View Full Version : Will HAARP-like research project affect HF propagation?

04-25-2014, 10:51 AM
Heat up the ionosphere?

What could possibly go wrong with that?


The National Science Foundation and Cornell University, which previously
operated Arecibo Observatory, contracted with Penn State’s Electrical
Engineering Department to construct the “new and enhanced” HF ionospheric
instrument. It will be used to study the interaction between HF radio energy and
ionospheric plasma.

The new facility will replace an earlier ionospheric heater in Islote, Puerto
Rico, that was destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998. Rather than rebuild that
installation, the new instrument will use the observatory’s 1000 foot dish for
its antenna. This will keep all research activities involving ionospheric
modification at the observatory proper.


04-25-2014, 11:05 AM
It "heats up the ionosphere" much less than a weekend contest. At the rate of delivering about 0.25w/m^3

04-25-2014, 12:23 PM
Don't sweat it.

The Penn State Electrical Engineering Department's contact person on this project to is Dr. Jim Breakall WA3FET.

I've known him since back when he was an undergraduate there, and we operated at K3CR together. And that was a LONG time ago.

If the project has Jim's fingerprints on them... Nothing to worry about. Not a thing.

04-25-2014, 12:56 PM
Really now. It's time to stop HAARPING on the subject...

04-25-2014, 02:00 PM
Really now. It's time to stop HAARPING on the subject...

Sure, you can DISH it out, but...............

04-25-2014, 05:49 PM
didn't i see that place in a james bond movie

04-25-2014, 06:17 PM
If I hear any more ignorant fearmongering, I'm gonna go out and club a baby HAARP seal.

04-25-2014, 07:07 PM
If I hear any more ignorant fearmongering, I'm gonna go out and club a baby HAARP seal.

The warranty is void if you break the seal, so please don't blubber about it.

04-25-2014, 07:23 PM
Good Housekeeping wouldn't approve of it anyway.


04-25-2014, 07:57 PM
didn't i see that place in a james bond movieYup. A Jodie Foster movie, too.

04-25-2014, 08:49 PM
Jodie Foster played James Bond? Who Gnu?

04-25-2014, 08:55 PM
Jodie Foster played James Bond? Who Gnu?

I wonder how Mr. French and Buffy are doing?

04-25-2014, 11:36 PM
"Will HAARP-like research project affect HF propagation?"

That's the whole idea behind government research into future weapons technology. Wipe out HF radio battlefield communications, generate disaster weather conditions, and mind control over the target area. If you have any doubts ask Jesse Ventura, he knows. Oh, don't expect your tin foil hat to protect you from HF mind probes, they only can reflect microwaves.

04-26-2014, 10:34 AM
Cause of earthquakes?

Also, readings from the HAARP (http://www.naturalnews.com/HAARP.html) Induction Magnetometer, which visualizes the frequency spectrum of signals detected in the earth's geomagnetic field, show that a steady, ultra-low frequency (ULF) of roughly 2.5 Hz was being broadcast days before the earthquake (http://www.naturalnews.com/earthquake.html). The 2.5 Hz ULF happens to be the exact same frequency as the natural resonance produced by an earthquake -- and since there were no constant earthquakes occurring on the days before the quake as the HAARP Induction Magnetometer appeared to indicate, the logical conclusion is that the signal was being broadcast to induce the quake (http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=1624).

Some would argue that HAARP is not capable of producing such frequencies, especially at the power levels that would be required to induce a massive earthquake like the 9.0+ that occurred in Japan (http://www.naturalnews.com/Japan.html). But testimony by various governments says otherwise.

On April 28, 1997, then US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen gave an important keynote address at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and US Strategy at the University of Georgia in Athens. When asked a question about terrorism, Cohen had this to say as part of his response about the type of technology that existed, even back then:

"Others are engaging even in an eco-type terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves" (http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcrip... (http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=674)).

