View Full Version : Are we better off without CB? We have FRS....
04-15-2014, 03:36 PM
So for the record I do have a CB radio (for that just in case situation) but it seems like its just an abused band for lonely old truckers and well nothing really good. Wouldn't we almost be better off without it and just have it for amatuer pourpeses?
04-15-2014, 03:58 PM
Too many rigs out there for it to ever be a viable amateur band.
The FCC will not do anything about it except for the most egregious rule breakers and those who VERY openly sell non type accepted gear.
Better to focus on 2m bootleggers.
FRS radios are not an appealing alternative for those who are used to being able to cover greater distances OTA.
04-15-2014, 04:10 PM
could it be worth it if somehow they opened the band to amateurs and unlicensed users and maybe that would help stop the abuse? kind of like GMRS how those radios are able to communicate on FRS.
Ah, you do realize that FRS is a Part 95 radio service.
In other words... it IS CB.
So's GMRS, for that matter. Once upon a time, what these two services evolved from where called Class A & Class B Citizens Radio Service...
So, the question is kind of, well, moot. How can you replace CB with CB?
(I know, you probalby meant Class D CRS, aka the 11 meter band, when you said CB. But one must be clear.)
04-15-2014, 06:09 PM
I recently drove from northern Virginia out to Iowa and back. I put a CB in the car and listened much of the time driving.
It was really only through PA, WV, MD and VA that it really seemed totally out of control. Practically everyone sounded like a cross between Wolfman Jack and Cleetis from Smokey & The Bandit. Plus all the hooting and belching noises, music, profanity, splattering over 2 or 3 adjacent channels, and so on ... Channel 9 which I always thought was supposed to be respected as an emergency channel, was a free-for all spanish language version of channel 19.
But it really wasn's bad once I got into Ohio and westward. A lot of generally normal conversation and some unoffensive banter. I was surprised at how few loons were on the CB during that portion of the trip.
Hard to say if it was geography (east of appalachians versus midwest) or part of the week (Most of my time east was weekends, most of my time west was weekdays).
But basically, I was surprised that CB was NOT as bad as everyone makes it out to be. At least in the midwest. It still serves it's purpose. I'd leave it alone.
04-15-2014, 07:32 PM
I say, since the hams lost it so long ago, and will never get it back anyway, just let the maroons continue to use/abuse it. It cuts down on the 10 meter BS from bootlegging loons. And, let's face it, the FCC would never be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube, anyway. Of course, I might be as full of shit as a Christmas goose, too.
04-15-2014, 07:39 PM
Let's just put forth a hypothetical situation.
Let's say the FCC decides that, if you hold a "ham ticket," you may run full legal limit on 11 meters. Some will say that this would be a good incentive to get some people into the amateur ranks and perhaps promote better operating practices and worldwide goodwill.
Then you will have the Bircher crowd who will put forth all the conspiracy theories. The government wants to know who owns a radio so that they will know who to round up first to throw in the FEMA camps before they can get the word out that people are being held prisoner in FEMA camps, being tortured and used for medical experiments, before being placed in Rubbermaid coffins and buried.
04-15-2014, 07:55 PM
Let's just put forth a hypothetical situation.
Let's say the FCC decides that, if you hold a "ham ticket," you may run full legal limit on 11 meters. Some will say that this would be a good incentive to get some people into the amateur ranks and perhaps promote better operating practices and worldwide goodwill.
Then you will have the Bircher crowd who will put forth all the conspiracy theories. The government wants to know who owns a radio so that they will know who to round up first to throw in the FEMA camps before they can get the word out that people are being held prisoner in FEMA camps, being tortured and used for medical experiments, before being placed in Rubbermaid coffins and buried.
Hypothetical? Hah! This is already happening. I know several people, mostly in Minnesota, that have vanished, and all that was found was a Rubbermaid UPC sticker at the place they were last seen.
Hypothetical, indeed.
04-15-2014, 10:21 PM
"I know, you probalby meant Class D CRS..."
That's me, Class DUH Can't Remember Shit.
"Let's say the FCC decides that, if you hold a "ham ticket," you may run full legal limit on 11 meters."
Let's not say. How would you feel if you were a QRP station with a dummy load against the California Kilowatt Iron Curtain or the East Coast Berlin Wall?
"Some will say that this would be a good incentive to get some people into the amateur ranks and perhaps promote better operating practices and worldwide goodwill."
Most will say that this would be a good incentive to get some big tubes with handles, solar power (a 93 million mile extension cord plugged into the sun), and a potpourri of sound effects and noisemakers. Oh, it helps to practice your best Cletus the slack jaw yokel and babble on with the power mic cranked to 11 for a half hour without inhaling.
