View Full Version : Favorite Frequencies ???
01-07-2009, 03:11 AM
What frequencies do you make a point of checking out everytime you turn on the radio, any radio?
Please list them here as I will be sure to stop on those spots during my own monitoring sessions.
I do mean any frequency Amateur or otherwise.
Thanks :)
01-07-2009, 03:45 AM
ch 38 lsb.
01-07-2009, 03:58 AM
27.835 Mhz LSB?
01-07-2009, 04:35 AM
27.385 mhz lsb. A little bit of dx from Cali was in here today on .385
How's that Washington coming along?
01-07-2009, 05:22 AM
Haven't touched it. Just planning on it for now.
Had a sudden change come up.
Anymore freqs?
3.820 all day till the band go's long. 1.895 for the 6:30pm net. 3.843 late night early mornings. ( our statewide 440 system is on 24-7 as i control the northern end. The two meter is allways in the spin mode to catch the UPS and Fed-Ex drivers that go through on simplex and the local machines.... Oh and 3.840 saturday mornings for the vintage sideband net.. (
01-07-2009, 05:48 AM
Thank You Sir.
01-07-2009, 05:53 AM
14.275. :whistle
01-07-2009, 05:55 AM
14.275. :whistle
Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones who hears nothing but an AM carrier there 24/7.
01-07-2009, 06:23 AM
Just kidding, I usually hit up the SSTV frequencies on whatever band is happening at the time to see what pretty pictures people are sharing before moving on.
01-07-2009, 07:14 AM
10.140 is really my only frequent haunt. Everything else is just whatevers happening at the time.
Actually 10.1375-10.144 or so depending on the mode.
01-07-2009, 10:00 AM
10.000 all the time - all the time :lol:
6.925 -6.950
3.9777 - ARUFON Net
5.110 and 7.415
But most of the time, I just spin the dial and see what I can find.
These are the various amateur frequencies I take a listen to:
14.220 - Trinidad roundtable, mornings from 1100-1200z
14.194 - alternate frequency for the roundtable
All of the 60m channels
3.950 Saturday nights (+/- jackasses QRMing)
01-07-2009, 03:42 PM
144.200 or 144.250 USB, or 6 meter SSB calling if there is the potential for an opening.
Other radio is on one of two repeaters usually.
Old CB is on usually, but the volume is only up if I want to hear the lunacy that is channel 17. Most of the time its just on, turned down.
01-07-2009, 04:49 PM
Voice Ragchew & Net spots: Mostly the low bands these days...
160 meters - 100 watts only, decent ground wave for local, 2 state radius+ skyburner.
1871 Once in a while. QRP ground wave is a lot of fun.
75 meters - 600 watts, Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical.
3820 Camradio net sometimes, occasional ragchew or CQ.
3835 I think they wandered off. Another live webcam group.
3840 Onetime Art Bell hangout, say hello to Kenny the Llama Man. :mrgreen:
3843-3846 Possum Land, after midnight in Dalton. :mrgreen:
3868 Get's interesting here. I just listen mostly.
3913 Once in a while, a nice spot. Quite a few preachers.
3916 The Freewheelers Net. Big ragchew roundtable. Focus on friendly and patient.
3922 Geezers Society. I am honored to accept the coveted Geezer Tweezers! :mrgreen:
60 Meters - ~30 watts, Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical (tuner)
Anytime someone asks, it's a good idea to check for a clear channel on both ends.
40 Meters - 600 watts (usually 100 or less), Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical
7183-7185 Sometimes Geezers are here.
7245 Another Geezer spot. Banana Bunch as well.
7260 Wyo Cowboy Net, good daytime spot to call CQ.
20 Meters - 600 watts (usually 100 or less), Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical.
18 thru 21 Meters - 600 watts (usually 100 or less), Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical.
When the conditions perk up, I'm all over the place.
11 Meters - Hygan V, 4 Watts, vertical wire OCF dipole, MFJ Tuner.
I'm Stinger, because I'm a little pr ick.
Known for "weak and clean audio". :mrgreen:
A habit of refusing to use the F-Bomb.
10 meters - 600 watts (usually 100 or less), Omni horizontal loop and Gap Vertical
28100-28300 Beacons Baby!
28350 to 28450 All over in here if the band is open
28400 Calling frequency, locals hang here too.
6 meters
When it's open, though I tend to prefer 10 meter E-Skip.
2 Meters
144220 Rocky Mountain VHF+ Net, Monday 8PM Mountain Time, almost every week.
144270 LSB Least Significant Bull ragchews, was a hangout for K0ACL, silent key. :(
145145 CRA Repeater. Known for ragchew madness, and friendly doubling.
145190 N0OBA Repeater. Because it's lonely.
146430 Local FM Simplex. Ebbs and flows with activity.
147555 A weird spot, for playing Secret Squirrel.
We could play with IRLP if anyone really want to. Which actually might be a way for a lot of Islanders to say howdy, even though it is cheating, kinda.
Digital (PSK or other) might good for more folks to be able to hear each other, at least till we get some spots on Sol. I play around with Digital and CW, but wander all over the place. Have been very lax in using my CW muscles for at least six months. Naughty. :wall
01-07-2009, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I have the hardware for digital for the 570D so I should give that a shot.
So far everyone's given me great spots to hit on the Amateur bands. Anyone ever do any SWLing?
