View Full Version : Radio Caroline On the Air

08-20-2014, 06:40 AM
Back in the Good Bad Old Days of Rock and Roll, there was a giant in the broadcast industry, it was called the British Broadcasting Company. They refused to play Rock on their stations and so, pirate radio was hatched to fill the void.

The renegade Radio Caroline, which entertained rock ‘n’ roll fans in the UK and Europe from the 1960s until the 1990s from offshore shipboard transmitters and studios, is back on the airwaves from the River Blackwater off England’s Essex Coast using a temporary, low-power license. It has plans to obtain a permanent AM broadcasting authorization. Radio Caroline was among the first, and most famous, pirate radio ships of the era.

She's baaack.

ARRL: Pirate Radio Ship Redux: Radio Caroline Returns, Radio Veronica, Northsea Special Event Set (http://www.arrl.org/news/view/pirate-radio-ship-redux-radio-caroline-returns-radio-veronica-northsea-special-event-set)

08-20-2014, 08:14 AM
Listened to all of them in my youth including radio Luxembourgh.
Veronica still on the air here on FM my daily listening station ...

08-20-2014, 08:29 AM
Listened to all of them in my youth including radio Luxembourgh.
Veronica still on the air here on FM my daily listening station ...

I caught a couple here, a very hard catch in the 60s and 70s. Loved Radio Luxembourg or as the Brits call it Radio Luxie on 6090. Used to listen to the European top 20 show every chance I got. That and Radio Vatican are hard catches though.

08-20-2014, 10:58 AM
Anyone see the movie Pirate Radio? I don't imagine it was historically accurate or anything, but it was fun to watch anyway.

08-20-2014, 11:13 AM
Anyone see the movie Pirate Radio? I don't imagine it was historically accurate or anything, but it was fun to watch anyway.

I was on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland once......does that come close? :mrgreen:


08-20-2014, 11:26 AM
Veronica clip and some ship stuff.

I personally met many DJ's and technicians one is Juul Geleijk PE0GJG also a ham now.technician for the audio and transmitter.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG2PpYdK9nU Veronica station tune.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaHuhoRmMoY another one

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXrAp5tjgm8 living on the ship off shore.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezHmLpJakYU tune for radio northssea international, man of action.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYmTJ9uA5AQ radio Caroline from the fortunes

Power amplifier for the midwave transmitter was the BTL-6-3 tube
Brown boveri tube, one with handles ;)

08-20-2014, 11:30 AM
Fun movie.

Radio Caroline has been streaming on the web for quite a while.

It's pretty cool to listen to.

08-20-2014, 11:44 AM
Old times live again...never to come back though, just vivid memories of my youth.
Started my radio hobby, listening to the sea based transmitters or Radio Luxembourgh fading in/out in the evening.
Trying to improve reception and went from there.
Must have been 10 or 12 years when I bought my first soldering iron and multimeter.... dang I'm freaking old.

08-20-2014, 04:18 PM
Ahh, now then, Radio Luxembourg on 208 metres!
I used to make, and sell, little 4-transistor radios with "tuning" and "reaction". Listening to Luxembourg on a TRF radio was a treat. Somehow the tuning was so sharp as to eliminate "next-door" stations and yet allow full audio bandwidth, (probably only about 6khz from the transmitter courtesy of the modulation transformer if the truth be known).

'COR, was Radio Luxembourg actually situated in France due to land price restrictions?

When Radio Caroline arrived, that was good, I recall listening to her (the MV Mi Amigo) when she was starting to sink and a DJ describing how they might have to take to the lifeboat with no notice.


08-21-2014, 08:07 PM
Here's Carl Thompson deep in the hold of The Boat That Rocked from my archives.

