View Full Version : Two people found razor blades in their Halloween candy!

11-01-2019, 04:21 PM
WTF is wrong with folks these days?


Ohio police are urging trick-or-treaters to carefully sift through their Halloween stash after two people said they found razor blades hidden inside candy wrappers.

One of the people found a blade and cut a finger while sorting through their candy on Halloween night, Colerain Township Police spokesman James Love told CNN. The person went to the hospital for stitches. No one else was injured.
The two people who found the blades had trick-or-treated together in the same neighborhood in the Cincinnati suburb, Sgt. Scott Owen told CNN affiliate WLWT (https://www.wlwt.com/article/yeah-i-just-hit-you-again-deputy-fired-after-video-shows-him-punching-handcuffed-inmate/29648681). They're not sure which of the houses handed out the tampered candy.

Link (https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/01/us/razor-blades-ohio-candy-halloween-trnd/index.html)

On just one day out of the year, "Halloween", some people believe that it is a "Release" to be themselves or, to be someone or something humorous or scary; unfortunately there are those with too much imagination and too little self-control.

Fortunately, Halloween only comes around once a year; unfortunately, idiosyncratic behavior doesn't follow the calendar.

11-01-2019, 08:49 PM
Cheap Metal Detector (https://www.harborfreight.com/metal-detector-97245.html?cid=paid_google|||97245&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mkwid=s|pcrid|385382861917|pkw||pmt||pdv|c|slid||p roduct|97245|&pgrid=81574568354&ptaid=aud-466777369374:pla-821903783455&pcid=6550467582&intent=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwr-_tBRCMARIsAN413WSccJBATX4ZxmM1mInK3s6uTXIvXnsBQeWe 7WTtNtbtn4ubwwP9bw4aAi72EALw_wcB)


Lots of hospitals are X-raying candy as well. :scratchchin:

11-01-2019, 08:54 PM
Been razor blades in candy ever since razor blades looked like this
16640Don't make it right though. WTF is wrong with the species?

11-02-2019, 12:48 AM
Once the idea is planted, some people think it's just a thing you do. They can make up all kinds of reasons to justify it. The main thing I suppose, is when society seems compassionless. What makes people lack the feeling of empathy? How many people are on the edge? When people are pushed, pushed to the brink, you start to see the real person behind the facade. Is what you see, what you will actually get or is the real face behind the mask a psycho clown?
I feel that this article presents these thoughts in an analogy.

Events like these tend to pop up in clusters. Clown sightings are reported on social media and later covered by mainstream media.


11-02-2019, 06:55 AM
After about a decade of sanity the devil rears his ugly head again. At least this round was only two in a suburb of Sins And Naughty, Ohio, as you may remember the last spate was much worse. Some cling to old, pre Christian, Pagan beliefs of the British Isles when trick or treat was a threat. Why is it called Halloween?

Samhain is an Celtic word that some scholars think means “summer’s end,” and it marks the beginning of winter at the end of the harvest season. It was celebrated around November 1 when, it was believed, the dead arose for one night. OK, things are starting to sound familiar … Dressing in costumes resembling what are now called zombies derived from the Voodoo religion, monsters, witches, ghouls, and other fearsome things to frighten those foolish enough to open the door on the eve when they should have their doors locked, windows shuttered and lights out pretending they're not home to weasel treats from them with the familiar "Trick or treat?". Uh oh, better give them what they want or they'll do you dirty, and that was much worse that covering your house with toilet paper, throwing eggs, soaping car windows, and the stuff that goes on during Mischief Night the night before these days.

The other celebration, All Saints’ Day, honors all of the Christians saints. The Roman Catholic Church sometimes refers to it as the Solemnity of All Saints. Though this celebration does not bear a close resemblance to the festivities of Halloween (though historians say it is observed in Britain and Ireland on November 1 to replace or coincide with Samhain), it did give the holiday its name. The word Halloween is a direct derivation of All Saints’ Day. An old name for All Saints’ Day is All Hallows (or Allhallows), with hallow meaning “holy person; saint.” And, the night before All Hallows Even (meaning Eve). The phrase became shortened and the V became elided, yielding Halloween, and which is why Hallowe’en is sometimes so spelled to note the missing V. Halloween is recorded in the mid-1500s.