On edit:
We have enough Kooky Karols, Jackass Gerritsens, and Glenn Bastards on the air, and you want mmmmMMMORE?! Great googly moogly, feets don't fail me now!
04-15-2014, 10:23 PM
"I know, you probalby meant Class D CRS..."
That's me, Class DUH Can't Remember Shit.
"Let's say the FCC decides that, if you hold a "ham ticket," you may run full legal limit on 11 meters."
Let's not say. How would you feel if you were a QRP station with a dummy load against the California Kilowatt Iron Curtain or the East Coast Berlin Wall?
"Some will say that this would be a good incentive to get some people into the amateur ranks and perhaps promote better operating practices and worldwide goodwill."
Most will say that this would be a good incentive to get some big tubes with handles, solar power (a 93 million mile extension cord plugged into the sun), and a potpourri of sound effects and noisemakers. Oh, it helps to practice your best Cletus the slack jaw yokel and babble on with the power mic cranked to 11 for a half hour without inhaling.
Totally went over your head. If I had driven a lawnmower over it you wouldn't have noticed.
04-15-2014, 10:30 PM
No it didn't, but for some I had to explain. Oh, thanks for the haircut.
04-15-2014, 10:44 PM
No it didn't, but for some I had to explain. Oh, thanks for the haircut.
And upon your edit, I see you also missed where I said,
Let's just put forth a hypothetical situation.
Instead, you went right for the kill.
04-16-2014, 06:25 AM
Let's just put forth a hypothetical situation.
Let's say the FCC decides that, if you hold a "ham ticket," you may run full legal limit on 11 meters. Some will say that this would be a good incentive to get some people into the amateur ranks and perhaps promote better operating practices and worldwide goodwill.
Then you will have the Bircher crowd who will put forth all the conspiracy theories. The government wants to know who owns a radio so that they will know who to round up first to throw in the FEMA camps before they can get the word out that people are being held prisoner in FEMA camps, being tortured and used for medical experiments, before being placed in Rubbermaid coffins and buried.
I'm actually on board with this: If you have a ticket, you are a secondary user of 11M, and can run full legal limit.
It's not like we'd lose anything in the process. We'd only gain another interesting band to use. Imagine being able to claim DXCC on 11M with all the interference? That right there would be a feat of skill.
Full legal limit on 11M?
The Superbowlers use that much power as a driver for their big amplifiers.
If you want to escape the BS, get yourself a Stoner PRO-40, Uniden 148/2000GTL chassis-based rig or a CPI400/2000/2500 then go park yourself on CH38 LSB. Problem solved. Problem staying solved.
As far as "amateurs" having had the band - we were never granted primary user status.11M was an ISM band and we amateurs were afforded secondary status on it until the creation of the Class D service. The genie is never going back in the bottle - too many countries besides the U.S. also use the allocation for us to reassign it. you really want to deprive the RF hooligans of their own private little stomping ground and send them into the other amateur bands in search of...shenanigans? For I guarantee that's what would happen.
Look gang, I have to admit... I just don't get it.
I was never interested in CB. I went from being an SWL straight to a Novice ticket, circa 1972. This was right before the Independent Trucker's Strike that was the spark for the explosion in CB use. By the time the popularity began it's metoric rise... I mean, really, it just didn't make sense - for me.
I still remember the Sunday evening in college I returned the frat house (yes, I was dumb enough to join a frat, never mind that now), to find about a dozen brothers clustered around a little black box with a 23 channel knob on it. "Look! Look! See! We can talk to people across town! Even into Bellefonte!" (town about 10 miles or so up the highway from PSU). Was I impressed? Well... no. Considering that I'd just helped put in a 48 hour effort at K3CR for ARRL DX SSB. I mean, really... after working the world, literally, on an S-Line, an SB-220, and a TH6DXX, how can you get excited about a little 5 watt rig on a cheap 1/4 wave ground plane that can barely talk half-way around the county?
That all said... I've seen CB in use, and I can see where, when properly used, it's a great tool. My former in-laws used it down on their farm, and it was a fantastic tool for everyone to stay in touch, be it from the house to the barn or tractor, or to the truck when a supply run was ongoing. To say nothing of staying in touch with the closest neighbors, all of whom were at least a half mile or more away. And FRS & GMRS, which morphed from the old Class A & Class B CB's services, have really come into their own.
But for me? I just don't get it. Maybe I never will.
.. after working the world, literally, on an S-Line, an SB-220, and a TH6DXX, how can you get excited about a little 5 watt rig on a cheap 1/4 wave ground plane that can barely talk half-way around the county?