01-07-2009, 06:12 PM
I SWL more than Ham sometimes. Fond of Utility DXing (
01-07-2009, 06:29 PM
I SWL more than Ham sometimes. Fond of Utility DXing (
I'd like to hear more about it please. Reader's Digest condensed version.
Not going to join another Yahoo group just yet. Thanks.
7.415 bcq all ham owned station. 3.415 some good stuff sometimes.
01-07-2009, 10:04 PM
Digital modes... WeFax, Hellschreiber, a lot of RTTY
Fishing fleet stuff, numbers or encrypted letter/word groupings. Sometimes just general messages between folks on the boats or oil rigs and stuff.
Sometimes I'll hear a little PSK, and certainly there are Pactor style signals as well, but I have not gotten into decoding them yet.
Oh yea, HF USB from commercial airliners on the long hauls.
Poke around on the web to find something cool to listen to.
Utility News (
Klingenfuss Hot Frequencies (
Utility World (
I promise to NEVER Yahoo you again... :lol:
01-08-2009, 05:28 PM
3933 been listing there for awhile midnight to 6am
used to listen to the
6.70 Indianapolis reptr.
6.82Anderson reptr
7.09 Anderson reptr
442.65 Indianapolis reptr
untill my Icom IC-T7H died
I've gotten in with the 3.933 guys from time to time. But there politics 24-7. Which is fine, but politics gets old after awhile...
01-08-2009, 08:11 PM
3868 Get's interesting here. I just listen mostly.
NERD net (Never Ending Radio Derelicts). I have many good friends there. We have at least two NERDs here ... N1BHH, "Intensified Clyde", and WD4IMI, "Snidley". I am also a NERD. :shock:
Interesting group ... they really try to avoid problems, but all are outspoken, and have a great sense of humor, which attracts attention. The toilet ticks can't stand anyone having fun on 75 meters.
The ringleader is Jim, N4MXZ, "Zimbabwe". Really sharp guy ... designs and builds killer wire antennas.
Unless you're speaking of the local Denver group who hangs on the same frequency ... the "Earthquake Net"? When conditions were good, we often had the two groups merging into one net. The Denver group always seemed like a nice bunch.
One of the NERDs crash landed his experimental airplane on state route 460 back around 2001. Funny as hell ... apparently, the engine quit. Nobody was hurt.
Except during times of declared emergency, Amateur Radio should be Fun!
Big John was having fun that day!
I've talked to N1BHH before. Nice guy...
01-08-2009, 08:36 PM
I've gotten in with the 3.933 guys from time to time. But there politics 24-7. Which is fine, but politics gets old after awhile...
was you in there within the last couple weeks, i think i may have heard you in there
I've gotten in with the 3.933 guys from time to time. But there politics 24-7. Which is fine, but politics gets old after awhile...
was you in there within the last couple weeks, i think i may have heard you in there
Yeah they were talking unions and that whole deal. I made the comment how the trucking industry have never had a bail out, and been taking in the backside since o'l ronnie raygun deregulated everything..
01-08-2009, 09:54 PM
Yea, I should say hey to the 3868 guys more, they crack me up...
I'll keep an ear on 3933 too.
01-09-2009, 12:54 AM
I've gotten in with the 3.933 guys from time to time. But there politics 24-7. Which is fine, but politics gets old after awhile...
was you in there within the last couple weeks, i think i may have heard you in there
Yeah they were talking unions and that whole deal. I made the comment how the trucking industry have never had a bail out, and been taking in the backside since o'l ronnie raygun deregulated everything..
i take it you missed the tech that came in there and got a couple of them to give advice on setting his rig up, they got his gig sounding perfect then the tech replys " oh im not even suposed to be here im just a tech"
I missed that evening. But i heard all about it the next night..
01-09-2009, 10:36 AM
i take it you missed the tech that came in there and got a couple of them to give advice on setting his rig up, they got his gig sounding perfect then the tech replys " oh im not even suposed to be here im just a tech"
The only thing that would beat that would have been if he said "Callsign? Whats that?" :mrgreen:
01-09-2009, 05:23 PM
i take it you missed the tech that came in there and got a couple of them to give advice on setting his rig up, they got his gig sounding perfect then the tech replys " oh im not even suposed to be here im just a tech"
The only thing that would beat that would have been if he said "Callsign? Whats that?" :mrgreen:
27.385 (LSB)
27.440 (LSB)
27.555 (USB)
27.805 (LSB)
29.620-29.680 (FM - via scanner)
6925 (USB)
6.6666 (LSB)
And many more, depending on time of day and propagation.
At the moment I have 6 HF receiver/transceiver combos (5 gene-coverage; one ham band only), an FT726R (15/12/10/2/440), a TM231/331/431 stack and 5 scanners set up in the shack. I can listen to lots of frequencies at once and spend the majority of my radio time prowling the airwaves in search of utes, pirates and other off-the-wall stuff. If I'm operating in the HF ham bands I'll tune around with one of the R7s or the Cubic Astro, looking for contacts. My TR7s can be slaved to their companion R7, so if I hear something I want to work I hit the 'RCT' button on the transceiver and have at it.
01-12-2009, 11:03 AM
I have one scanner, a FT-8800, and a FT-857. I recently mentioned to my wife how I would like a second scanner, so I could dedicate the first to PD/Fire and the second to everything else. She laughed at me.
