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View Full Version : Image Uploads

06-14-2014, 02:18 PM
Seems we have a couple of issues with image uploads. I'm trying to find the problems, nothing obvious has been found in the control panel for this place, but it has 36 million settings.

In the meantime, photobucket seems a good place to park stuff to link to. I just created an account, it's free, and painless. Images stored there and linked to here seem to display properly.

Comments/suggestions welcome.

06-14-2014, 02:31 PM
I just mailed out a box of crayons to everybody.

06-15-2014, 04:15 PM
I just mailed out a box of crayons to everybody.

Crayons?? ....... Eddie you do better than that! ...... may I suggest finger paints :-D

06-15-2014, 04:35 PM
Well, at least avatar image changes are working OK, eh? :whistle:

06-15-2014, 06:05 PM
*** NOTE: This does not work well for all browsers! IE in particular, has issues with the images after the attachment (the resource) is removed.

Awkward, but it works.

You'll need to use the Advanced editor. Using the image icon, and the Basic Uploader, upload your image as usual. Doesn't matter if it's remote or on your machine.

Next, scroll down and look for the Manage Attachments button and click to open another window:


At the bottom of the new window, the attachment (the image you uploaded) will be located in the left of the frame. Hover over it, and use the "X" to delete the attachment. DO NOT delete files in the top frame (previously uploaded files). Use the "X" on that window to close it (don't use the "Done" button at the lower right of the window), and you're done.

Having already placed the image object in the "Your Message" editor window, it will still show in your post, but without the duplicate image showing the attachment.

I used that method to post a picture of my Pontiac here: https://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php/27761-test?p=594619&viewfull=1#post594619

and on the graphic of the Manage Attachments button in this post.

Like I said, awkward. No warranty implied!

06-15-2014, 06:24 PM
I havent been able to see any uploads on here while using any sort of mobile browser since like forever! Cant see any sort of thumbnails or attachments using the mobile version of Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari. I CAN see linked images using the IMG html code but no can see directly uploaded images to the Island server.

I put up a thread months ago asking about it but nobody responded to it.

I THINK its a VBulletin boad issue but not sure how to check it. I get the same issue with all the other forums using the same software. I have gone through my user settings on both my phone software and the user interface on the forum and I cant find any sort of setting to tweak anywhere. This happens on both IPhone and Android platforms.

Anyone have any idea how to address this?

06-15-2014, 06:28 PM
Awkward, but it works.

You'll need to use the Advanced editor. Using the image icon, and the Basic Uploader, upload your image as usual. Doesn't matter if it's remote or on your machine.

Next, scroll down and look for the Manage Attachments button and click to open another window:


At the bottom of the new window, the attachment (the image you uploaded) will be located in the left of the frame. Hover over it, and use the "X" to delete the attachment. DO NOT delete files in the top frame (previously uploaded files). Use the "X" on that window to close it (don't use the "Done" button at the lower right of the window), and you're done.

Having already placed the image object in the "Your Message" editor window, it will still show in your post, but without the duplicate image showing the attachment.

I used that method to post a picture of my Pontiac here: https://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php/27761-test?p=594619&viewfull=1#post594619

and on the graphic of the Manage Attachments button in this post.

Like I said, awkward. No warranty implied!

It does work, Luke.

I just cleaned up my Guatemala posts. The duplication is gone.

06-15-2014, 06:49 PM
I haven't had any issues other than being forced to use the "basic uploader" option for the past few months, but here's a test:


06-15-2014, 07:25 PM
I haven't had any issues other than being forced to use the "basic uploader" option for the past few months, but here's a test:

Your uploader works extremely well Carl........ bravo! :snicker:

06-15-2014, 08:04 PM
I just mailed out a box of crayons to everybody.

Somebody broke my crayons. Can you send more?

06-15-2014, 08:06 PM
Somebody broke my crayons. Can you send more?

Sounds like something Seth Morganstern would do. The Bastid.

06-16-2014, 01:24 AM
Sounds like something Seth Morganstern would do. The Bastid.

Seth Morganstern has distributed over 10,000 crayons to underprivileged children in just the past year, all paid for out of his own pocket! The man never ceases to amaze me.

06-16-2014, 04:48 AM
Seth Morganstern has distributed over 10,000 crayons to underprivileged children in just the past year, all paid for out of his own pocket! The man never ceases to amaze me.

What would Rhoda say?

06-16-2014, 08:16 AM
She'd ask Carlton.

06-21-2014, 05:39 AM
The "work-around" I suggested earlier (https://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php/27832-Image-Uploads?p=594621&viewfull=1#post594621) DOES NOT WORK, AND ACTUALLY RESULTS IN IMAGES BEING DELETED BY THE BOARD!

As a result, after a period of time, the images 'disappear'. I suspect they do this when your browser cache is refreshed depending on your browser's settings. There are now a number of threads with images that have vanished due to the work-around.

I'll try to get this figured out this weekend. The problem seems to be unique to the Island, so I don't have much to go on from vBulletin's help forums.

My apologies for the failed attempt... :oops:

06-21-2014, 10:25 AM
From out on the "tubes", circa June '12...

Remove the following from index.php:

<div class="featureimg"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_post_thumbnail( 'portfolio' ); ?></a></div>

That should remove the first image, leaving the second (bottom) image.

06-21-2014, 11:03 AM
So, this image thing used to happen a few years ago (double images), and then it went away after an upgrade, I think?

If you go into the "advanced editor" and use "manage attachments" you can drag'n'drop previously uploaded images and they will display in a "thumbnail" with the "attached images" icon... and this is a single image. In the old version the thumbnail would be small, now thumbnail displays shows up large.

And, it's a single image. I'll try a few more things with further messages.

06-21-2014, 11:09 AM
Here, I went to advanced, uploaded a new image, and it becomes an attachment...

And it shows up the same way... a single attached image.

06-21-2014, 11:16 AM
Now, using the "insert image button", I'll try to keep it to one image...

Which you can do by selecting the image and deleting it.

The new attached image shows up as a single thumbnail.

06-21-2014, 11:17 AM
I haven't had any problems with posted images but I only rarely post them as attachments. It seems more reliable to use one of the free photo sharing sites like Photobucket or Imgur and post using an URL. Plus, it has the advantage of not using up space on the IOMH server.

06-21-2014, 11:19 AM
Yea, or be a shameless hotlinker, like me. :lol:

The key is to keep the attachment, at least for now.
It worked with a single image for a long time tho.

Something changed.

06-21-2014, 12:36 PM
Yea, or be a shameless hotlinker, like me. :lol:

The key is to keep the attachment, at least for now.
It worked with a single image for a long time tho.

Something changed.

Well, I did change my underwear. In fact, I changed with Carl, and he changed with Bob, and now, there is still a pair unaccounted for.