My HW-8 and your Argonaut strongly disagree with that statement...
My HW-8 and your Argonaut strongly disagree with that statement...
As does my Argonaut. Which, ironically, used to be Ron's.
04-16-2014, 10:19 AM
So would it even be worth it to allow liscensed amatuers too operate like the would on anyother band? (Basically run any power and use any rig capible) could this help incentivse more CB'ers to become hams if they can legally operate a more powerful rig?
04-16-2014, 10:23 AM
As does my Argonaut. Which, ironically, used to be Ron's.
He did transfer all the contacts made on it to you, right?
So would it even be worth it to allow liscensed amatuers too operate like the would on anyother band? (Basically run any power and use any rig capible) could this help incentivse more CB'ers to become hams if they can legally operate a more powerful rig?
Uh, no.
Care to hazard a guess how many amateurs are engaging in illegal 11M activity at the moment (via their HF transceivers and/or operating out of band)?
You know it's widespread when the ESSB crowd not only announces the fact they're running a modified high-end amateur transceiver while on, say, 27.420, but also ID their stations with their amateur call signs.
(Yes, you read that correctly).
Get that proposed HF rig with its general coverage receiver and give a listen from 26-30MHz. You'll hear...interesting...things.
04-16-2014, 06:49 PM
Uh, no.
Care to hazard a guess how many amateurs are engaging in illegal 11M activity at the moment (via their HF transceivers and/or operating out of band)?
You know it's widespread when the ESSB crowd not only announces the fact they're running a modified high-end amateur transceiver while on, say, 27.420, but also ID their stations with their amateur call signs.
(Yes, you read that correctly).
Get that proposed HF rig with its general coverage receiver and give a listen from 26-30MHz. You'll hear...interesting...things.
I have listened via my shortwave radio to that and yes i have heard interesting things as you have said. And why someone would be dumb enough to use there callsign while transmitting illegally is beyond me...i can understand if you use it in conversation to tell someone your callsign if you where having a conversation on that subject. When and if i use my CB i wont identify with my callsign since it is technically not allowed. Plus i dont want some bozo to have my personal information on a public band..
My HW-8 and your Argonaut strongly disagree with that statement...
As does my Argonaut. Which, ironically, used to be Ron's.Ummm, OK, but consider the context.
I was not talking about either of you, or I, choosing to see what we can do with QRP. That's a deliberate effort to push the limits of minimal power and antennas.
I was trying to convey that I was expecting to join the swoon over CB, when by comparison to what I was just doing...
Different context.
Uh, no.
Care to hazard a guess how many amateurs are engaging in illegal 11M activity at the moment (via their HF transceivers and/or operating out of band)?
You know it's widespread when the ESSB crowd not only announces the fact they're running a modified high-end amateur transceiver while on, say, 27.420, but also ID their stations with their amateur call signs.
(Yes, you read that correctly).
Get that proposed HF rig with its general coverage receiver and give a listen from 26-30MHz. You'll hear...interesting...things.I have a little sympathy for the ESSB group.
They used to operate on the high ends of 17 and 10 meters. I never thought they were bothering anyone else, but some self-appointed frequency cops... or if you prefer, schmucks... drove them off.
Even so. No way can I condone illegal operation. And to use your real call signs? Why not just write Laura and invite her & the FCC staff to listen in, saves time that way.
04-16-2014, 11:36 PM
I've had a lot of fun with ESSB, but I only run it when a group of us are fooling with it. Panadapter displays allow one to "see the neighbors", and avoid problems. A smallish QSY can make a big difference. And it really is as nice as AM can be... seriously. Wide, clean, great audio is intriguing. But I run 1.9Khz wide 90% of the time, EQ'd to my voice.
Narrow is more efficient... and "dialed" to my voice, 1.9 is wide enough to be pleasant and articulate. Imagine that.
I was trying to convey that I was expecting to join the swoon over CB, when by comparison to what I was just doing...
Different context.
The only difference between 10 and 11M is 1MHz and a license requirement. Period. Many amateurs have converted 11M equipment to 10M and "worked the world" using the same power levels as the maximums specified by the Part 95 regs.
I used to do a lot of weak-signal 11M SSB work back in the day when the band was heavily used. If you wanted to talk to friends who were further away than, say, 5 miles you had basically three options: Run an amplifier and/or run a large directional gain antenna if conversing during the day...or...sked late at night when E layer and F layer propagation along with the usual cast of chucklefucks called it a wrap.
The same principles apply when working weak signals on either band: Good receiver, good antenna, choose your operation times wisely.