I'm gonna show her your post and say I want 5 instead :)
01-13-2009, 11:01 AM
10.140 is really my only frequent haunt. Everything else is just whatevers happening at the time.
Actually 10.1375-10.144 or so depending on the mode.
10.140 is probably my favorite frequency right now also. My antenna seems to really love 30 meters, so I'm quite happy to keep parked there. I don't have an analyzer, but my tuner seems to do the least amount of work tuning 30 up than any other band. Plus I have a lot less noise on that band than I do on the others for some reason.
QSOs there just seem different than 14.070 or 7070. A lot fewer macro-bots, lots more real people talk.
When do you usually operate? During the week I mostly only jump on after about 8:00pm. I wish more folks would use 30 at night. It seems open quite often (based on the automatic spotting reports that hear my CQs), but the people on the band seem to evacuate after the sun goes down.
01-14-2009, 01:23 AM
27.385 (LSB)
27.440 (LSB)
27.555 (USB)
27.805 (LSB)
29.620-29.680 (FM - via scanner)
6925 (USB)
6.6666 (LSB)
And many more, depending on time of day and propagation.
At the moment I have 6 HF receiver/transceiver combos (5 gene-coverage; one ham band only), an FT726R (15/12/10/2/440), a TM231/331/431 stack and 5 scanners set up in the shack. I can listen to lots of frequencies at once and spend the majority of my radio time prowling the airwaves in search of utes, pirates and other off-the-wall stuff. If I'm operating in the HF ham bands I'll tune around with one of the R7s or the Cubic Astro, looking for contacts. My TR7s can be slaved to their companion R7, so if I hear something I want to work I hit the 'RCT' button on the transceiver and have at it.
I'm working on getting my old FT100 a really long receiving antenna as it is receive only now, exciter gone. Then this weekend the plan is to put up another ant for my old DX400.
Currently I envy your set up. I'm considering a subterranean ant that would use about a quarter mile of wire.
Keep it up everyone as all of this is interesting and I will add the freqs to my haunts.
01-17-2009, 02:51 PM
3870 - 3890 kc AM
7285 - 7295 kc AM
29.000 mc AM
All of 160 meters for AM activity.
I have one scanner, a FT-8800, and a FT-857. I recently mentioned to my wife how I would like a second scanner, so I could dedicate the first to PD/Fire and the second to everything else. She laughed at me.
I'm gonna show her your post and say I want 5 instead :)
Good luck with that dude! :mrgreen:
That "shack list" isn't the half of it.
Ebay's yer buddy, and if you're willing to buy broken stuff and twiddle a soldering iron around you can get some great deals.
To wit:
I have an R7/TR7 (or R7/TR5) combo for each single 'traditional' band from 160-10. Four out of the six setups currently have amplifiers; 2x L7 and 2x L75. Two more L7s and MN2700s are planned. For each of the 12 and 17M WARC bands I have a Cubic Astro 103/PSU/1500ZA/ST-2B, and for 30M I have an Astro 103/PSU/ST-3B (no need for an amp).
Each 'type' of rig has at least one backup set sitting in the closets. In fact, about half the station is tucked away...awaiting space for separate antennas for each operating position.
The upstairs monitoring post consists of 2x Icom R71A/R7000 sets slaved together, 2x Kenwood R5000/VC10 and assorted wideband scanners. Most of these are computer controllable via ScanCat.
There are a number of mobile and portable rigs in attendance as well - TS130S, TS440S, TR9130, TS660, HR2600...that kind of stuff. Most of it is used for Field Day, contests and general portable horsing around.
Also have several commercial and diplomatic sets - Mackay Marine HF receivers, Cubic's "Diplomat" suitcase rigs, etc.
Almost all of this was broken or incomplete when I got it and I've restored a good bit thus far. Have three R7s in the to-do pile at the moment, then all the TR7s and TR5s are going to get preamps and notch filters added.
Tinkering is 90% of the fun to me; using the finished product is merely icing on the cake. Comparatively speaking, I don't have a lot of money tied up in my shack and it does what I want.
01-20-2009, 08:24 PM
10.140 is really my only frequent haunt. Everything else is just whatevers happening at the time.
Actually 10.1375-10.144 or so depending on the mode.
10.140 is probably my favorite frequency right now also. My antenna seems to really love 30 meters, so I'm quite happy to keep parked there. I don't have an analyzer, but my tuner seems to do the least amount of work tuning 30 up than any other band. Plus I have a lot less noise on that band than I do on the others for some reason.
QSOs there just seem different than 14.070 or 7070. A lot fewer macro-bots, lots more real people talk.
When do you usually operate? During the week I mostly only jump on after about 8:00pm. I wish more folks would use 30 at night. It seems open quite often (based on the automatic spotting reports that hear my CQs), but the people on the band seem to evacuate after the sun goes down.
Hey, sorry I missed this for so long. Seems I've been delinquent in a lot of things lately. :mrgreen:
You are right about the 30 meter guys, they're a great bunch and a lot of them will ragchew endlessly. I have been somewhat absent from 30m recently with a lot going on at work and getting back in the groove with the band...
