View Full Version : The hobby- what is it really for you?

06-22-2016, 02:42 PM
So... we're all in this hobby... but no one does it all... What part of the hobby do you do?

Here's mine:

My hobby has evolved into building and rebuilding my station. It's a continual process. Find something not perfect or perfectly technically correct- tear it down and rebuild it. Want a second operating position? Build it!

Sure I make contacts... 366 since becoming a ham. Certainly not impressive. But in my defense they were longer QSOs.

Prefer digital modes like Olivia. And like SSB when the band is doing ok.

But there's no time for QSOs- there's a station to rebuild!

Currently setting up a second OCF Windom, putting my VHF radio back up, and setting up a Second operating position.

What are you into?

06-22-2016, 05:08 PM
For me, the hobby has been on hold for a year. Too busy working and the now ex-xyl wouldnt let me keep an antenna up. Now im single. 3 weeks i move into the new digs so can see about getting back into my digi modes. Love jt65/9 but will need to get a refresher b4 i go hardcore back into it. Gettin jazzed!

06-22-2016, 05:32 PM
For me, it is (or was) antenna experimentation. Gonna be on hold for a while on that.

06-22-2016, 05:37 PM
Rag Chew. Sitting up late at night in my underwear. Talking to strange men.

06-22-2016, 05:44 PM
Portable. There are too many mountains to hike up to stay inside.

After getting DXCC, I realized that I have no desire in chasing pileups further. Give me 20 watts, a wire, a good view, and a beer.

06-22-2016, 05:50 PM
Portable. There are too many mountains to hike up to stay inside.

After getting DXCC, I realized that I have no desire in chasing pileups further. Give me 20 watts, a wire, a good view, and a beer.

No DXCC herre, but I'm with you. I found that I disliked sitting out in the shack in the dark. The boat I'm presently looking at (passed on the first one I mentioned here) has the backstay insulated for a marine HF rig but, with a tuner, that will work just fine for ham radio as well.

06-22-2016, 05:52 PM
Yeah, between getting a QSL from Fiji and actually being in Fiji, well, that's an easy choice :mrgreen:

06-22-2016, 05:58 PM
I'm thinking K6BSO/MM QRP. If I can sell some more of my gear, I'll see about picking up a KX-2 or KX3

06-22-2016, 07:55 PM
The '3 checks more boxes for me, but I like having 6 meters.

06-22-2016, 08:58 PM
I enjoy using vintage tube gear like my CE-100v/600L/75A4 set up or the SX-101A/HT-32A/HT-33 set up. Even Mobile with a Gonset II 6 meter in the '50 Chrysler. As well as my FT-100D mobile here in the RV. Rag chew.

06-23-2016, 10:44 AM
Building stuff. modding stuff, repairing stuff and then putting the results on the air.

I listen 99% of the time I'm in the shack.

06-23-2016, 01:35 PM
mostly listen. however i do own a 440 repeater so sometimes that keeps me busy... and well, keeps me busy when i don't want to be busy honestly.

06-23-2016, 03:35 PM
I pursue DX and dip my toes into the occasional contest. Since I discovered JT65 and JT9, I've been on a mission to work towards DXCC on 160m. I'm a bit over the half way mark with 57 worked.

I find rag chewing to be mostly boring as shit, which is probably why (among other reasons) I don't bother to hang out on 75m, unless it's in the SSB DX window. I find most of what goes on above 3.800 to be a toxic mix of racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and bigots. Lots of Conservative/ Right Wing ass-hattery, if you like that sort of thing. Same thing could be said of a lot of 40m, as well. :roll: :yuck:

06-24-2016, 12:11 AM
Oh yeah, antenna building, 99.9% listening AND sitting alone in the dark talking to strange men ... (in my underwear).

06-24-2016, 12:52 AM
Oh yeah, antenna building, 99.9% listening AND sitting alone in the dark talking to strange men ... (in my underwear).

That was you? :P

06-24-2016, 06:40 PM
I've always enjoyed Restoring/operating the old tube stuff.

06-24-2016, 08:34 PM
Trying to push data over RF.

