View Full Version : Need Help

08-23-2018, 02:17 PM
So this is how the Island looks on FF. I know the problem is on this end. How do I fix it?


08-23-2018, 04:54 PM
It won't stay signed in? Or the actual screen content? Fo sho mine doesn't look anything like that on FF here...

I'm probably the last one to be answering anything to do with 'puters...

08-23-2018, 05:39 PM

Check the "View" -> "Page Style" setting and make sure it is set to "Basic Page Style". (on edit... I think you will find that this is the problem. I got a very similar looking page when page style was set to "No Style" while not being logged in)

If that isn't it, it may be an ad blocker or another filter in an add-on blocking the style sheets. This appears to be a case of the style sheets not being read and applied to the display of the page. Try turning off all content filters and ad blockers.

You may also try to start FF in safe mode, which will disable all add-ons. This will at least tell you if the problem is an add-on.

I switched to the mobile style here briefly to check that... not the same look as your screenshot.

08-23-2018, 06:37 PM
Thank you, Luke. Before turning off ad block, page style made no difference. After turning off ad block, page style toggled between the two..
Last night all I did was click on the top left logo to go to all forums and the change occurred.
Thank you again. I did not consider ad block to be an issue since I've been running it here and everywhere for years now.
Expect an extra orange with your lump of clean burning coal in your stocking at Christmas this year.