Although dwindling in numbers, the "dedicated 11M SSB operator" has just as much fun playing in their sandbox as we do in ours. I guarantee that if the FCC relaxed the 155.1 mile Part 95 limit, you would see a lot of amateurs come out of the woodwork and start DXing on that band 'in the open'. I'm not going to risk my license on even the tiniest of infractions, so all of those DX club stations I happen across are verboten.
There aren't a lot of locals who I care to talk with, and the days of an SSB rig in every farm tractor and pickup have (sadly) passed us by, I think. Thus, at this point in time there isn't a lot I do with the band other than listen. Pity, as there was (and is) enjoyment to be had...but you have to look for it off the beaten path.
04-17-2014, 07:17 AM
How about we give them a band somewhere in gHz-land, subsidize kilowatt amps for that band so they're really cheap, then encourage them to build mobile "Giga-stations" into old Chevy Suburbans. Then organize a huge "Giga rally" somewhere in the south. That should take care of the bootlegging problem fairly quickly and relatively inexpensively.
04-17-2014, 01:30 PM
"When and if i use my CB i wont identify with my callsign since it is technically not allowed."
Please explain "technically", I don't understand why an Amateur callsign is any different than a "handle" or any form of ID on an unlicensed band.
"Plus i dont want some bozo to have my personal information on a public band."
Since when isn't an Amateur band a public band? Because legally there can be no expectation of privacy on CB or Amateur Radio anyone can reveal the entire content word for word such as recordings of conversations to anyone without consent of those engaged in said conversations. Those you can't reveal content (but you can reveal what they're about) without consent are those made by those who "own" frequencies by FCC assignment other than broadcast intended for the general public.
Kel, as usual you make me giga until it hertz. I can picture it now, a microwave CB shootout with the guy on the receiving end downrange cooked like a Thanksgiving turkey! (Get it? ... Turkey?)
04-17-2014, 01:45 PM
"When and if i use my CB i wont identify with my callsign since it is technically not allowed."
Please explain "technically", I don't understand why an Amateur callsign is any different than a "handle" or any form of ID on an unlicensed band.
"Plus i dont want some bozo to have my personal information on a public band."
Since when isn't an Amateur band a public band? Because legally there can be no expectation of privacy on CB or Amateur Radio anyone can reveal the entire content word for word such as recordings of conversations to anyone without consent of those engaged in said conversations. Those you can't reveal content (but you can reveal what they're about) without consent are those made by those who "own" frequencies by FCC assignment other than broadcast intended for the general public.
Kel, as usual you make me giga until it hertz. I can picture it now, a microwave CB shootout with the guy on the receiving end downrange cooked like a Thanksgiving turkey! (Get it? ... Turkey?)
IOW give them the bird? That's kinda chicken.
IOW give them the bird? That's kinda chicken.
Fowl, even. I'll bet he comes up with some poultry excuse.
IOW give them the bird? That's kinda chicken.This is starting to get pretty fowl.
Now, to answer the question raised a moment ago...
The FCC has cited Amateurs in the past who used their ham calls as "handles" on CB. As far as they appear to be interpreting the rules, by using your Amateur call as an identifier on CB, you are using your call on frequencies for which it is not licensed.
In short, it's one thing if someone says "This is Toolman. Name here is Tim, my ham call is KAØXTT." You are MENTIONING that you are also a licensed Amateur, but you aren't using the call as your handle.
But it's another thing if someone says "My handle is KAØXTT, name here is Tim." You are USING your ham call as your handle... and KAØXTT (in this example) is a General... a license class that has no frequency privileges (to transmit) between 24.990 & 28.000 MHz. That's a big no-no.
04-20-2014, 10:44 AM
id once as KBJC8853. should have heard how many times "them good buddy's" ask wtf is that? LOL! one guy said "he must be one them ham guys with a ticket". flmao!
04-20-2014, 10:46 AM
id once as KBJC8853. should have heard how many times "them good buddy's" ask wtf is that? LOL! one guy said "he must be one them ham guys with a ticket". flmao!
KBFX 2007. The was 1975.
04-20-2014, 03:49 PM
CQ CQ CQ de KMD7606 K
Damn beepers!
No it didn't, but for some I had to explain. Oh, thanks for the haircut.
Can't debate the finer points of the Crap Radio Service. Hmmm... limit CB to 1 Watt and channels, if you have your Ham license, you get to run 1.5KW with VFO. I like that idea Charles - run everyone upstairs to MURS, GMRS and FRS.
04-21-2014, 02:15 PM
Can't debate the finer points of the Crap Radio Service. Hmmm... limit CB to 1 Watt and channels, if you have your Ham license, you get to run 1.5KW with VFO. I like that idea Charles - run everyone upstairs to MURS, GMRS and FRS.
