View Full Version : Dead Man Walking

03-05-2020, 01:04 PM
Stabbed in the heart!

Went looking for the CB Tricks website, it's gone, dead, never to return.

What is a poor chicken-bander to do?


03-05-2020, 02:37 PM
Archive.org is your friend...

ETA: Their most recent capture is Feb 3, 2019. I just did a drill-down for some esoteric radio info and it was all there, so that capture may be the best bet until the site returns.

03-05-2020, 05:54 PM
Archive.org is more fun than Google.

03-07-2020, 05:56 AM
CB Tricks has been gone for a LONG time. Just as well, most of the info, mostly misinfo, was long out of date. That would be for the serious minded, for jokers such as myself it was full of golden screwdriver truck stop techie laughs. In other words, how to destroy your radio in 4 easy steps:
1) Remove cover.
2) Tighten all the loose screws.
3) Replace cover.
4) Turn on and watch all the lovely smoke.

That was inspired by real life some years ago. A YL brought me her Hallicrafters CB-3A dead as a door nail, I took it apart for a physical examination, nothing burnt, nothing obvious. Next I tested the tubes, A-OK there. Hmmm, "What were you doing with it right before it crapped out?" ... "I cleaned out the dust and tightened the loose screws." Pointing to an IF can I asked "Loose screws like this?" ... "Yes, now it doesn't work." Being a straightforward single conversion receiver and transmitter using common third overtone crystals alignment was simple, 15 minutes later it was back in working order.

The cure for ignorance is education, but there just ain't no fixin' stupid. (Credit to Ray White.) No charge for doing a simple job for a friend including an education. Clean out the dust just fine, but like the booklet says, there are no user serviceable parts inside.

Go with Gluegle if you want to be tracked and your habits used against you and sold to partners for advertising purposes, (spam and pop up ads) but if you value your privacy go with Duck Duck Go. Spread the word, too many are unaware of Gluegle's nefarious reputation for skulduggery.

03-07-2020, 06:31 AM
I prefer startpage to search anonymous...

03-07-2020, 03:51 PM
Well aware of Google JuJitsu. Mea culpa.

Google referred to by to me as a search is kind of like Kleenex vs tissue conundrums.
It's a label for a search engine that everyone is familiar with. GoogleFu is fun to say.

So, a little dive into browser wars on my main desktop.

Chrome with Google is powerful, but nosy as hell. Often that is due to default settings.
I don't like that, the browser defaults should be more restrictive.

Duck Duck Go is used with a shortcut to it on the typical "Favorites Bar".
Or the default.

Chrome is my least protected browser, let it fly a little openly.
Google is the default search.

Firefox was a favorite for a long time, still use it in a pretty locked down state.
Duck Duck Go is the default search.

Mostly running the newest version of Edge, which uses the Chrome engine now.
Bing is the default search. Hey man, you can win points and like that! Buy stuff.
As a subscriber to Office 365, a little use of Bing can net a cheap game.

I use Edge most of the time now, it really flies. Run it pretty secure.
Microsoft has three defaults for security, easy to find and use.

Recently I updated Tor and got it running again.
Not going to use it till I figure out the sandbox.

Now... in the manner of Nit Pickin' Hair Pullin' Ham Radio style discussions. :neener:


03-10-2020, 05:13 AM
Startpage and Duck Duck Go are pretty much the same except for the cute little duck, using the Google database with a secure search engine is a clever bit of Duck Duck Fu. Firefox has its own security, Mozilla cares, you can put any search engines you like in the options page box and make any one of them default. Incidentally, Duck Duck Go is default in the Tor browser, add NordVPN or if you need that small edge in the speed department ExpressVPN and you have the most secure browsing experience AND it tunnels through geoblocking.

"Chrome is my least protected browser, let it fly a little openly. Google is the default search."
Of course it's nosy as hell, would Chrome use any other than its owner's search engine?

Hmmm, that geezer tweezers not only comes in handy for plucking bushy eybrows, nose and ear hairs, also when sonny boy gets out of hand a good pinch where it hurts most puts him back in his place real quick. Now if you're not mowing the grass GET OFF MY LAWN!