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04-29-2014, 05:08 PM
NBA commish bans LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling for LIFE over the the rhubarb he caused by his comments

Summary of sanctions:

Banned for remainder of natural life from any NBA game or activity.
Banned for remainder of natural life from attending any NBA game.
Banned for remainder of natural life from tending to day-to-day operations of ANY NBA franchise.
$2,500,000 fine, which will be donated by the NBA to anti-racism causes.
NBA Board of Governors will be strongly advised to force Sterling to sell the Clippers ASAP.

No word if Sterling is going to/is able to appeal.

Linky to full story (take note:MANY forced ads) (http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/10857580/donald-sterling-los-angeles-clippers-owner-receives-life-ban-nba)

04-29-2014, 05:42 PM
As always, free speech has consequences. 1A protects you from the government but not private entities. His penis however, didn't seem to suffer from racism. Guess it's still a tradition to mount your slaves in America.

04-29-2014, 05:45 PM
BTW....same subject thread over yonder already got the lock!

04-29-2014, 05:51 PM
BTW....same subject thread over yonder already got the lock!

And for good reason.


04-29-2014, 06:00 PM
Funny coincidence that the NBA commissioner who announced Donald Sterling's boot was named Adam Silver.

04-29-2014, 06:02 PM
I'm all over here like, I like ice cream!

04-29-2014, 06:06 PM
LOS ANGELES (The Borowitz Report (http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2014/04/donald-sterling-apologizes.html#entry-more))—The Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling offered a “total and remorseful” apology for his racist comments today, telling reporters, “Once I saw that Donald Trump was defending me, I knew I had done something horribly wrong.”

Sterling acknowledged that he had turned a blind eye to a mountain of criticism from basketball luminaries and national leaders, but said that seeing Trump defend him on Fox News on Monday had left him “shaken.”

“Look, I know I’m not perfect,” he said. “But when Donald Trump takes your side, you have to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, ‘Have I become some kind of monster?’”

04-29-2014, 07:53 PM
If only. At his age, he's been getting away with every kind of shit for so long, he's come to believe he is entitled and can do no wrong.

04-29-2014, 09:12 PM
He's over 80 and banned from the NBA for life! So what's that? Like a 5 year sentence?

04-29-2014, 09:34 PM
Well I'm glad the NBA did something right...

04-30-2014, 09:51 AM
hear he's going to move the team to North Dakota.

04-30-2014, 10:07 AM
A couple of comments... understand that in no way, shape, or form do I defend what that schmuck said...

1. He has not been charged with a crime, let alone tried, convicted, or sentenced in a court of law.
2. He HAS been tried, convicted, and sentenced by the court of popular opinion, which is run by the media circus.
3. There's a lot of hyperbole out there over what he actually said. And very little context.
3a. It seems pretty clear that his ex-GF set him up. (Why? Revenge? That'd be my guess, but who knows). That doesn't in any way excuse his despicable comments... I suspect (but do not know as a fact) that she knew what he'd say when properly provoked, and then she properly provoked him.
3b. One has to wonder if the ex-GF broke any state laws regarding recording of another individual without their knowledge, and then releasing that recording publicly. I don't know the law in CA. In PA, she could be charged with a felony for what she did, but the (very strict) state laws regarding 'wiretaps' and recording differ from state to state.
4. His attitude (and similar, if less volatile, comments from him) have been known for years. So, one has to wonder, what took so long? One suspects (again, no proof, just opinion) that his attitude reflects similar attitudes from other owners. Who are now throwing him to the (media) wolves to deflect from their own tawdry souls.

I suspect that we will shortly see a fire-sale, as this miserable excuse for a sentient human being will be "strongly encouraged" to sell the team to another ownership group. If he's smart... scratch that. If his legal advisors are smart (at least smarter than he is), he'll take the money and quietly fade out of the public spotlight.

Or, he will file suit over the draconian & unprecedented punishment. If that happens, I suspect he will eventually lose. And then appeal. And lose the appeals. The only people who will "win" will be the legal teams on each side, collecting their fees. His only hope there is that the NBA will hope to find some way to quietly get him to disappear. He can afford, though, to sue and appeal for years -- probably for the rest of his miserable life. If he's inclined enough to try and "stick it" to them, as revenge for what they just did to him...

... and yet, I'll bet he never looks in a mirror and stares down the real culprit of his problems: his black and miserable excuse for a soul.

04-30-2014, 10:22 AM
For some reason, his (ex)girlfriend reminds me of Octomom. I don't know if it's the resemblance, the act of fucking someone over, or both.

04-30-2014, 11:07 AM

He admits to having made the racist comments on the tape.

And the NAACP was about to bestow a lifetime achievement award on him. :wtf:

I hear tell that his wife is suing the GF for the $20 million he allegedly spent on her.

If they divorce (as the rumors have it), does his wife get the team?

04-30-2014, 12:38 PM
For some reason, his (ex)girlfriend reminds me of Octomom. I don't know if it's the resemblance, the act of fucking someone over, or both.Now that you mention it, there is a resemblance.

Just more evidence about the man's poor taste.

04-30-2014, 01:13 PM
A couple of comments... understand that in no way, shape, or form do I defend what that schmuck said...

1. He has not been charged with a crime, let alone tried, convicted, or sentenced in a court of law.
2. He HAS been tried, convicted, and sentenced by the court of popular opinion, which is run by the media circus.

Why does it matter that he hasn't been charged with a crime?

You don't need to be charged with a crime to be fired by your employer, or ejected from a private club. Either of which could apply here.

04-30-2014, 01:19 PM
Why does it matter that he hasn't been charged with a crime?

You don't need to be charged with a crime to be fired by your employer, or ejected from a private club. Either of which could apply here.Because some maroons are calling for him to be tossed in jail. Whether or not one believes he deserves it... he hasn't had due process yet.

Also trying to distinguish between due process and execution by the media.

As far as the NBA goes... technically, as one of the owners, he's one of the employers, not employees. But I'd agree it's more of a private club. I'm not sure if he actually received due process (as per their internal rules) there either, or if it was more of a kangaroo court. A moot point, though, since it's done.

04-30-2014, 01:32 PM
Because some maroons are calling for him to be tossed in jail. Whether or not one believes he deserves it... he hasn't had due process yet.

Also trying to distinguish between due process and execution by the media.

Well, that's a little excessive.

As far as the NBA goes... technically, as one of the owners, he's one of the employers, not employees. But I'd agree it's more of a private club. I'm not sure if he actually received due process (as per their internal rules) there either, or if it was more of a kangaroo court. A moot point, though, since it's done.

The only due process is the commissioner making his decision to fine and ban him. That's the due process: The chosen commissioner decides.

Now, for the forcing a sale, the due process there are the owners all voting on it.

That's all the due process "required", not to mention, there's no principle of "due process" anywhere by the US Constitution, which doesn't apply to private club charters (Or, even employer/employee relationships).

04-30-2014, 01:33 PM
I see no way he will, or even should be tried or incarcerated. If everyone that exercised poor judgment, bad taste, bigotry, etc., were thrown in jail, well.......there aint near enough space in all the jails in the world.

This is one of those situations that I wished I believed in reincarnation, and this asshole would come back as a poor, indigent, minority, living in a project somewhere. The movie Trading Places also comes to mind.

04-30-2014, 02:43 PM
Well, that's a little excessive.
< snip >Is it?

You don't think that the man's character has been thoroughly shredded by the media circus? (Did he deserve it? That's another story, and, IMHO, pretty much yes. Doesn't mean that agree that the means were justified by the ends result)

< snip >
The only due process is the commissioner making his decision to fine and ban him. That's the due process: The chosen commissioner decides.

Now, for the forcing a sale, the due process there are the owners all voting on it.

That's all the due process "required", not to mention, there's no principle of "due process" anywhere by the US Constitution, which doesn't apply to private club charters (Or, even employer/employee relationships).I never said that he has a constitutional right to "due process". I simply said that he doesn't appear to have gotten it.

Not being familiar with the details of the NBA charter, I have no idea if the NBA Commissioner violated the letter or spirit of the charter in taking unilateral action so quickly. It just came across as a hasty decision; a neccesary one, but a hasty one. If you get a knee-jerk reaction, whether or not it would ultimately have been the same decision after a formal evidentiary-type proceeding, the media circus and related camp followers will continue to try and provoke more knee-jerk reactions.

04-30-2014, 04:30 PM
Is it?

Yeah, I think calling for him to be tossed in jail is a bit excessive.

You don't think that the man's character has been thoroughly shredded by the media circus? (Did he deserve it? That's another story, and, IMHO, pretty much yes. Doesn't mean that agree that the means were justified by the ends result)

Yes, just like any public figure who does something stupid will have done. I don't see an issue with it.

I never said that he has a constitutional right to "due process". I simply said that he doesn't appear to have gotten it.

Why would he have gotten something that he has no expectation of?

Not being familiar with the details of the NBA charter, I have no idea if the NBA Commissioner violated the letter or spirit of the charter in taking unilateral action so quickly. It just came across as a hasty decision; a neccesary one, but a hasty one. If you get a knee-jerk reaction, whether or not it would ultimately have been the same decision after a formal evidentiary-type proceeding, the media circus and related camp followers will continue to try and provoke more knee-jerk reactions.

The commissioner of the NBA was well within the authority granted through the charter in levying fines (He can levy a max of 2.5 million), and banning people from the NBA. Those are, after all, parts of his job.

04-30-2014, 04:54 PM
never date the retarded.

04-30-2014, 09:08 PM
Yeah, I think calling for him to be tossed in jail is a bit excessive.
< snip >Just to be clear... I'm not saying that. I'm saying that others are.

Would have made that clearer earlier had I realized what you were referring to.

05-01-2014, 06:12 AM
Just to be clear... I'm not saying that. I'm saying that others are.

Would have made that clearer earlier had I realized what you were referring to.

My bad too, I didn't make it clear that I more or less, agreed with you on that point :)

05-02-2014, 01:43 PM
Now its announced that Sterling will litigate to prevent the forced sale of the Clippers. Just proves Sterling is more of a douche factory than Justin PowerBottom.

05-02-2014, 01:49 PM
Now its announced that Sterling will litigate to prevent the forced sale of the Clippers. Just proves Sterling is more of a douche factory than Justin PowerBottom.

It's his modus operandi. Keep 'em in court until they give up.

05-02-2014, 01:51 PM
It's his modus operandi. Keep 'em in court until they give up.

Rumor has it he has cancer, and if so, or even not, he'll probably die before it's adjudicated anyway.

05-02-2014, 01:52 PM
Rumor has it he has cancer, and if so, or even not, he'll probably die before it's adjudicated anyway.

I hope it's colorectal cancer. It's the most painful form of cancer I know of to die from, and unless caught very early, it's generally deadly.

05-02-2014, 09:56 PM

Donald Sterling has committed no crime.
Even bigots have their freedom of speech.

But the NBA needs to maintain their good rep, so
owners must sign contracts to support the image.

(Puts on devil's advocate hat)
Who knows the motives and agendas
of those who may have set him up here?
Were (off-court) games being played?
If you were a billionaire team owner,
wouldn't your "girlfriends"
need to agree to certain rules?

So everything boils down to a disputed contract. ;)

05-02-2014, 10:45 PM

Donald Sterling has committed no crime.
Even bigots have their freedom of speech.

But the NBA needs to maintain their good rep, so
owners must sign contracts to support the image.

(Puts on devil's advocate hat)
Who knows the motives and agendas
of those who may have set him up here?
Were (off-court) games being played?
If you were a billionaire team owner,
wouldn't your "girlfriends"
need to agree to certain rules?

So everything boils down to a disputed contract. ;)

Dayum, you're gonna turn into what his nuts now, huh? Cryptic posts and all that?

05-10-2014, 02:00 PM

I don't care how racist / distasteful the old man's rant was to his strumpet, I would not wish anything (eg. colon cancer) on anyone that I would wish for myself.


05-25-2014, 07:17 AM
Now, Sterling has signed controlling interest to his wife. And, boy, do I see what the Sterlings are setting up!!

Mrs. Sterling is NOT banned from the NBA. Therefore, when the sale of the Clippers is forced, she will sue the NBA (which will benefit Mr. Sterling as well), therefore latching up the sale in the courts of law for years. That is, if a judge doesn't rule in favour of the NBA.

05-27-2014, 02:52 AM
actually, no; she won't sue the NBA because that will drive down the value of the team. that will affect the sterlings in the event a civil trial doesn't find in their favor (and i think this is likely). if they are forced to sell then they should, reasonably, want to get paid teh most for the asset, and turning it into a festuche of lawsuits won't accomplish that.

05-27-2014, 09:47 AM
Now, Sterling has signed controlling interest to his wife. And, boy, do I see what the Sterlings are setting up!!

Mrs. Sterling is NOT banned from the NBA. Therefore, when the sale of the Clippers is forced, she will sue the NBA (which will benefit Mr. Sterling as well), therefore latching up the sale in the courts of law for years. That is, if a judge doesn't rule in favour of the NBA.That's assuming, amongst many other things, that Mrs. Sterling wants to retain ownership of the team.

Considering that the Sterling's are or were... if not separated, well, let's just say having their difficulties... I would not at all be surprised if we learn that she would prefer to liquidate the team for cash, and then end up with at least half of the cash herself. Now, of course, she's not going to admit that right now; she won't do anything else that she could avoid doing, that would drive down the price of the team.

Regardless, though... this may be a blessing in disguise... for her.

05-29-2014, 01:42 AM
Well...I might be right about the Sterling's litigating.....but, I do agree...this won't end well for all parties concerned.

05-30-2014, 05:01 AM
Looks like the Clippers are sold.

06-30-2014, 09:55 AM
(CNN) -- A new doctor has declared Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling mentally fit after a comprehensive medical examination in Las Vegas over the weekend, CNN confirmed through a source with knowledge of the situation.
The exam was conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, a neurologist with the Cleveland Clinic and one of the top dementia and Alzheimer's disease specialists in the country, according to the source.



Shelly Sterling filed a lawsuit in a dispute over the sale of the team with her estranged husband, asking a Los Angeles court to uphold her deal to sell the Clippers to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.
She contends her husband is incapacitated by the onset of Alzheimer's or another brain disease.
The couple co-owns the basketball team. If one of the trustees is declared mentally incapacitated, the other becomes the lone trustee, according to records. His wife used that provision to negotiate the deal with Ballmer.
Sterling's attorneys are due in court Monday afternoon for a hearing on legal jurisdiction in the case. They also plan to ask for a postponement in the start of the trial.

Link (http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/30/us/donald-sterling-medical-exam/)

Donald Sterling is not going down without a fight.