But here is my usual 30m day, unless there is a contest I'm interested in... :shock:
I work a lot of the more narrow modes like the various psk's, hell, MFSK, Qpsk, Olivia, SSTV, etc. so I can be anywhere in the frq range listed in my last post.
Well for starters, I usually get up before sunrise everyday and hit the band at the gray line prior to work. Sometimes I get really lucky and most of the time it just doesn't work out. But I try every day anyway. I'll also skulk the band on odd afternoons for a couple of hours before sunset here on the east coast. definitely the most productive time if you like working EU and the surrounding Med region. I'll usually let the band go during it's lull about an hour after sunset, waiting for it to come back later at night, which it usually does. That is usually when the real 30m surprises happen for me on the east coast.
Some nights I'll wait till very late (early) 0600 or later and see if the my ZL friends like Rob, or some of the VK's are making it through...that is usually rag chew DX time for me depending on if they are members of the 30 meter group and the band is holding up well. This is my personal favorite time on the band, but it can get lonely. But you really never know what's going to happen during these hours either.
If you haven't joined the 30 meter digital group, we'd be glad to have you. A really great bunch of truly interested hams have become involved and it has really grown since it's creation a couple of years ago. (it's an older group than advertised and some of us baby-sat an empty band for months trying to get it hopping like it is now)
I'll have to get on the band more, I've just had a lot going on.
Trey- 30MDG #0002
01-20-2009, 09:27 PM
Cool. I joined 30mdg a month or so back, but have not been very active on the yahoo group. I'll poke back in again.
I've been on there in the wee hours also. For a couple of months when it was my time to do baby duty, I would pop in around 4:00-5:00am local time & throw a few CQ's... Made some nice contacts as well.
I haven't done that as much since he's sleeping better these days, and we're trying to play catch-up, but I still do sometimes.
Hope to see you on there, I'll re-activate the reflector & see what's happening. .
30MDG # 1551
anything in between 18.110 and 18.168
01-31-2009, 03:16 PM
Excellent thread, now I know where to find most of you guys!
02-20-2009, 02:37 AM
I scan the lower portions of 40 and 20 and listen to slower CW QSO's.
All 5 60m allocations, particularly #4.
And local FM broadcast stations but I doubt that you would hear them. :mrgreen:
02-20-2009, 09:15 AM
I scan the lower portions of 40 and 20 and listen to slower CW QSO's.
All 5 60m allocations, particularly #4.
And local FM broadcast stations but I doubt that you would hear them. :mrgreen:
hanging out in the black sheep lounge eh? :P :lol:
04-06-2009, 11:01 PM
3868 NERD NET huuuuhh!
448.625 (linked to 29.62)
04-14-2009, 12:49 AM
I scan the lower portions of 40 and 20 and listen to slower CW QSO's.
All 5 60m allocations, particularly #4.
And local FM broadcast stations but I doubt that you would hear them. :mrgreen:
hanging out in the black sheep lounge eh? :P :lol:
At times, yep. If I wanna play ESSB that's where I go.
Currently 3.820 to 3.950 for decent match without a tuner. Thats all thats up now, due to an impending move. So much for the 160 loop :angry:
Thats only valid for about 2 more weeks anyway, not that anyone seems to hear me past the NVIS coverage anyway. I will be listening.
As an aside, I did hear lumpy on 20 a couple weeks ago. Weak, but there.
What frequencies do you make a point of checking out everytime you turn on the radio, any radio?
Please list them here as I will be sure to stop on those spots during my own monitoring sessions.
I do mean any frequency Amateur or otherwise.
Thanks :)
Night : in following order:7.000 to 7.020...3.500-3.5015....1.800 to 1.8040
Day: First 50Khz on the low end of each band starting with ten Meters
Am mainly a CW, DX OP.
A little late to the party....
HF Digital on 40/30/20m
10m FM
2m/440 FM (Repeaters)
W2LI (Tuesday Night Net Control Op)
145.67 (Simplex)
446.1 (Simplex)
Y'all keep an ear out for me the next few days... no thanks to a piece of sand behind the contact lens I'm off work for a few fact, I may even play 7QP.
Y'all keep an ear out for me the next few days... no thanks to a piece of sand behind the contact lens I'm off work for a few fact, I may even play 7QP.
We'll be listening...20 or 10M if Sporadic E sets up. I doubt the other bands are going to cooperate at this time.
Sorry to hear about the eye problem. I took a splash of molten solder in my right eye years ago - managed to get behind the safety glasses I was wearing - and after a trip to the emergency room (with accompanying removal of SnPb), the only thing which relieved the pain was a fifth of Jack Black. I wouldn't wish an eye injury on anyone.
Y'all keep an ear out for me the next few days... no thanks to a piece of sand behind the contact lens I'm off work for a few fact, I may even play 7QP.
You should team up with Joe. I worked him in last year's 7QP and he had a FB signal.
05-02-2009, 01:33 AM
I scan the lower portions of 40 and 20 and listen to slower CW QSO's.
All 5 60m allocations, particularly #4.
And local FM broadcast stations but I doubt that you would hear them. :mrgreen:
hanging out in the black sheep lounge eh? :P :lol:
At times, yep. If I wanna play ESSB that's where I go.
I havent heard crap on 3933 as of late. idk if the bands been that dead or if......
05-02-2009, 05:06 PM
I scan the lower portions of 40 and 20 and listen to slower CW QSO's.
