Gestapo has gotten here. I live in a unrestricted neighbourhood, which, incidentially, is immediatly adjacent to this Draconian subdivision I have just described.

I want this bill to pass.

03-19-2009, 09:06 PM
HOAs are contracts buyers enter into. You can't use the law to invalidate a contractual obligation unless you can show that the obligation is unconstitutional, like the "only white people" covenants from the 50s.

Tell that to the FCC who made it illegal for HOAs to prohibit TV antennas, sat dishes and fixed wireless (internet) antennas. Last I checked the constitution didn't give you the right to put up a satellite dish.

03-19-2009, 09:37 PM
HOAs are contracts buyers enter into. You can't use the law to invalidate a contractual obligation unless you can show that the obligation is unconstitutional, like the "only white people" covenants from the 50s.

Tell that to the FCC who made it illegal for HOAs to prohibit TV antennas, sat dishes and fixed wireless (internet) antennas. Last I checked the constitution didn't give you the right to put up a satellite dish.

The FCC didn't do that, so I won't be telling them anything.

03-20-2009, 07:54 AM
I'll be attacking some hams when I get back on Zed, perhaps you will want to help them?

03-22-2009, 03:20 AM
Well, this thread started out predictably enough.... :roll:

As far as the HOA thing goes, you should read the agreement before signing it and moving into your cookie cutter stucco home. There are lots of older homes on the market, especially now, in areas that are not all THAT bad...no HOA, backyards, antennas ok.

It never ceases to amaze me when this subject comes up and we over-sensitive hams just HAVE to take up arms over stuff we should have already resolved with ourselves. This is a non-issue.

03-23-2009, 06:04 PM
Perhaps the only thing under attack is Gregs' sense of self importance.......

03-23-2009, 11:43 PM
Perhaps the only thing under attack is Gregs' sense of self impotence.......

Fixed. :lol:

04-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Bump bump

04-19-2010, 04:54 PM
HOAs are contracts buyers enter into. You can't use the law to invalidate a contractual obligation unless you can show that the obligation is unconstitutional, like the "only white people" covenants from the 50s.

Tell that to the FCC who made it illegal for HOAs to prohibit TV antennas, sat dishes and fixed wireless (internet) antennas. Last I checked the constitution didn't give you the right to put up a satellite dish.

The FCC didn't do that, so I won't be telling them anything.An old thread that got bumped, But having been affected by the HOA Nazis in Central Florida, I know that the FCC DID restrict homeowner associations and governments from enforcing rules on satellite dishes under one meter in diameter and television antennas: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/consumerdish.html

My father (now deceased, and no, Greg was not called to assist in the arrangements) told the story of the condo commando who got a stepladder to look over my parent's backyard privacy fence, which shielded their backyard and pool area from prying eyes. The guy claimed to be looking for an illegal satellite dish and an illegal deck, "illegal" being not approved by the HOA. Dad was working in the back yard while Mom and Sis were getting a suntan by the pool, sans tops. The bozo got hit over the head with a shovel for his trouble, he called the sheriff on my dad. Guy explains to the sheriff's deputy that he was looking for HOA rules violations. Dad said he was a peeping tom. Deputy said to the HOA Nazi, "be glad this isn't my home, I would have shot your ass!" Mr. HOA commando was warned away by the deputy and told to take his complaint regarding assault and battery to someone who gave a damn.:agree: