View Full Version : Perhaps a dumb question

03-26-2016, 03:13 AM
When I test for a license upgrade, why do I need to present an *original* FCC issued license or CSCE? also, isn't the requirement for an *original* FCC issued license kinda dumb since the FCC doesn't send printed to people anymore?

03-26-2016, 03:27 AM
Think of it as having a receipt at a store that requires one for returns. Or...

It only proves to someone that you already passed the prerequisite tests for your upgrade.

Besides, its how it's always been done in the last couple of decades.

Not a dumb question at all

03-26-2016, 08:39 AM
After you pass the test, the VE team has to state whether this is a new license or an upgrade.

But I agree that in this day and age, as long as the VE team can look you up in the ULS database and you present some sort of photo ID with the same name and address, producing a paper copy of your license seems unnecessary.

As far as a license or CSCE, a Technician could theoretically take the Extra test in which case the VE team would issue a CSCE since this would not qualify you for an upgrade. Then assuming you passed your General test within 365 days, you would present your CSCE for the Extra test and at that point you would upgrade from Technician to Extra.

Confused yet?

03-28-2016, 06:28 AM
not confused at all ... this just sounds like now is the time to revisit this.

[i'm thinking about getting my extra done before the question pool changes this summer ... the address on my license has changed, and so i don't have an "official" FCC version, and i have no idea where my CSCE is. so, no extra for me?

03-28-2016, 05:37 PM
...i have no idea where my CSCE is. so, no extra for me?

That's right! You have to start all over from scratch with the Technician's test. Sorry!

03-29-2016, 03:40 AM

03-30-2016, 01:55 AM
That's right! You have to start all over from scratch with the Technician's test. Sorry!

Why can't Henry keep his general and retry for his extra....even if he has to take it with the new question pool?

Or has my density level went back up again?

(Ooooh..........you're just bustin his balls huh?)

03-30-2016, 04:32 AM
Not a dumb question, but a dumb requirement for the reason you stated. I have the "original" if you want to call it that, I requested paper, but upon filing got the electronic copy I printed just in case and a week later received the very same thing printed by the FCC ULS computer. go figure! OK, the technicality lies in the word original because there is no such thing, but the "proof of purchase" requirement is a good thing that prevents skipping the one step at a time requirement. Well maybe not such a good thing, it's a make work thing both for the testee and the tester, rather a PITT. I'll let you figure out what the T stands for. (;->)

"Yet another imperfect being created by the perfect God"
...for I am a jealous god, I shall have no competition from the likes of you.