"Been razor blades in candy ever since razor blades looked like this"
Men pissed off at cheap Japanese blades maybe? My "All American" old man swore by and swore at his so called "safety razor" loaded with deadly Gillette Blue Blades in one hand and styptic pencil tn the other.

"Clown sightings are reported on social media and later covered by mainstream media."
Clown sightings are the stuff of really bad movies, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Refried Pennywise now done twice (It and It Jr.), and the worst one of all... Gags The Clown, the ending will make you gag. Seriously Killer Klowns was funny, the first It (down here they all float) is a good reason why kids are scared of clowns, and Gags goes along with suspense until my black balloon popped at the end making me wonder why I wasted my time on it. If you see a clown holding black balloons on Halloween run like hell!


11-02-2019, 11:34 AM
Been razor blades in candy ever since razor blades looked like this
16640Don't make it right though. WTF is wrong with the species?

October 31, 1967; sitting in Mrs. Whale's 1st grade class and she says, "Make sure you have your parents check all of your candy and goodies before you eat anything."

You're right, times have not changed.

11-02-2019, 04:32 PM
Our teachers never pushed the razor blade thing, it was always "watch for needles, dressing pins etc" We were always taught to look for pinholes in the candy wrappers

11-02-2019, 05:33 PM
Trunk or Treat is a Halloween trend. It might help.
If the participants would agree to scanning.

Of course some degenerate asshole could hack it.


https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/VM_9CJichEiyKR0Uoc8Pfot1zcY=/2254x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :format(webp)/trunk-or-treat-ideas-5958f3ff5f9b58843f41a3b6.jpg

11-03-2019, 07:28 AM
Here I come to rain on your parade again. (;->) Earlier I overlooked metal detectors, they have been used in the candy and processed food industries for years. Visiting a security guard friend in a candy factory closed for the weekend you discover things you get shooed away from on the tour, that is if they have one. Early on strong electromagnets were employed, later metal detectors as we have come to know them are used to discover metal slivers from processing equipment that sometimes get into candy and other food factory junk we pollute our bodies with.
That cheap metal detector makes me wonder, wonder why a security guard, TSA agent, or Mafioso's bodyguard would use anything less than one of those U shaped things you see in the movies. It makes me wonder why anyone would use it to find nails and staples in wood, find one and you have to dig it out wasting time and messing up the work. When I was an electrician in a custom kitchen shop I learned the easy way is use all carbide tipped saw blades. Not only do blades remain sharp much longer, but cutting up scrap wood to make parts bins for the maintenance shop they went through metal junk like it wasn't even there.

That trunk or treat "pirate ship" takes me back to my childhood going "down the shore" with the parental units. Avoiding The Garden State Parking Lot (Parkway) dad took the back roads we passed The Pirate Ship. In a divided portion of Rte. 35 was the Cahill (sp?) insurance broker office in an authentic looking pirate ship, tall masts, rigging, and all. IIRC it was in Morgan named for frequent visits up Morgan Creek by Sir Henry Morgan, Welsh privateer, and Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica from his base in Port Royal. As a sidebar, I don't know how anyone can stand our New Jersey State Bird, vampires day and night, mosquitoes that inhabit salt marshes that dot the NJ coastline. Morgan is awful in summer and in a cold winter frozen solid. I'm sure He'd rather be in Port Royal with the rest of the REAL Pirates Of The Caribbean.

11-03-2019, 10:27 AM
October 31, 1967; sitting in Mrs. Whale's 1st grade class and she says, "Make sure you have your parents check all of your candy and goodies before you eat anything."

You're right, times have not changed.

Was a thing in my neighborhood as well. Some people simply need their asses kicked.

