View Full Version : R-8 vertical longest component

03-31-2016, 12:21 AM
I'm interested in buying a Cushcraft R-8 vertical antenna and take it to Mexico on a commercial air flight.
From online searches I've seen that the length of the box it's shipped in is about 7 ft long.
That's longer than the length that the airlines accept.

Question: Does this 7 ft long piece break down to smaller pieces ??? I've asked this question of Cushcraft, but they don't answer. Thanks, Bill

03-31-2016, 09:42 AM
If it did, don't you think Cushcraft would ship in a shorter box maybe? Solution #1, a hacksaw, some thin wall aluminium EMT the next size larger diameter available at your local electrical supply house, a drill and some self tapping screws. Solution #2: A commercial shipper. Solution #3: A different antenna.