This admission counters the claims made by some that no such technology exists, and that it is impossible to create seismic activity using directed energy. Clearly the technology has been around for a while, and the notion of it being used as a weapon is anything but a baseless conspiracy theory.

Then, there is the EU report on the environment, security and foreign policy, that was released on January 14, 1999 (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.d... (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN)). This report outlines various types of weapon threats, including a section entitled, "HAARP - a weapons system which disrupts the climate."

The paper explains that HAARP is "run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy," and that one of its purposes is "to heat up portions of ionosphere with powerful radio beams." It also states the following important details:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032670_Fukushima_HAARP.html#ixzz300VSx4el


04-26-2014, 10:49 AM
"Will HAARP-like research project affect HF propagation?"

That's the whole idea behind government research into future weapons technology. Wipe out HF radio battlefield communications, generate disaster weather conditions, and mind control over the target area. If you have any doubts ask Jesse Ventura, he knows. Oh, don't expect your tin foil hat to protect you from HF mind probes, they only can reflect microwaves.

Cause of earthquakes?


And, the tightening if tin foil begins...

04-26-2014, 10:56 AM
The chart below is a running 36 hour plot of the readings taken from the fluxgate magnetometer, built by the University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute, operating at the HAARP ionospheric observatory in Gakona, Alaska. The three traces represent mutually orthogonal components of the earth’s magnetic field as follows:

The “H” component (black trace) is positive magnetic northward
The “D” component (red trace) is positive eastward
The “Z” component (blue trace) is positive downward

Geomagnetic storminess is usually indicated in oscillatory variations in the earth’s magnetic field. Additional detail concerning the nature and severity of the ionospheric disturbance can be found through analysis of the three components of the field.
http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/HAARP-OVER-JAPAN-03.jpg (http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/HAARP-OVER-JAPAN-03.jpg)

This is proof they fired up their equipment during this time period leading to the day of Japan Earthquake. After all this is their Fluxgate magnetometer used at their facilities in Alaska. So their you go my friend man is destroying this world with their doomsday toys. Below is a link so you can track when they fire it up next. Just click on update and watch them destroy more life’s before your eyes.


04-26-2014, 11:25 AM


04-27-2014, 05:04 PM
You should know that my ask Jesse "The Body of a Jackass" comments were purely intentional tongue in cheek... MIND CONTROL? Really? The rest is based in fact:
"Clearly the technology has been around for a while, and the notion of it being used as a weapon is anything but a baseless conspiracy theory."
Experiments by Nikola Tesla continue new and improved, you really should read up on this amazing scientist who was way ahead of his time. His experiment with an "earthquake machine" using resonance likely is one, it's not too hard to believe that tweaking the Earth's magnetic field at the planet's natural resonance can produce an earthquake but the trick is targeting a specific area. Is it too far fetched that Fukushima was collateral damage in such an experiment? OK, I'll tell you again, I may be crazy but I'm not stupid, but when it comes to government stupidity anything is possible and you KNOW that.

Forget about The Twilight Zone, this is just one of the things the government is doing taking us to The Outer Limits... they are...

04-27-2014, 10:59 PM
If I hear any more ignorant fearmongering, I'm gonna go out and club a baby HAARP seal.

....... or to put the "tin foil hat gang" firmly in their place while another mass global conspiracy races around everyone.... we can all sing: "HAARP the herald angels sing".....could be a popular tune come Christmas time!


04-28-2014, 05:43 AM
I just find it amazing how hams of all people can be sucked in by the conspiracy theories surrounding the HAARP project... If hams think HAARP can change weather patterns, I wonder what they think we do to the weather on contest weekends.

04-28-2014, 05:54 AM
Don't forget the gazillion watts produced by the radio and television transmitters, police fire and other users of the spectrum, GSM data providers etc etc.
And add the radiation recieved from outer space satellites etc.
Now, where did i leave the alu foil? ;)

04-28-2014, 06:58 AM
I just find it amazing how hams of all people can be sucked in by the conspiracy theories surrounding the HAARP project... If hams think HAARP can change weather patterns, I wonder what they think we do to the weather on contest weekends.