11-03-2019, 03:46 PM
I don't know what kind of towns you guys grew up in, but in Rahway, NJ where I spent my feckless youth such things were unheard of. Frankly none of this nonsense was on the news until the 1982 Tylenol recall, and my OM was glued to the TV watching NY news every night... hmmm... Why do I feel like I grew up in a bubble?

11-03-2019, 05:42 PM
Yea. I grew up with Minnesota Nice.

Sure, the stories made national news, but, nothing local.

A few pranks, egging and TP for mean neighbors.

Pillowcases for candy bags, filled so damn heavy it was hard to carry.

Home made stuff too, toffee, taffy, caramel apples and like that.

11-03-2019, 09:15 PM
Heard about razors and needles since I heard about Halloween. We are a FEAR CULTURE.

11-04-2019, 06:21 AM
Heard about razors and needles since I heard about Halloween. We are a FEAR CULTURE.

Yep. The terrorists won.

11-04-2019, 08:49 AM
If I see a clown with black balloons around my house (out in the sticks of Virginia) I'll light him up and I don't mean with a flashlight.

11-04-2019, 10:18 AM
It seems that Mini Soda, the land of pony bottles, and Nazi Jersey were the head of the coin, and South Carolina the tail end. Maybe the Mason-Dixon culture, I don't know. I thought it was out in the Styx, a reference to the Underworld, that feeling of being alone, oh well. If you want to light up Gags be sure you do it before he disappears, and if he does DO NOT go looking for him. He plays a cat and mouse game herding people who seek him out and when they're on HIS turf, they die. After each killing he carries one less balloon, that's why they're black. Here's the spoiler, the movie is a suspenseful mystery/thriller keeping you on the edge of your seat, then Gags sneaks up behind, dumps you on the floor, and stands over you laughing.

Oh, somehow the trick part of trick or treat got bumped up an evening and became Mischief Night. Kids today have an advantage we never had, portable scanners to avoid the Spook Patrols. One Mischief Night my father went through his second childhood early when I was caught sneaking out of the house. He loaded up with "ammunition" and took me around in his '57 Chevy, the car I later learned how to drive in, and we went out. Where it was dark with no one around we hopped out and let 'er rip, took off laughing in search of our next victim.

Then years later when I lived in West Creek, still in NJ only a few kids came around led by their parents in groups. They must have watched one horror movie too many, it's such a peaceful, quiet town where everybody knows everybody else, a rural area between salt marshes and the Pine Barrens. From there I lived in Point Pleasant Beach, your typical minor shore resort town, on Halloween it was the same thing unlike Rahway years ago where they came out in droves and only the carpet crawlers, and ankle biters were accompanied by parents. The others waited behind the front door for that cry "Anything for Halloween?" Funny thing, back in "the beach" the only sign of Mischief Night was one large hundred year old house with a hitching post that got the TP treatment. The high school principal?

One last thought, the best prank was the helpful one, soaping car windows. Leave them until the morrow, rinsing it off with plain water washed the windows. "Hey you kids, come back and soap the whole car!" (;->)

11-11-2019, 06:56 AM
Heard about razors and needles since I heard about Halloween. We are a FEAR CULTURE.

Me too even though it was the Suburbs of Jersey a bit north of Hackensack.

11-11-2019, 12:16 PM
Yep. The terrorists won.

Yeah, sort of. They just knew how to play us. We were a fear culture long before the terrorists came over.
From a religious standpoint, the Puritans brought over fear doctrine, angry sky father type of stuff. A common theme in a lot of religions.

11-12-2019, 07:37 AM
Raunchway is what you might call the 'burbs too, but Hack & Suck was/is another country altogether, part of the NYC/Newark blight. South of Forked (pron. fork-ed, not forkt) River the landscape changes drastically. Being used to the BENNY* attitude I was surprised when I moved to West Creek, waiting outside the Shop Rite in Stafford for a friend to emerge total strangers rather than passing in silence said hello and some stopped to chat. Along Rte. 9 Forked River marks our Mason - Dixon line, down south the accent changes and you're greeted with good old fashioned southern hospitality. If you plan to live there be sure to pronounce Fork-ED River and West CRICK correctly or you're one of those damnyankees, all one word.