06-25-2016, 10:39 AM
I pursue DX and dip my toes into the occasional contest.

That kinda sorta also describes me. I really don't "pursue" DX, but if I happen to run across it while spinning the big knob (yes, I went there!), I will roll the dice, toss my call out and see what happens, but I don't have the patience to work those mega-DXpeditions. I am still one of those "100 watts and a vertical" guys so it can take a lot of patience and perseverance to bust those pileups and its just not worth it to me.

As far as digital, I have "dipped my toes" into the JT65/9 pond. Talk about boring as shit! Jeez! With all due respect to Joe Taylor, I would rather watch golf on TV on a Saturday afternoon than do those modes. I was an early adopter of PSK31 and even though it has become about 96.87394% macros, I still enjoy it. The other digital mode I really like is Hellschreiber... when I can find it.


I have been doing RTTY (FSK of course!) since I have been licensed (1992). It has long since been supplanted by the newer digital modes, but gimme a good ol' RTTY contest any day! Everyone knows to leave me alone on the first weekend in January for the RTTY Roundup. Even with my 100 watts and a vertical, I have still managed to eek out First Place in the low power single operator category for Missouri two years in a row and a few other times in the past but this is the first time I have made it two years in a row! Woot woot!

I have managed to get DXCC Mixed and Digital (mostly thanks to RTTY contesting) and a handful of WAS awards over the decades. Even so, I still get pretty much the same thrill now as I got almost 25 years ago when I hear a DX station come back to my call!

06-25-2016, 03:53 PM
That kinda sorta also describes me. I really don't "pursue" DX, but if I happen to run across it while spinning the big knob (yes, I went there!), I will roll the dice, toss my call out and see what happens, but I don't have the patience to work those mega-DXpeditions. I am still one of those "100 watts and a vertical" guys so it can take a lot of patience and perseverance to bust those pileups and its just not worth it to me.

As far as digital, I have "dipped my toes" into the JT65/9 pond. Talk about boring as shit! Jeez! With all due respect to Joe Taylor, I would rather watch golf on TV on a Saturday afternoon than do those modes. I was an early adopter of PSK31 and even though it has become about 96.87394% macros, I still enjoy it. The other digital mode I really like is Hellschreiber... when I can find it.


I have been doing RTTY (FSK of course!) since I have been licensed (1992). It has long since been supplanted by the newer digital modes, but gimme a good ol' RTTY contest any day! Everyone knows to leave me alone on the first weekend in January for the RTTY Roundup. Even with my 100 watts and a vertical, I have still managed to eek out First Place in the low power single operator category for Missouri two years in a row and a few other times in the past but this is the first time I have made it two years in a row! Woot woot!

I have managed to get DXCC Mixed and Digital (mostly thanks to RTTY contesting) and a handful of WAS awards over the decades. Even so, I still get pretty much the same thrill now as I got almost 25 years ago when I hear a DX station come back to my call!

i actually like the JT65/9 modes due in fact its no BS just simple exchanges. granted it is boring and slow but its no BS.

06-25-2016, 05:38 PM
Love to fiddle around with antennas and really mess with SDR radios.

Quite a bit of listening, including regular and Utility SWL'ng.
Added some VHF/UHF listening at the newer QTH.

I like the friendly B.S. ragchews the best.
Maybe even run some Evil ESSB, or AM.

06-30-2016, 02:47 PM
I'm about 90% digital, both on HF data and on UHF voice. About the only time I use a microphone on HF is to key the PTT when tuning up. I do SSB under great duress, but will tickle the Morse key on occasions like big contests.

I'm heavily involved in public service and ARES. It keeps me out of trouble. If I was as active as I ought to be, I'd be out doing public events about every weekend this time of year. Lately, though, family events have taken priority.

07-02-2016, 09:17 AM
...Lately, though, family events have taken priority.

There's always something going on here (work, housekeeping, what have you) that interferes with active engagement on the air.

Listening doesn't cost much. Putting lots of other priority items on hold to sit and ragchew on the air for hours...ain't nobody got time for dat.