Thank W6OBB an Advanced Class Ham named Art Bell for that. He even had a conspiracy theory for EMP that could be targeted.

I wonder when we get to the technical part of this discussion? ;)

04-28-2014, 07:08 AM
Thank W6OBB an Advanced Class Ham named Art Bell for that. He even had a conspiracy theory for EMP that could be targeted.

I wonder when we get to the technical part of this discussion? ;)

I think if we ground the B+, it'll be able to target areas of the ionosphere for rain. I'm sure a diagram of such a setup will be forthcoming.

04-28-2014, 09:31 AM

You guys are right.

My bad for not trusting our government to do no harm.

04-28-2014, 09:36 AM
You guys are right.

My bad for not trusting our government to do no harm.

No, your bad for not even attempting to understand the physics involved.

04-28-2014, 09:44 AM
No, your bad for not even attempting to understand the physics involved.

Sort of like the global warming myth?

04-28-2014, 09:46 AM
Sort of like the global warming myth?

Global warming myth? lol

Nevermind brah. It's math. You wouldn't understand. Inverse square laws and whatnot.

04-28-2014, 10:10 AM


04-28-2014, 01:06 PM
Global warming myth? lol

Nevermind brah. It's math. You wouldn't understand. Inverse square laws and whatnot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

05-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Don't forget the gazillion watts produced by the radio and television transmitters, police fire and other users of the spectrum, GSM data providers etc etc.
And add the radiation recieved from outer space satellites etc.
Now, where did i leave the alu foil? ;)

Of course lets not forget the sun. And tinfoil hats reflect solar radiation. :lol:

05-01-2014, 08:42 PM
Now, you boy's don't happen to be,...ham radio operators...


05-02-2014, 02:06 AM
"Thank W6OBB an Advanced Class Ham named Art Bell for that. He even had a conspiracy theory for EMP that could be targeted."

That's why he built a HAARP of his own and tried to take Tesla's earthquake machine to the next level. The machine used the natural resonance of a building, vibrated structural members until resonance built up the vibration, the building nearly collapsed before he shut it off. Art modulated RF at the Earth's natural resonant frequency, and by targeting it attempted to produce an earthquake, fortunately it failed. If he got his hands on one of the Collins 250KW transmitters from the decommissioned VOA Bethany, Ohio site similar to the HAARP transmitters, who knows WHAT would have happened!

05-02-2014, 10:06 AM
Global warming myth? lol

Nevermind brah. It's math. You wouldn't understand. Inverse square laws and whatnot.

Evidently perverse squares can't understand sarcasm. :lol:

05-04-2014, 04:17 PM
It cant be all that bad, you didnt even post a petition.

05-04-2014, 04:51 PM
It cant be all that bad, you didnt even post a petition.


05-04-2014, 05:45 PM
HAARP threatens these guys too:

05-04-2014, 06:05 PM

05-04-2014, 06:53 PM
Gosh all hamsticks, we're funnier than HamSexy. :mrgreen:


05-05-2014, 10:54 AM
HAARP threatens these guys too:

An image of HAARP in action.


05-05-2014, 11:09 AM

05-05-2014, 11:11 AM
Gosh all hamsticks, we're funnier than HamSexy. :mrgreen:



05-05-2014, 05:51 PM
Yes, and then there was HAARPO.

05-15-2014, 04:34 AM
You'll like this one... I came across a dude who said that NEXRAD Doppler radar is behind these violent man-made storms happening across the Midwest and SE US. I responded, so you must be one of these folks who believes HAARP manipulates the atmosphere to control the WX? If NEXRAD is to blame then tell me how we have had violent storms killing hundreds, injuring thousands and costing billions in damage before these radar systems. He responded, 'you're a stupid human or very ignorant."