All 5 60m allocations, particularly #4.
And local FM broadcast stations but I doubt that you would hear them. :mrgreen:
hanging out in the black sheep lounge eh? :P :lol:
At times, yep. If I wanna play ESSB that's where I go.
I havent heard crap on 3933 as of late. idk if the bands been that dead or if......
I havent played on 75 much as of late cuz of the noise.
05-02-2009, 05:08 PM
Y'all keep an ear out for me the next few days... no thanks to a piece of sand behind the contact lens I'm off work for a few fact, I may even play 7QP.
Sorry to hear about your eye, hope its better soon. I will keep an ear out for ya.
05-05-2009, 06:59 PM
well this is a great thread. i will give some of those freqs a try. most of my airtime is on the way to and from work. right now that is a hour and a half drive. 75m and 20m works best for me right now and i cant wait for 10 to open up.
05-06-2009, 03:48 AM
160 meters mostly 1650 Dutch net, europe wide
3630 80 meters Dutch net, or on top 3780 3800 Dx window
7.100 to 7.200 DX
14.100 to 14.350 listening in to the DX mostly USA, not heard a peep on 14.313...
The rest of the bands on HF
2 meter 145.700 our local repeater where i help out, mostly antenna and feedlines, ctcss system etc
70 cm's 430.025 see 2 meter
Both bands our beacons maintenance
23 cm see above.
Don't have specific frequencies, but rather "ranges."
7.000 - 7.040 MHz (tend to gravitate around 7.026)
10.100 - 10.150 MHz (tend around 10.110)
14.000 - 14.060 MHz (tend around 14.030)
One of these days I'll finally put up my doublet and hopefully be able to tune 80 meters.
03-29-2010, 08:44 PM
OK, Hai!
What everyone tuning in to right now?
I'm listening to the political complainer's net on 3.938.00.
Well, it's not a net, just two to three guys yapping but so far they're harmless.
03-29-2010, 09:46 PM
Oh, now they're talking cars. Fine business :)
04-05-2010, 12:18 AM
frequency 3.412.9 mhz usb
Google was no help.
04-05-2010, 12:30 AM
frequency 3.412.9 mhz usb
Google was no help.
Shannon VOLMET - aviation weather.
04-05-2010, 06:42 PM
frequency 3.412.9 mhz usb
Google was no help.
Shannon VOLMET - aviation weather.
04-08-2010, 10:41 AM
I usually hang aroung 18.135 +/-. Propagation on 17 has been interesting lately.
I usually hang aroung 18.135 +/-. Propagation on 17 has been interesting lately.
I have a vertical up 35ft for 17. May change my 'RV's length and window-line section around a bit to facilitate 40, 20, 17, 12 and 10M operation.
Here's an article which describes such a configuration:
12-23-2012, 07:16 PM
What have you guys been listening to lately?
20.100 - AM; 6KHz filter...NB and AGC off.
Jovian (Io) radio storms.
Walked outside a bit ago to take the trash to the curb and saw Jupiter about 10 degrees above the horizon. RadioSky's Radio Jupiter Pro ( ) predicts Io-B and Io-C storms for later tonight, and I'm going to test their evaluator out to see if the program is worth the $20 asking price.
160.230 - CSX Great Lakes Division Road
160.320 - CSX PBX
(On two R-7000s)
The third was set to do a sweep from 160.215 - 161.550 and log everything it found into scratchpad memories, which - minus the two frequencies above - were then configured as channels to be used in a "Selected Memory" scan.
I can see CSX (and the AB Cluster Railway) from my front porch! Literally. The receivers net CSX, W&LE, AB Cluster (a division of W&LE), NS, RJ Corman and Cuyahoga Valley railroads.
Best "DX" has been in the form of defect detectors. CSX at MP121 (Tallmadge), W&LE at MP48 (near Brewster) and NS at MP109 (Erie County) can be heard. If I had the antenna up 20 more feet or so I could probably get the CSX detector at MP148 but it's shaded by a big hill to my southwest.
12-23-2012, 08:24 PM
160.230 - CSX Great Lakes Division Road
160.320 - CSX PBX
(On two R-7000s)
The third was set to do a sweep from 160.215 - 161.550 and log everything it found into scratchpad memories, which - minus the two frequencies above - were then configured as channels to be used in a "Selected Memory" scan.
I can see CSX (and the AB Cluster Railway) from my front porch! Literally. The receivers net CSX, W&LE, AB Cluster (a division of W&LE), NS, RJ Corman and Cuyahoga Valley railroads.
Best "DX" has been in the form of defect detectors. CSX at MP121 (Tallmadge), W&LE at MP48 (near Brewster) and NS at MP109 (Erie County) can be heard. If I had the antenna up 20 more feet or so I could probably get the CSX detector at MP148 but it's shaded by a big hill to my southwest.
Ham radio operator and a Foamer?
Ham radio operator and a Foamer?
Nope - just listen to the stuff from afar.
A lot of my family made their living on coal and lumber trains, and while that's a profitable lifestyle it's not worth a lot of the aggravation.
12-24-2012, 08:59 AM
160.230 - CSX Great Lakes Division Road
160.320 - CSX PBX
(On two R-7000s)
The third was set to do a sweep from 160.215 - 161.550 and log everything it found into scratchpad memories, which - minus the two frequencies above - were then configured as channels to be used in a "Selected Memory" scan.
