View Full Version : KP1 Navassa: January 2015!!

10-22-2014, 02:06 PM
From: The KP1-5 Project

Re: Navassa (KP1) DXpedition

Dated: 22 October 2014

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified the KP1-5 Project that they will be the team to activate Navassa Island (KP1) in January 2015.

The DXpedition will be a maximum of fourteen days. The exact dates in January will be determined by USFWS mission requirements and weather windows.

Our experienced team of fifteen is complete and is ready for the challenge. The weeks ahead will be extremely busy as the team has less than 90 days before the DXpedition comes on the air.

January is the month of minimum bird nesting activity and this is the primary reason USFWS is asking that the operation be completed during that month. However, the weather is unpredictable in January and because Navassa is surrounded by
cliffs, this may preclude a safe landing by boat. For safety reasons and in order to maximize our time on the Island and on the air, a helicopter operation is planned.

Navassa is over 100 miles (160 km) from the nearest helicopter staging point and as many as ten round trips will be required at the beginning and end of the operation. Obviously, this means that there will be a significant cost for activating this #1 ranked DXCC entity.

In the next few weeks, we be working with USFWS and as details firm up, we will issue periodic press releases. Check our webpage, http://www.kp1-5.com (http://www.kp1-5.com/) for more details of the operation and how you may financially support this DXpedition.

The KP1-5 Project team has committed to fund 50% of the total costs. We are hopeful the DX community at large
will fund the remainder.

for The KP1-5 Project,

Bob Allphin K4UEE, President
Glenn Johnson W0GJ, Vice-president
Mike Thomas NA5U, Secretary

10-23-2014, 05:25 AM
Holeee Crapola!

Want! Just one qso is all i require to be happy...just one. And the card, of course. After that, all i have to do is be patient for the next KH7K operation and i will have all US territories.

10-29-2014, 07:26 AM
For Immediate Release
From: The KP1-5 project
RE: Navassa 2015
Date: Oct. 29, 2014

We are pleased to announce that the new Navassa 2015 DXpedition website is up and running. It can be found at www.navassadx.com (http://www.navassadx.com).

Also, it is official...our call sign will be K1N.

Team members are: AA7JV, K0IR, K4UEE, K5AC, K9CT, KT4TTT, N2OO, N2TU, N4GRN, N6MZ, NA5U, NM1Y,

We will update the website often as more information becomes available. We are working closely with the USFWS and are pleased with their "can do" attitude. We should have specific dates shortly, but the team has cleared their schedules to be available for the two week operation starting in late January 2015.

Fundraising has begun. If able, we encourage you to financially support the project.

73, for the DXpedition team
Bob K4UEE, Glenn W0GJ, Mike NA5U

10-29-2014, 09:40 AM
With THAT gathering of DX heavyweights, i think i might have a shot at at least a couple of bands.

10-29-2014, 10:09 AM
If you thought K5D was insane...... :omg:

10-29-2014, 11:44 AM
They just better devote time to RTTY!!! That is a very important mode! I missed K5D on RTTY, don't know what I was doing, but think I worked them on SSB. Maybe someone will go back there some day, but not likely any time within the remainder of my lifetime!

10-29-2014, 04:36 PM
Ill take just ONE qso on any band or mode. Thats all i ask.

I managed K5D on 3 bands with 100w and a wire, i think i can get at least that.

10-29-2014, 05:20 PM
Ill take just ONE qso on any band or mode. Thats all i ask.

I managed K5D on 3 bands with 100w and a wire, i think i can get at least that.

I got K5D on 7 bands, 15m through 160m. I have the card around here somewhere....

I'm planning similar totals for this one. Ideally, I'd like to get them on all 9 HF bands.

10-29-2014, 08:51 PM
Ill take just ONE qso on any band or mode. Thats all i ask.

I managed K5D on 3 bands with 100w and a wire, i think i can get at least that.

Agreed. One in the log is all I'd ask for at this point. Its what I shoot for with each of the W1AW's, though I have got some on both 10 and 20.

10-29-2014, 08:54 PM
It will be a lot of this once it hits the cluster....


Followed by a bunch of this once the pileup gets going...


10-29-2014, 09:54 PM

There will be a metric shit-ton of that one. :roll:

10-30-2014, 03:54 AM

Along with a bunch of tuning, 'ditditditditditditditditditdit', Whistling and 3rd grade name calling....and thats just on digital!

10-30-2014, 09:35 AM

Along with a bunch of tuning, 'ditditditditditditditditditdit', Whistling and 3rd grade name calling....and thats just on digital!

And don't forget the requisite mooning on ATV.

10-30-2014, 09:47 AM
And don't forget the requisite mooning on ATV.

14.235 notch filter.

10-30-2014, 09:49 AM
14.235 notch filter.

I tried that, it did filter the cheeks, butt, the crack was narrow enough to pass through. A bit scary, to say the least.

10-30-2014, 10:20 AM
After what I went through to work the W1AW/KP2 last night, I am sure glad I don't need KP1 on phone. I called for 2 days before I got through!! and that was with a KILLERWATT and a big beam! SO RTTY is going to be a BALL BUSTER!. I did get through on CW fairly easy though, so maybe thats my best bet.

10-30-2014, 01:33 PM
Yeah, but remember Pat, they're going to be there for 3 weeks.

If the op goes along the same lines as Desecheo 5 years ago, by the middle of the second week, they pileups will be down to a minimum.

10-30-2014, 02:31 PM
Yeah, but remember Pat, they're going to be there for 3 weeks.

If the op goes along the same lines as Desecheo 5 years ago, by the middle of the second week, the pileups will be down to a minimum.

Which means I just might sit out the first week and listen to the ensuing chaos for Teh Lulz.

10-30-2014, 07:41 PM
Which means I just might sit out the first week and listen to the ensuing chaos for Teh Lulz.

Thats what i do. I give a few calls early on in hopes of getting lucky, and sometimes i do, but i mostly wait until things wind down.

10-30-2014, 11:10 PM
Do the same with the W1AW/x ones. The first night and the last few hours are a mad frenzy...but they are usually there for a week (though not on all bands obviously).

You'd think the points were higher for the first and last two hours though. Sheesh.

10-31-2014, 04:26 AM
...you get points for those??