Gotta love the WX manipulation conspiracy theorists...

05-19-2014, 01:27 AM
You'll like this one... I came across a dude who said that NEXRAD Doppler radar is behind these violent man-made storms happening across the Midwest and SE US. I responded, so you must be one of these folks who believes HAARP manipulates the atmosphere to control the WX? If NEXRAD is to blame then tell me how we have had violent storms killing hundreds, injuring thousands and costing billions in damage before these radar systems. He responded, 'you're a stupid human or very ignorant."

Gotta love the WX manipulation conspiracy theorists...

Typical conspiracy theorist rebuttal. When you back them into a corner and debunk them they come back with the usual remarks, i.e. "you are stupid", "you are blind", "you are sheeple", etc. I get a laugh when they talk nonsense to someone who understands radio and science and then when the person sets them straight they come back with more nonsense and tell the person they are an idiot.

05-19-2014, 09:53 AM
You can't reason with unreasonable people.

Nothing in the world is going to convince a Birther, a Truther, a Moon Landing Denialist, HAARP Paranoiac, Agenda 21 Paranoiac or CERN Black Hole Paranoiac etc. to change his/her mind. I don't even bother to try any more.

05-19-2014, 10:08 AM
If you can't see the power of the Big Brother government all around you, you're blind, stupid, and one of the flock of sheeple! Everybody knows that HAARP is a conspiracy to disrupt communications, control weather and your mind, HF waves are too long for a tin foil hat to protect you! Nexrad being a national network is most certainly capable of controlling weather and is more easily targeted than HAARP, plus when many low power radars are transmitting in unison they add up, the power is unbelievable, unbelievable as any conspiracy theory. They're the reason Tornado Alley exists and getting more destructive as more radars come on line. It lights fires and causes earthquakes in California too, the National Weather Service is part of the government, is it not? Thankfully our tin foil hats are effective against mind control by radar, the waves are but a few centimeters long and easily deflected. We have reshaped them after stealth aircraft so they can't track your location, but remember to never use a smart phone because it's smart enough to report your location at all times using GPS. As we move forward into the New World Order controlling a Brave New World, tread with caution Luke, and may the Farce be with you.

On edit, this from Wiki:

During the last decade, opposition to Agenda 21 has increased within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. The Republican National Committee has adopted a resolution opposing Agenda 21, and the Republican Party platform stated that "We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty." Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21. Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21. Many other states, including Arizona, are drafting, and close to passing legislation to ban Agenda 21.
A June 2012 poll of 1,300 United States voters by the American Planning Association found that 9% supported Agenda 21, 6% opposed it, and 85% thought they didn't have enough information to form an opinion.

Interesting, if I were polled I would have been in that 85%, I never heard of it until now.

The new design of the tin foil hat includes an integrated disguise that will allow you to go outside and not be recognized. They are available on line from http://www.jeseventura.con so order yours today, tomorrow is too late.

05-20-2014, 11:52 AM
You can't reason with unreasonable people.

Nothing in the world is going to convince a Birther, a Truther, a Moon Landing Denialist, HAARP Paranoiac, Agenda 21 Paranoiac or CERN Black Hole Paranoiac etc. to change his/her mind. I don't even bother to try any more.

The other day I was confronted with someone who claimed that ell the science he learned in high school and college was all mainstream lies. I asked him, if it's all a lie then how diod we make all the progress we made. Lifesaving drugs and medical procedures, the computer, the Internet (which he was using), weather prediction, storm tracking, cell phones, GPS, etc.... all of which grew out of those "lies called science that he was forced to regurgitate in school. He also claimed the Big Bang theory is a lie. I asked him how he knows that it's a lie with any degree of confidence. I also asked him why such things we can observe, such as the expanding universe, the background energy levels... etc. All evidence that the universe expanded from a singularity (i.e. the big bang) and that the only way he could know what came before the big bang would require that he transcend Planck time which would require that he transcend reality as we know it. Never heard back from him,. I wonder why ,

05-20-2014, 01:19 PM
you do know the air force is shutting down HAARP?

