07-05-2018, 02:33 PM
Pittsburgh-Area Individual Agrees to Pay Fine & Probationary License Downgrade.
WASHINGTON, July 3, 2018—The U.S. Department of Justice and the FederalCommunications Commission have reached a settlement with an amateur radio operator forintentionally causing interference to other amateur radio operators’ transmissions and failing toprovide station identification when transmitting. The FCC worked with the Office of the U.S.Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania to reach an agreement with Mr. Brian Crowarising from an FCC Forfeiture Order that found his behavior violated the CommunicationsAct and the Commission’s rules.
WASHINGTON, July 3, 2018—The U.S. Department of Justice and the FederalCommunications Commission have reached a settlement with an amateur radio operator forintentionally causing interference to other amateur radio operators’ transmissions and failing toprovide station identification when transmitting. The FCC worked with the Office of the U.S.Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania to reach an agreement with Mr. Brian Crowarising from an FCC Forfeiture Order that found his behavior violated the CommunicationsAct and the Commission’s rules.