* BENNY - Bayonne Elizabeth Newark New York

11-12-2019, 01:00 PM
Raunchway is what you might call the 'burbs too, but Hack & Suck was/is another country altogether, part of the NYC/Newark blight. South of Forked (pron. fork-ed, not forkt) River the landscape changes drastically. Being used to the BENNY* attitude I was surprised when I moved to West Creek, waiting outside the Shop Rite in Stafford for a friend to emerge total strangers rather than passing in silence said hello and some stopped to chat. Along Rte. 9 Forked River marks our Mason - Dixon line, down south the accent changes and you're greeted with good old fashioned southern hospitality. If you plan to live there be sure to pronounce Fork-ED River and West CRICK correctly or you're one of those damnyankees, all one word.

* BENNY - Bayonne Elizabeth Newark New York

A little town called New Milford. North of the mess called Hackensack and Teaneck, East of Oradell and River Edge, South of Haworth, and West of Bergernfield and Dumont. Yes a Benny I was. Went to College below the Jersey mason dixon Line in Glassboro.

11-13-2019, 07:39 AM
Having moved away from loaded Halloween candy...

Ah, so you know just what I'm talking about having "been there done that" as the pop phrase goes. The trouble with the Northeast Megalopolis is going from one city to the other seamlessly you don't know where you are unless you know where you are, there are no city limits signs on secondary roads. I grew up one town away from the E in Benny, on the other side of Linden from Rahway is Elizabeth. I never had a Benny attitude to leave at home, I was raised by the Golden Rule so I fit in everywhere. When I lived in Point Pleasant Beach that was part of Point Pleasant when I was dragged "down the shore" by my parents I learned why Bennys are hated by shore people. They invade swelling the population to the bursting point so we can't get on our own beach without being elbow to elbow with rowdies raising hell. They throw trash everywhere and treat the locals with disrespect beyond words. A good example is a gang of kids riding past us relaxing on a cool evening on the porch yelling in unison PORCH PEOPLE! City kids are jealous, they have stoops two steps from the street instead of porches with a front walkway across a lawn. I know all the city names you mentioned, but I never had any reason to go there.

Hey guess what, we have Rowan U in common in an odd sort of way. Living east of the tracks in Point we were under mandatory evacuation when Sandy paid a visit. I had two charges, a retarded woman and a man who suffered a stroke, we spent the night of the tempest in an indoor stadium in Toms River, the county seat. Most were transplanted Bennys and it showed, kids running amok and adults having a hurricane party until 3am. Add the middle row of HID lamps lit all night straight over my head, forget about sleep. The next night we got shipped off to Rowan because Sleazeside Heights was devastated, we got displaced by the sleaze. We call it that not because of the Bennys like Snooky and her crew from the MTV show Jersey Shore (they were all Bennys from New York state) but because of what lives there in White Trash City South. White Trash City North is Keansburg. Rowan has a bigger stadium and overall a very nice place except for the HID lamps on all night, but we got used to them. What should have been two days stretched on to two weeks I spent trying to arrange transportation home. Evacuation was well planned out and went like a Swiss watch, but there were no plans to return the evacuees, what a fine kettle of fish you got us into THIS time fat ass Christie! (the worst NJ governor yet) I finally managed to get us home, but when none of the agencies involved, not even the county Welfare communicates with any others it became quite an adventure.

As a footnote, the devastation that the TV news showed was almost all from flowing water that literally washed structures away and left a couple of feet deep sand in the streets, almost no wind damage. A few blocks inland water was still, plenty of first floors and basements flooded, just your basic salt water damage easily fixed by replacing furniture and appliances. Our landlord anticipated a flooded basement and prearranged furnace replacement so we could have returned in two days when JCP&L got the power back up. Power companies work together and have great disaster plans, workers and equipment was flown in from several inland states, at Rowan I watched huge air transport planes flying in low one after the other. On the ride home I saw what they had done, lines were down all over the place that were patched around so power was restored as quickly as possible, the mess was cleaned up later. Now whenever I hear Bruce Springsteen singing Asbury Park 4th of July the lyrics change to "Sandy, your storm clouds are rising behind me..." Yep, Asbury was hit hard, but Convention Hall and Casino Pier were built so strong the structure only suffered a few broken windows. FYI Casino Pier has no casino, they're farther south in Atlantic City, inside is a carousel and amusements.