08-22-2014, 01:06 AM
Nope, Radio Luxembourg station which I passed by several times working in Germany or on our holidays has her studio's on the territory of the Luxembourg as well the antenna farm, which you can see from far away.
https://forums.hamisland.net/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUUEhQUFBQUGBUUFRQUFRgUFxQVFBYXFhQUFR QYHSggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKBQUF DgUFDisZExkrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKy srKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK//AABEIAMgA5QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBQQGB//EAEQQAAEDAgMEBQoEAwcEAwAAAAEAAhEDIQQSMQUiQVEGEzJho QcjU3FygZGywdEzNEKxFlLwFBUkYoKS8UOiwuFUk9L/xAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9/0e2Fh34ai99JjnObJJmSZOt/ou3 HML6Fnj91d0X/KUPY pWjlQZX8OYX0DPH7qsdHsLP4LPH7rZLbKvJdBmt6OYX0LPH7ou 6OYX0DPH7rUBQJugyj0dwvoGeP3Tfw7hfQs8futIBFBkjo9hfQ s8fuld0fwvoWeP3WoxQlBlHo9hvQs8VW7YGG9Czx 613HT4Kou4oMw7Bw0/gs8fulbsLD iZ4/dabilY5Bn/ANwYb0TfH7o/w/hvRM8futJFwQZX9wYf0LPFO3o/hvQs8fuu9yLXIM/ H8NP4LPFMej G9Czx 60VMyDOb0fw3oWeP3Tfw7hvQs8futFqcOQZrOjuG9CzxQPR7C hZ4/dagKJQZbejuF9CzxT/w5hfQM8futKmVZKDIHRzC gZ4/dH HML6Bnj91qkqFB856c4GnSqUxSa1gLCSADc5iOJUXR5SB5yl7B ZRB6/oqP8ACUPY pWm0XWb0U/J0PY 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RxgwQI3RxINzwTYvofVqAtcTlIv1dAMi4NjmMaC/eg88/EMPVlhzFlWkZIsd4MMRbR3FdRcDAbIgkb1 6ByFl6RnRU5BTmoGAMaG52ggNAFzl1kArrb0fmZLiTqDUmRYX3 TNkHiMTWbTdmnKXBrATEHVwkQRJJcVlVek0PswEN4kwSQTe1l9 LZ0TYGmAGgxM56mlhq4DuiE1DofhWnN1TSeO60T7rwg VbdxnWMaczJkAta8uMQ434RorcJV3QWU3BxI7FJxHdvSI8V9eo 7HotECm2DwyiPBdVDCMbMNbHq7ohB4jo1n6t2dhZvWDp0gXv3y ivSbY7QiAI5Qog8vtDCNc9x/s7qhtfPAdbUb1vguT 6HFwOV4BOmcHJHG43tXeCCiC/C7NeBcEBoqsY2b5HtpneP8xc18 spm7MJcC4GQ7N2p1dPhr8VFEFmLoOc4ebcQAIIIsZ1udRAPeuP Zez6orVZphlOplcJIJzCQT3HX4hRRBtf3I0tI8yCQQC50m4iez/AFZdVHo1TDy416Ml2e5PuuByUUQdbNgUf/lUxzgG50mY5ABMOjGEzPccU0moA13aO60EADTnxUUQd9PZ2FAy nEiO5hBmI1zdysw BwTRHXE sTeebgSB8VFEHS3DYEf9Un3j/wDKZtPAAznv3Odf4BRRA5dgbQRbm96XPguVPXiD xN0FEBficINOrvyb6vskZjsOB/0/wDaD9FFEDHadHgWD1NA96jdsUx psf uA4KKIEqbXpkdoe6VyVdqtGku98fVRRByP24ZPmzHPMOGkDiqx twnSkf9RI8IUUQUVNu1eFL9j/5Bc9bbNfg13 gN79cxKiiCr 88QeDweO8Eam0qwB/FJ5SCPooogOGrueJe1wP fUzc8TxUUUQf//Z

08-22-2014, 05:14 AM
Ahh, now then, Radio Luxembourg on 208 metres!
I used to make, and sell, little 4-transistor radios with "tuning" and "reaction". Listening to Luxembourg on a TRF radio was a treat. Somehow the tuning was so sharp as to eliminate "next-door" stations and yet allow full audio bandwidth, (probably only about 6khz from the transmitter courtesy of the modulation transformer if the truth be known).

'COR, was Radio Luxembourg actually situated in France due to land price restrictions?

When Radio Caroline arrived, that was good, I recall listening to her (the MV Mi Amigo) when she was starting to sink and a DJ describing how they might have to take to the lifeboat with no notice.


Never saw that story. The risks of being on a ship spinning records. There was a pirate here that tried this back in the early 80s. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Newyork_International) Even though they were past the legal limit, a flotilla of law enforcement took to the waves and shut them down. Some wag I knew signed on with my name, although I was never there. I sure wasn't going to risk my license like that.

08-22-2014, 02:38 PM
Never saw that story. The risks of being on a ship spinning records. There was a pirate here that tried this back in the early 80s. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Newyork_International) Even though they were past the legal limit, a flotilla of law enforcement took to the waves and shut them down. Some wag I knew signed on with my name, although I was never there. I sure wasn't going to risk my license like that.

Probably because you were a well know liberal and a rock DJ. Alan Wiener knew if they used your name it would bring in more listeners.

08-22-2014, 04:08 PM
Bang, bang. Shoot shoot.

John vs John


(oops, should this have been in the haiku thred? :mrgreen: )

08-22-2014, 06:08 PM
Probably because you were a well know liberal and a rock DJ. Alan Wiener knew if they used your name it would bring in more listeners.

No more likely because I thought he was nuts to risk going to jail for something as juvenile as this. As well as losing his 3rd Radiotelephone. I had a 1st Radiotelephone and wasn't about to risk that. I had a pretty good reputation as a pretty decent board engineer in the business so that probably didn't hurt my chances of getting on his s#!t list despite my not knowing him personally.

I was notorious with Hams in the NYC area when I went to classes for my Novice License because of this. The stuff phony legends are made of.

08-22-2014, 09:52 PM
No more likely because I thought he was nuts to risk going to jail for something as juvenile as this. As well as losing his 3rd Radiotelephone. I had a 1st Radiotelephone and wasn't about to risk that. I had a pretty good reputation as a pretty decent board engineer in the business so that probably didn't hurt my chances of getting on his s#!t list despite my not knowing him personally.

I was notorious with Hams in the NYC area when I went to classes for my Novice License because of this. The stuff phony legends are made of.

Yep, I remember hearing your name when I first became interested in ham radio. the pirates wanted to win you over to their side but you were a law abiding radiotelephone operator (1st class) and were not about to risk all that for some 3rd class pirates. So they used your name on board to try and get you in trouble. It figures, them damned pirates can't be trusted.

08-23-2014, 07:19 PM

08-24-2014, 08:48 PM

When I first got into ham radio I remember hearing you mentioned by hams everywhere. They used to warn me not to be like that John/NH guy. Most of the hams in the NYC and New England didn't like me because I wouldn't do pirate radio because I was afraid of losing my ham license. To this date over 20 years later you'll still hear them talking about me and I am shunned on most of the NYC repeaters because of it. In fact when they hear my callsign they shut down the repeater and I hear them talking on simplex saying "this was the guy who didn't support pirate radio". They think I can't hear them because they are far from my QTH using handhelds on low power but my antenna is a powerful ear and I can hear the weakest simplex signals on VHF from 100's of miles away.

That's why I started using only HF, I had to get my signal several states away from NY before I could find hams who didn't hold any grudges. In the 60's and 70's pirate operators were like the mafia. If you turned them down they'd give you a bad name and try and get you in trouble.

08-24-2014, 08:55 PM
In the 60's and 70's pirate operators were like the mafia. If you turned them down they'd give you a bad name and try and get you in trouble.

"Leave the HT, take the cannoli."

08-24-2014, 09:27 PM

I'm ass-uming this is a picture of an ass hole?

08-24-2014, 09:53 PM
I'm ass-uming this is a picture of an ass hole?

No, it's a burro that's fallen into a well.

08-24-2014, 10:04 PM
No, it's a burro that's fallen into a well.

Who Gnu?

Sure looks like an ass hole to me.

08-24-2014, 10:41 PM
Who Gnu?

Sure looks like an ass hole to me.


08-24-2014, 10:44 PM

What a silly ass.

08-25-2014, 01:00 AM
"Leave the HT, take the cannoli."

Either way, they are making you n offer to cannot refuse. :snicker:

08-26-2014, 04:37 PM
From the NY Times:

“People are driving and all of a sudden they run into a Caribbean station,” said Jason Finkelberg, the station’s general manager, describing the listener complaint that constantly bedevils K104.7.
It is not some quirk of the dial, or a blip in the airwaves. The Caribbean music that bleeds into the Top 40 sounds came from the Bronx and Brooklyn version of 104.7, the FM frequency on which a pirate radio station, 104.7 the Fire Station, has squatted for at least the past decade. It has colorful DJs, live special guests, commercials and devoted listeners. What it does not have is a Federal Communications Commission license for its frequency.

A few years ago, you could pick up at least 5 easily while driving on Ocean Parkway while driving with no problem.

Station Had Listeners, Just Not a License (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/05/nyregion/radio-pirates-of-the-caribbean-no-less-are-pulled-off-the-air.html)

08-27-2014, 05:31 AM

08-27-2014, 06:09 AM

Looks like whats left of the old WNEW AM transmitter site...LOL

08-27-2014, 10:33 AM
< snip >
In fact when they hear my callsign they shut down the repeater and I hear them talking on simplex saying "this was the guy who didn't support pirate radio".
< snip >I support pirate radio.

Listen to the flagship all the time... KDKA-FM "The Fan" 93.7 MHz... when we're not PNC Park, or it's an away game for the Pirates.

I do prefer Greg Brown over Tim Neveritt, even though Tim is more knowledgeable about baseball in general, and Greg can be a horse's arse at times.


08-27-2014, 11:07 AM

I always wondered why their audio sounded a little muddy.

08-27-2014, 11:12 AM
I always wondered why their audio sounded a little muddy.

Radio waves, literally.

08-28-2014, 03:28 PM
Truly an underground undersea station.

08-29-2014, 01:01 PM
https://forums.hamisland.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=12968&stc=1Looks like whats left of the old WNEW AM transmitter site...LOLI always wondered why their audio sounded a little muddy.Talk about Damped Waves.

What are they running? Class B emissions?

08-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Talk about Damped Waves.

What are they running? Class B emissions?

Class Sea.