05-20-2014, 01:34 PM
"The other day I was confronted with someone who claimed that ell the science he learned in high school and college was all mainstream lies."
He's absolutely right, science is all lies. Early technology and inventions came to those great ones in dreams beamed down from the mother ship because they didn't have tin foil in those days to make hats with. Since then it's been retro-engineered from crashed alien spacecraft taken to secret underground labs financed through ingenious military budget padding. Dr. Brackish Okun confirmed our suspicions why a toilet seat costs the government $2,000 when we can get one much cheaper at Home Despot.

"He also claimed the Big Bang theory is a lie."
Of course it's a lie! It's a TV SHOW that claims to be a comedy and isn't at all funny, a LIE.

"...such things we can observe, such as the expanding universe, the background energy levels... etc."
The universe expands because God made it in 6 days and like a cake in the oven it's still expanding. When it's done God will take it out, it'll cool and stop expanding. Then we won't have to worry about global warming any more, God takes care of everything. As for those energy levels, stars are very energetic and there's so many of them. Remember when too many people overloaded CB and all you could hear was background noise? Those were all those energy levels mixing together, like CB, when most of the stars burn out in another 6 days or so the background will be gone and intergalactic subspace communications won't have so much QRN to contend with. WOW?

"Never heard back from him,. I wonder why , "
He gave up trying to talk sense with a science heretic. Now get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from the Giant Spaghetti Monster who created you and the universe before he grinds you up and puts you on his head like so much grated cheese!


05-20-2014, 03:15 PM
you do know the air force is shutting down HAARP?

Funny part, its BEEN shut down. They have been looking for a buyer. If its as deep as they say in mind and weather control, they wouldnt be selling it off like an ex wifes stepkid. They dont need the money, they just dont need HAARP.

Glad i got a card from them when i did.

05-20-2014, 03:50 PM
Funny part, its BEEN shut down. They have been looking for a buyer. If its as deep as they say in mind and weather control, they wouldnt be selling it off like an ex wifes stepkid. They dont need the money, they just dont need HAARP.

Glad i got a card from them when i did.
Yea its like anything else in the government, they got bored of it and don't want any part of it anymore.

05-20-2014, 08:09 PM
The funny thing about all the crackpot conspiracies surrounding HAARP and its deep dark secrets is that HAARP was never a classified project and has always been open to outsiders. Every year the invited the public in for tours and they also allowed many different colleges and universities in to conduct experiments and collect data at the HAARP facility.

BTW... HAARP is not only going to be completely shut down after some final research in June but is also going to be dismantled starting this summer right after the research is completed. according to the article below the University of Alaska showed interest in HAARP but they haven't been able to come up with the money to keep it up and running. Now, once HAARP is completely gone what are the conspiracy theorists going to say when there are still hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tidal waves, forest fires, and other natural disasters. According to the conspiracy nutters HAARP was the cause of all of this. I guess they'll have to find a new boogeyman to blame everything on. Maybe Planet Niburu which was supposed to have already destroyed the earth a dozen times over, but they keep changing the year that its going to happen.

05-20-2014, 08:11 PM
Oh , for those of you who get a laugh out of a good whack job conspiracy, try this one on for size. All these years I thought that thing up in the sky that shines at night was the moon. But apparently, that is no moon !!


05-20-2014, 09:28 PM
Oh , for those of you who get a laugh out of a good whack job conspiracy, try this one on for size.

:lol: I love this one from that site:

Astral Traveller Confirms Chemplanes Utilize UFO Technologies

Yeah, nothing more convincing than the testimony of an astral traveler.

05-21-2014, 03:46 AM
:lol: I love this one from that site:

Astral Traveller Confirms Chemplanes Utilize UFO Technologies

Yeah, nothing more convincing than the testimony of an astral traveler.

