View Full Version : Back From The Dead

08-29-2016, 06:57 AM
Presuming this post is accurate, and I have no reason to believe otherwise... Ten Tec will be producing radios for the Amateur Market within the next few weeks!

From the TT Reflector:
Posted by: n2kpc (n2kpc@arrl.net?subject=Re%3A%20TEN-TEC%20OMNI%207)

I spoke to Mike Dishop today and the OMNI 7 should be available Oct. 31, 2016 or earlier in Oct.

The production run will be a little over one hundred OMNI 7's. When these are sold the Eagles will fly again.

The Model 712 USB Data Units should be coming soon. First run of 100. at $ 89.00. at my request because so my of you
have asked for them. They work great, no RF and plug them in and your good to go for the TEN_TEC 80 Meter PSK-31 Nets.

Prices on the OMNI 7 to be announce on the TEN-TEC Web Site.

TEN-TEC is producing Military Radios right now to get things back on track.

All good and looking forward to seeing everybody at the TEN-TEC Booths.

As always I get the ok from Mike to post this information.

That is all the info that I have for now so stay tuned on the TEN_TEC_Radio_Net Yahoo Group bought to you by John K3UR Group Owner and Net Manager, Thank You John.

One thing at a time and time it will take, but things are coming along at TEN-TEC.

73, Lloyd N2KPC

08-29-2016, 09:42 AM
While it is good to hear I have a few concerns and would have to wait awhile before I would think about making a purchase. Are they going to stay open for one and what will the product and customer service quality be like? I guess only time will tell.

08-29-2016, 10:50 AM
They need to come up with a TX-340D and an Orion 3...I'll be shopping with them for new gear at that point.

As it stands I just want repair parts for their various existing stuff.

08-29-2016, 11:19 AM
The good news is that their Service department is not only up & running again (and has been for quite a few months now), but they are once again repairing some of the older gear. Near the end of RKR's tenure, a lot of parts that had been "in stock" for older equipment repair were either not replaced or outright sold off. N8WFF made a point of getting parts restocked.

Yeah, I know a lot of the custom-made parts (moldings and so forth) won't be available again. Word was that during the move from the old factory to the rented quarters, again during RKR's tenure, most of the molds were discarded. If memory serves, some of the machinery that was used for the molds were discarded as well.

I've been privately told that RKR had the best of intentions, but things didn't work out, and they were in the process of liquidating what was left of Ten Tec and Alpha to recoup what they could. I don't believe that most of those who've been kvetching about Ten Tec both Over Yonder and on eHam are even partially aware of the situation (or, espeically the detractors, cared).

Word is that after the Orion and the Eagle come back, a new top-of-the-line rig will debut. It may be called an Orion III, it may not. John Henry did say, several months back, that an "Orion 3" was being considered. And I hope they come up with something. We shall see.

08-29-2016, 11:39 AM
The good news is that their Service department is not only up & running again (and has been for quite a few months now), but they are once again repairing some of the older gear. Near the end of RKR's tenure, a lot of parts that had been "in stock" for older equipment repair were either not replaced or outright sold off. N8WFF made a point of getting parts restocked.

Yeah, I know a lot of the custom-made parts (moldings and so forth) won't be available again. Word was that during the move from the old factory to the rented quarters, again during RKR's tenure, most of the molds were discarded. If memory serves, some of the machinery that was used for the molds were discarded as well.

I've been privately told that RKR had the best of intentions, but things didn't work out, and they were in the process of liquidating what was left of Ten Tec and Alpha to recoup what they could. I don't believe that most of those who've been kvetching about Ten Tec both Over Yonder and on eHam are even partially aware of the situation (or, espeically the detractors, cared).

Word is that after the Orion and the Eagle come back, a new top-of-the-line rig will debut. It may be called an Orion III, it may not. John Henry did say, several months back, that an "Orion 3" was being considered. And I hope they come up with something. We shall see.

Well- I'm really hopeful that they come back with a vengeance. If for no other reason than diversity in the market.

Wondering how they will fare against SDR systems that are coming out- or whether they will try to go down that road.

08-29-2016, 12:48 PM
As a happy Flex 3000 owner and a "fan-boi collector" of older Ten Tec rigs I'm glad to hear this. I would like to get some parts at some point. Love to see them get into the SDR scene with the knowledge and engineering skills of the past, blended with the new. Oh, and transverters again. That would be cool.

They are in a new world at this point, but the Eagle and Omni VII are still pretty stout designs.


08-30-2016, 07:30 PM
Transverters would be damn cool. I made my first 6 meter DX contacts on a 20-to-6 transverter from them. Right now, the market is either Elecraft (expensive) or SSB Electronic/DEM (crazy expensive).

08-30-2016, 09:45 PM
The trouble with transverters is they never know what bathroom they're allowed to use…

08-31-2016, 11:58 AM
Corsair III :anyone:

08-31-2016, 12:59 PM
Transverters would be damn cool. I made my first 6 meter DX contacts on a 20-to-6 transverter from them. Right now, the market is either Elecraft (expensive) or SSB Electronic/DEM (crazy expensive).


I'd really like to run a transverter for 2m off my current rig. I love the heck out of my VHF UHF rigs. But one system would be nice.

09-01-2016, 02:18 PM
Corsair III :anyone:

Sure. Or Omega?

No, wait. The new rig of the reborn Ten Tec should be called...

"The Mercury". Fast communication, fast QSK, QSL?


09-01-2016, 02:58 PM
How about The Prometheus? No, then it will end up getting it's liver eaten out by The Eagle.

09-01-2016, 08:30 PM
Zeus, Ares, Apollo and the big rig grand daddy, Cronus.

09-01-2016, 09:32 PM
Zeus, Ares, Apollo and the big rig grand daddy, Cronus.
If you say so. It's all Greek to me.