I can see CSX (and the AB Cluster Railway) from my front porch! Literally. The receivers net CSX, W&LE, AB Cluster (a division of W&LE), NS, RJ Corman and Cuyahoga Valley railroads.
Best "DX" has been in the form of defect detectors. CSX at MP121 (Tallmadge), W&LE at MP48 (near Brewster) and NS at MP109 (Erie County) can be heard. If I had the antenna up 20 more feet or so I could probably get the CSX detector at MP148 but it's shaded by a big hill to my southwest.
The guy who lived beside me years ago worked for CSX, engineer.
12-29-2012, 01:19 AM
ch 38 lsb.
While he was pissing around on the CB today, 10M opened up and he missed it. Must be why you guys banned him..... :lol:
12-29-2012, 09:44 AM
154.070 Monitor it day and night.
Late night arthritis pain or gotta piss wake up call
3843 Possum Net (although they float around some)
01-01-2013, 12:09 PM
Late night arthritis pain or gotta piss wake up call
3843 Possum Net (although they float around some)
During a piss call, I would expect a little bit of floating.
01-01-2013, 12:31 PM
Possum Net is Dead. Long Live the Backs to the Wall Net! :lol:
3998.5 kHz - Backs to the Wall Net 11:30 PM Central or 3993 kHz Backup 3843kHz when Available if you're up for a fight..., ;-) ;-)
Note: I'm starting another net to deal with the bullies and dangerous Psychopaths. It will be called the "Anti Fascist Radio Net" ! Motto - Death to all Fascist Pigs, Especially N1FM.
"Friends", of bullies are not welcome.
There will be a spin off directed net based around the undirected, unfunded, unequipped, un-resourced, "self policing" shtick. It will be called the AFRN, "Anti Fascist Radio Net" We will be dedicated to reducing aggression on the ham bands and discussing aggressive and passive aggressive problem hams, whether some of them operate with impunity, what their tactics are (I.E. bullying, interference, rule twisting, etc.), and also, how to thwart them, how to prove actionable violations, etc. We will also be working in various ways to acquire resources for direction finding, transmitter fingerprinting, and broadband recording equipment which now only the Aggressor Forces have. We will also be working to encourage (force) FCC Amateur Enforcement remove some of the worst perpetrators from the bands.
If you can't find us check - or (
I'm at home today, on call. Was on the air at 3868 early AM.
Listening to weather nets across the country, nice conditions.
FWIW, I think my PSK (digital) woes with Flex are fixed.
Now to figure out this JT-65 stuff.
Possum Net is Dead. Long Live the Backs to the Wall Net! :lol:
3998.5 kHz - Backs to the Wall Net 11:30 PM Central or 3993 kHz Backup 3843kHz when Available if you're up for a fight..., ;-) ;-)
I've found yunz up there. I've been avoiding 3843 of late because of some new guy that goes on and on and on when asked a question about anything. He reminds me of a lady I work with. He (and she) could time out simplex. That sucker needs to get into AM.
I think if he was asked what time it was it'd take him five minutes to respond.
01-01-2013, 02:58 PM
Well, the wife went with my daughter to Austin for a few days. Although I have the vertical functioning, I'd rather use the dipole. However, I took it out with the tractor a while back, so I will take this opportunity of bachelortude, to get it re-erected. Might even do a 160 wire antenna of some sort while I'm at it. Details to follow, film at ten. Like anyone really gives a shit.
Well, the wife went with my daughter to Austin for a few days. Although I have the vertical functioning, I'd rather use the dipole. However, I took it out with the tractor a while back, so I will take this opportunity of bachelortude, to get it re-erected. Might even do a 160 wire antenna of some sort while I'm at it. Details to follow, film at ten. Like anyone really gives a shit.
Need a hand? I can be there in about six hours.
01-01-2013, 03:07 PM
Oh hell yes. How are you at anchoring turnbuckles to saguaros?
Oh hell yes. How are you at anchoring turnbuckles to saguaros?
Dunno, never tried. All we got around here are prickly pear and that fucking cholla cactus that you swear musta jumped ten feet to stick to you.
01-01-2013, 03:42 PM
Dunno, never tried. All we got around here are prickly pear and that fucking cholla cactus that you swear musta jumped ten feet to stick to you.
Yeah, I've got a few of those on the property, too. They just needle you to death.
Actually, try lighting one on fire. They go up like a Roman candle. I guess it's all the whatever in the needles that is so flammable, but it is really an awesome sight to behold. The nice thing is, when it's over, all the needles are gone and the cactus survives just fine. Go figure.
01-01-2013, 04:12 PM
Heh heh heh, Zappa the cactus and call it...
01-01-2013, 04:22 PM
Well, maybe if you tie multiple cacti to the end of the guy line.
Another favorite but you'll need a TNC to monitor:
14.10450 (LSB - actual indicated frequency)
"Network 105" - keyboard-keyboard, PBBS and 20M-2M gateways abound. One of the last places where you can find packet alive and well these days.
03-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Damn Elitist!