11-14-2019, 12:41 AM

Ah, so you know just what I'm talking about </snip>

Kale smoothie.

11-14-2019, 01:19 PM
Having moved away from loaded Halloween candy...

Ah, so you know just what I'm talking about having "been there done that" as the pop phrase goes. The trouble with the Northeast Megalopolis is going from one city to the other seamlessly you don't know where you are unless you know where you are, there are no city limits signs on secondary roads. I grew up one town away from the E in Benny, on the other side of Linden from Rahway is Elizabeth. I never had a Benny attitude to leave at home, I was raised by the Golden Rule so I fit in everywhere. When I lived in Point Pleasant Beach that was part of Point Pleasant when I was dragged "down the shore" by my parents I learned why Bennys are hated by shore people. They invade swelling the population to the bursting point so we can't get on our own beach without being elbow to elbow with rowdies raising hell. They throw trash everywhere and treat the locals with disrespect beyond words. A good example is a gang of kids riding past us relaxing on a cool evening on the porch yelling in unison PORCH PEOPLE! City kids are jealous, they have stoops two steps from the street instead of porches with a front walkway across a lawn. I know all the city names you mentioned, but I never had any reason to go there.

Hey guess what, we have Rowan U in common in an odd sort of way. Living east of the tracks in Point we were under mandatory evacuation when Sandy paid a visit. I had two charges, a retarded woman and a man who suffered a stroke, we spent the night of the tempest in an indoor stadium in Toms River, the county seat. Most were transplanted Bennys and it showed, kids running amok and adults having a hurricane party until 3am. Add the middle row of HID lamps lit all night straight over my head, forget about sleep. The next night we got shipped off to Rowan because Sleazeside Heights was devastated, we got displaced by the sleaze. We call it that not because of the Bennys like Snooky and her crew from the MTV show Jersey Shore (they were all Bennys from New York state) but because of what lives there in White Trash City South. White Trash City North is Keansburg. Rowan has a bigger stadium and overall a very nice place except for the HID lamps on all night, but we got used to them. What should have been two days stretched on to two weeks I spent trying to arrange transportation home. Evacuation was well planned out and went like a Swiss watch, but there were no plans to return the evacuees, what a fine kettle of fish you got us into THIS time fat ass Christie! (the worst NJ governor yet) I finally managed to get us home, but when none of the agencies involved, not even the county Welfare communicates with any others it became quite an adventure.

As a footnote, the devastation that the TV news showed was almost all from flowing water that literally washed structures away and left a couple of feet deep sand in the streets, almost no wind damage. A few blocks inland water was still, plenty of first floors and basements flooded, just your basic salt water damage easily fixed by replacing furniture and appliances. Our landlord anticipated a flooded basement and prearranged furnace replacement so we could have returned in two days when JCP&L got the power back up. Power companies work together and have great disaster plans, workers and equipment was flown in from several inland states, at Rowan I watched huge air transport planes flying in low one after the other. On the ride home I saw what they had done, lines were down all over the place that were patched around so power was restored as quickly as possible, the mess was cleaned up later. Now whenever I hear Bruce Springsteen singing Asbury Park 4th of July the lyrics change to "Sandy, your storm clouds are rising behind me..." Yep, Asbury was hit hard, but Convention Hall and Casino Pier were built so strong the structure only suffered a few broken windows. FYI Casino Pier has no casino, they're farther south in Atlantic City, inside is a carousel and amusements.


Funny part is Rowan was still Glassboro State College when i was there. I have been in the hind end of the bible belt here in Jawja since 93.......