Don't forget the part of the remove viewers who determined that the chemtrail planes are flown by alien technology, that "in all probability" the barium and aluminum spraying is being mined from the dark side of the moon and, that the reptilians own the "moon".

The person who wrote that piece either has access to some very strong drugs or else is extremely deluded. I don't know about astral travel but he/she is definitely lost in space.

05-21-2014, 10:37 AM

The OP:

To get back on track... Yes, HAARP has indeed been discontinued.
It's ongoing HAARP like research that we're talking about.
There's no question that it has an effect on the ionosphere--
that's what the experiment is designed to find out.

Is questioning the "gentleness" of megawatts of concentrated ERP
from a 1000 foot dish--the same as promoting a "conspiracy theory?"


The National Science Foundation and Cornell University, which previously
operated Arecibo Observatory, contracted with Penn State’s Electrical
Engineering Department to construct the “new and enhanced” HF ionospheric
instrument. It will be used to study the interaction between HF radio energy and
ionospheric plasma.

The new facility will replace an earlier ionospheric heater in Islote, Puerto
Rico, that was destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998. Rather than rebuild that
installation, the new instrument will use the observatory’s 1000 foot dish for
its antenna. This will keep all research activities involving ionospheric
modification at the observatory proper.


05-21-2014, 11:36 AM

The OP:

To get back on track... Yes, HAARP has indeed been discontinued.
It's ongoing HAARP like research that we're talking about.
There's no question that it has an effect on the ionosphere--
that's what the experiment is designed to find out.

Is questioning the "gentleness" of megawatts of concentrated ERP
from a 1000 foot dish--the same as promoting a "conspiracy theory?"


It's science bro, you wouldn't understand.

05-21-2014, 12:27 PM
you do know the air force is shutting down HAARP?According to a conspiracy nutcase enthusiast I know (not well and I don't see him that often, thank Ghu), we're only being led to believe that HAARP is shutting down.

It's actually being transferred, so he said, from the USAF to the super-secret unknown agency that is behind all the dirty tricks that the CIA and NSA get blamed for.


05-21-2014, 12:36 PM
Oh , for those of you who get a laugh out of a good whack job conspiracy, try this one on for size. All these years I thought that thing up in the sky that shines at night was the moon. But apparently, that is no moon !!

http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/moonchemtrailbase28apr10.shtml I think it's safe to say that that Mr. Livingstone is more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

05-21-2014, 01:29 PM
It's science bro, you wouldn't understand.

This from a licensed ham who can't understand how
an RF power amplifier can be wired for a grounded B+? ;)

05-21-2014, 01:39 PM
This from a licensed ham who can't understand how
an RF power amplifier can be wired for a grounded B+? ;)

I won't be buying a Lucas amp anytime soon...at least Ameritron INCREASES RF output....I shudder at the thought of a Lucas' grounded B+ would be supplying the radiating element....

05-21-2014, 01:41 PM
This from a licensed ham who can't understand how
an RF power amplifier can be wired for a grounded B+? ;)

Bro, I've never been closer than 6 ft to a tube lol

Solid State FTW!

05-21-2014, 03:53 PM
HAARP turned me into a newt.

(I got better)

05-22-2014, 01:09 AM
Previously on RF JEF:
"Is questioning the "gentleness" of megawatts of concentrated ERP from a 1000 foot dish--the same as promoting a "conspiracy theory?"
Megawatts is QRP for the Arecebo dish, but it's not HF, the only transmitter operates in the 70cM band for platetary radar mapping. A few years ago a couple of hams assigned to the project >throttled back< the transmitter to the legal 1.5KW Amateur output, and the antenna gain multiplied it to the several >terawatt< level for a little EPE (planet bounce) fun with other hams on the receiving end. That's when I made a few jokes about bouncing signals off Uranus. They don't need HAARP to burn a hole in the ionosphere. (;->)