7.114 SKCC QRS (Elmers hang here).
03-08-2013, 01:53 PM %2FGroup%2F67601&ei=qTI6Ud-iCK6ayQH87oH4Dg&usg=AFQjCNHz2ymXpER5F2ZJKC7yKzcqkeao4A
When I was a kid, I was on QKS-SS. It was in the novice band then. Around 3752 or so. The excitement never ended.
03-08-2013, 02:02 PM
When I was first licensed, I built my transmitter from junk TV sets, and had an old RME 84 receiver, and one crystal. It seemed like I worked 7140 for ever. But I had fun.
03-08-2013, 02:09 PM
Anyone wanting to make their own 17M CW transmitter, there are crystals available at 18.080MHz that are real common. It is the tire pressure monitor frequency. Well, actually the frequency is about 433.92MHz. Yeah. Automobiles will all have ham radio transmitters on them.
Anyone wanting to make their own 17M CW transmitter, there are crystals available at 18.080MHz that are real common.
Cruise the hamfests or eBay looking for crystal-controlled 23ch CB rigs. A number of models used an oscillator/mixer arrangement that employs several 10 and 37MHz crystals to "synthesize" their band coverage.
In them you'll find (among other useful parts) a 10.140MHz crystal, the oscillator circuit itself, the RF predriver/driver and PA devices. Judicious use of a desoldering tool and bit of rework of the liberated interstage coupling transformers should yield one everything they need to construct a 5w 30M transmitter.
Look for one which has a "fine tune", "clarifier" or similar control. The function was inplemented by means of a varactor diode, which can be salvaged and used to give your transmitter a VXO control.
03-09-2013, 02:35 PM
A BIT of rework of the interstage transformers? They'd have to be completely rewound to operate on 10MHz and with that thickness of the windings they could never be reassembled. As Starkist said, sorry Charlie but there's no way in hell that any CB could be modified to operate on 30M because the frequencies are just too far apart, unless you strip it down to the chassis and start over from scratch.
That reminds me of three things, back in the heyday of pirate radio I almost completed building an FM exciter on the remains of an old Globe transmitter when the FCC came knocking and shut down the AM outlet that at its heart was a modified Heathkit DX-100. I was working on a couple of 1KW finals (one for each and a modulator for the AM) but oh well, that's the way heavy metal, 4-400 and 4X500 cookies crumble. The second was some numbskull who tried to convert an old VHF AM transmitter from a local airport to CB and destroyed what could have become an easy to convert parts box to an FM exciter. The third was a difficult but successful conversion of an old RCA 60W tube type police VHF transceiver to 2M, adding a few turns to things was tricky but the final result was sweet as honey. BTW that's not cigarette smoke residue, it was moisture proofed with a light spray of Cosmoline.
A BIT of rework of the interstage transformers? They'd have to be completely rewound to operate on 10MHz and with that thickness of the windings they could never be reassembled.
Who you like me to post pics of the box of them which I've rewound? The Kenwood 820 series rigs use various types of tuned inductors and transformers in the Coil Pack and VCO/PLL assemblies. If you're adding bands and/or converting the 19M WWV spot to 30M you'll need to wind your own as you cannot get them from Kenwood. The wire used in the transformers is about as fine as a human hair but they can be successfully modified. A grid dip meter is a huge help here.
As Starkist said, sorry Charlie but there's no way in hell that any CB could be modified to operate on 30M because the frequencies are just too far apart, unless you strip it down to the chassis and start over from scratch.
Which is what was implied to start with; rather, that a homebrewer could use many of the parts. One tunable inductor/transformer - the unit used for the 10MHz portion of the crystal mixer - is ready-made for the purpose of coupling the crystal oscillator output to a buffer stage. The others can be rewound.
'Tain't rocket science.
03-09-2013, 05:33 PM
Make my own coils? Pfft. Piece of cake. I use this
Make my own coils? Pfft. Piece of cake.
Wind me a modulation transformer, then. I want to build a plate-modulated AM rig one of these days.
03-09-2013, 06:55 PM
Wind me a modulation transformer, then. I want to build a plate-modulated AM rig one of these days.
No problem. You need about the same amount of iron as was used to build a 1953 Hudson Hornet.
No problem. You need about the same amount of iron as was used to build a 1953 Hudson Hornet.
Damn. The Hudson in my backyard is a '54.
03-10-2013, 02:54 AM
That commercial winding machine reminds me of the bobbins I wound on a primitive setup, a modified lathe with a variable voltage DC motor speed control. Toroids were wound using an odd looking machine with a shuttle and slider, also variable DC motor control. I made so many mistakes I nearly got fired but reminded the boss "I applied for the testing department so why did you put me in winding?" The next day I was a QC/QA tech doing in process and final testing, also working on R&D with engineering where I was happy as a clam for the next 7 years.
