View Full Version : MLink 5 USB Radio Adapter

05-26-2016, 08:11 PM
So, I ordered one of these doo-dads (http://www.ebay.com/itm/171769188892?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT), to see if a) Isolation improved anything, operating-wise, b) To see if a non-hack job on interface wiring actually helps anything.

So, got it all set up, audio into the PC works. Out? Dunno. I don't think so. It's connected to my 857D, and shockingly, I get much more use from my 817ND. On the 857D, it doesn't seem to do CAT control (No freq updates), PTT works, but I do not think anything is coming out of the radio.

So, it's not 100% idiot proof, like the SignaLink USB. It is, however, half the price. So, if I get it working, I'll update this post with results.

06-01-2016, 06:37 PM
Corey, you can test the output from the computer (input to radio) by using a 9 volt battery, resistor, and LED. From the (+) side of 9VDC battery, 500 ohm resistor (two 1K's in parallel)(Exact resistance not important), to a LED, to the output connection. (-) side of battery to the GND/COM side of the output. Access the COM port using a terminal program, 9600 baud would do. Type in a bunch of characters in the terminal program, the LED should blink, confirming output. Loop back test can be done the same way. Connect the CAT input and output together, 10K resistor from the connection point to (+) side of 9VDC battery, and (-) Side of battery to CAT common. What you type in the terminal program should echo back.

In the CAT interface schematics, it assumes that there is a pull-up on the radio side. The 10K and battery will provide that.

11-01-2016, 08:08 PM
So, I finally got around to kicking the tires on this bad boy.

For those who want a TL;DR: Don't bother, with the caveat that this was only tested with an FT-857D and a FT-817ND.

Long version:
So... I had high hopes for this, when it was shipping: One interface to rule them all!

What I got was maybe a $50 device with sound isolation, some LEDs, and a lot more cabling.

I thought I'd be able to use hamlib with this box. Nope. Simple serial PTT control. No rig control. Nothing. Just PTT. No off-board soundcard, so I still need to employ my sound card. Just save yourself headache, and add more features while saving money: Get the rig control USB cable, and the data cable for the radios. You'll have less cabling, and enjoy being able to use hamlib.