You don't need iron from a Hudson to wind mod transformers, they don't contain silicon steel anyway. Peter W. Dahl bragged about the superior qualities of his "Hypersil" when transformer lams are silicon steel to begin with, something they don't tell you in tech school. Power transformers work surprisingly well once you choose the proper turns ratio using a little Greek math to determine the impedance transformation ratio. Transformers don't have a characteristic impedance, they transform impedance or in other words primary impedance depends on secondary load impedance which in mod iron is typically around 4K. Again it's Greek math, I forgot the formula but it has something to do with the voltage to current ratio in the FPA. Uh uh, I don't have a BSEE, I'm a technician, not a magician. (Saw that on a fellow tech's license plate holder on his car.) One thing is for sure, you need heavy metal to make angel music, vintage rigs aren't called boat anchors for nothing. It took an Iron Butterfly to sing I Na Gadda Digestion <burp> and a Led Zeppelin to buy her Stairway To Heaven. If there's a bustle in your hedge row don't be alarmed at, it's just a spring clean for the May Queen. Play it backwards to hear the Satanic message. (;->)
Before I leave I should remind you that when you machine wind coils for RF leave a few days for winding stresses to relax before tuning them on a Q meter prior to installing them. Didn't anybody tell you every coil and RF coupling transformer is pre-tuned before mounting and wave soldering the boards? Do you REALLY think your rig was aligned as an assembled unit? <giggles> Once upon a time I was embarrassed while checking coils for accuracy with an inspector from a client company sitting next to me, I had to re-tune every one I had tuned a couple of days before. WTF? I had no idea the plant manager rushed them through and meanwhile the tension had relaxed throwing them way out of whack until I asked the design engineer about my predicament and he explained it to me.
04-01-2014, 07:33 PM
So, I'm listening to 6.754.0 USB.
04-01-2014, 07:39 PM
So, I'm listening to 6.754.0 USB.
You should call CQ! :lol:
What is that?
So, I'm listening to 6.754.0 USB.
Are you transmitting there as well?
04-01-2014, 07:46 PM
CQ CQ CQ...Heelllooo Radio! :lol:
Some guy keeps saying his call sign ends in Zulu....but the number before it keep changing..... I think he's a Pirate.
04-01-2014, 07:47 PM
Yeah, OK. Grab your knobs and give them a spin. You should be able to hear me.
So, I'm listening to 6.754.0 USB.
Listen to 6.666 or 6.670 LSB after 3PM your time. You should be able to pick up any Europirates who are using the frequency. It's popular on that side of the pond.
04-02-2014, 11:02 AM
What frequencies do you make a point of checking out everytime you turn on the radio, any radio?
Please list them here as I will be sure to stop on those spots during my own monitoring sessions.
I do mean any frequency Amateur or otherwise.
Thanks :)
I hope you also mean any Amateur, as well. ;)
When I first got on the air (as a novice, back in 1854)
the only crystal I had was on 3735 (Burstein-Applebee
had a whole sh*t-load of them on sale),
making it a very populated frequency (think QRM).
Once I made Conditional Class, 3950 (AM)
was the calling & working frequency (Wisc.)
Nowadays, owing to my hearing loss, I stick mostly to CW,
but I check into the Razorback Net with 5 watts (6:30 pm on 3987.5).
The freq I first listen to depends on what band I was previously on,
i.e., which coil is plugged into my link-coupled antenna tuner.
If it's the opportune time of day for DX, I check the low end of 30 or 40,
Although on 30, DX stations can be found just about anywhere. I once
answered a ZL's CQ--running 2 watts, he was very surprised and pleased.
If I'm calling a general CQ it might be 7060 or 10.11, and please don't send at 20 wpm.
That code test I passed in 1957 (FCC in Chicago) was a long time ago. ;)
As often as I can catch it.
As often as I can catch it.
Until your Gigahertz.
04-10-2014, 08:59 AM
But when you try to solder Litz wire you just want to put the Megahertz on it!
04-10-2014, 12:33 PM
Listen to 6.666 or 6.670 LSB after 3PM your time. You should be able to pick up any Europirates who are using the frequency. It's popular on that side of the pond.
This interests me greatly. I set up my antennas to favor the West. I could rearrange one of them.
This interests me greatly. I set up my antennas to favor the West. I could rearrange one of them.
That's the so-called "Echo Charlie" 45M allocation. Another spot to listen is 3470-3480LSB. Charles, you'll probably have a very good chance of picking up European-based activity from your location.
The Euro crew is also fond of 12.120, 13.970 and 20.970. I've been hearing reports of them using a bit of spectrum just above WWV on 15MHz, and adjacent to the 17M amateur allocation.
13.555 plays host to a bunch of Central Americans on occasion.
04-11-2014, 01:54 PM
But when you try to solder Litz wire you just want to put the Megahertz on it!
Touch a match to the end you want to solder, then
scrape it clean between your finger and thumb nails. :)
04-16-2014, 07:34 AM
04-17-2014, 12:42 PM
Re Litz wire de W9JEF:
"Touch a match to the end you want to solder, then
scrape it clean between your finger and thumb nails."
I know how to solder it, but it's not as easy as you make it out to be. There is Litz wire, then there is Litz wire on steroids!
04-19-2014, 09:46 AM
Re Litz wire de W9JEF:
"Touch a match to the end you want to solder, then
scrape it clean between your finger and thumb nails."
I know how to solder it, but it's not as easy as you make it out to be. There is Litz wire, then there is Litz wire on steroids!
It's hateful stuff alright, but the RF loves it. :) :(
04-28-2014, 10:15 PM
You should call CQ! :lol:
What is that?
Been listening for your call. Do we have to go, Back To The Future?
05-06-2014, 04:52 AM
Well, since you said ANY, haha, I always leave the 2 Meter on our club's repeater, 147.360 MHz, but I usually leave the HF on 3.983 MHZ for the Western PA on Phone And Traffic Net.
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