But, who would comply? I now have a neighbor under a hundred yards from me running 2.5KW. Nice guy. I gave him a low pass filter but it's for hams so it only works up 1.5 KW.
Yeah, yeah, already talked about between the radio and amp.
04-21-2014, 03:10 PM
How about we give them a band somewhere in gHz-land, subsidize kilowatt amps for that band so they're really cheap, then encourage them to build mobile "Giga-stations" into old Chevy Suburbans. Then organize a huge "Giga rally" somewhere in the south. That should take care of the bootlegging problem fairly quickly and relatively inexpensively.
Giggity Goo!
04-21-2014, 03:34 PM
Giggity DRAKE!
04-22-2014, 03:52 PM
If Quagmire was on during the CB boom he would have had every bored, horny housewife in range beating a path to his door, like this mysterious, intriguing sex god with a party pad had... heh heh heh.
But, who would comply? I now have a neighbor under a hundred yards from me running 2.5KW. Nice guy. I gave him a low pass filter but it's for hams so it only works up 1.5 KW.
Yeah, yeah, already talked about between the radio and amp.
Interestingly a Ham running 15KW wouldn't be a nice guy by anybody's standards and that's only a tenfold increase in power compared to 2.5W~2.5KW for a CB'er. I wonder how long that would last with the FCC? Compared to say, the average Nice Guy/Good Buddy on CB?
Just wondering.
04-23-2014, 05:43 AM
I'm wondering how much power it takes to do this :wtf:
04-23-2014, 06:12 AM
I'm wondering how much power it takes to do this :wtf:
10-20Kw, there abouts I'd hazard. You can sometimes get coronal discharge on UHF at about 150W.
If Quagmire was on during the CB boom he would have had every bored, horny housewife in range beating a path to his door, like this mysterious, intriguing sex god with a party pad had... heh heh heh.
All Herman Munster got was a couple of kids playing space aliens!
If Quagmire was on during the CB boom he would have had every bored, horny housewife in range beating a path to his door, like this mysterious, intriguing sex god with a party pad had... heh heh heh.
Let me put it thusly:
If - back in the "CB heyday" - you couldn't pull a different piece of trim at least weekly instead of nightly you were doing something horribly wrong.
Amateur radio was for the hard-core experimenter and professional RF geek.
Shortwave radio (SWBC listening in particular) was for the news and political affairs crowd.
Press RTTY monitoring was a combination of the two above. Not everyone had the technical acumen required to construct a demodulator; those who did and could intercept the transmissions were well ahead of the information curve.
GMRS and the other non public service/public safety radio services were for running a business.
CB radio was for getting laid, finding the nearest party...ministering to the heathens and generally making an ass out of one's self.
Scanner monitoring was for keeping localized tabs on what was occurring with the last two via PS dispatch callouts.
As soon as Compuserve hit the scene with its "CB simulator" and online dating facilities, people looking to hook up went there instead of dealing with the incessant roar of skip during the day or the incessant roar of drunk CBers at night.
Fun was to be had on the service, but people wanted a more anonymous way of going about it. The rest is history.
04-24-2014, 12:46 AM
My CB "dating" went on day and night depending on which shift the OM worked.
I was more into MW and SW DXing and more than broadcast.
I didn't have a RTTY setup, but I did browse the TTY room at WERA during regular visits. There was pretty much what you see on TV today, about 10 minutes of news and the rest of the hour fluff and filler. Sometimes there were operator chats, those got rather interesting.
I used 3 scanners, two borrowed had local PD crystals, mine was a 16 channel programmable dedicated to FBI monitoring. It really got interesting when I put it in the car and became the man watching the man watching the man. "HI RHINO!" Heh heh heh heh.....
After a few years vacation from radio a couple of friends, one being Sue KB2SFH arm twisted me into becoming KB2VXA and the rest is another chapter in radio history. Scanning My Back Pages (Dylan) my self taught radio/electronics helped along by CB experimentation launched my two careers, much better than factory employment and Amateur Radio. The test was a snap BTW, the only thing I had to study were the frequency allocations and in 15 minutes I passed with 100%. Not that it was a big accomplishment, so nothing worth bragging about.
05-20-2014, 08:18 PM
i see cb making a come back in the next few years. as money tightens, the internet locks down, cell phone restrictions and a more repressive government actions...the youth will rediscover it and make it their own. by then, most of nuts that ruin it will have died off.
i see cb making a come back in the next few years. as money tightens, the internet locks down, cell phone restrictions and a more repressive government actions...the youth will rediscover it and make it their own. by then, most of nuts that ruin it will have died off.
I have had this same thought on numerous occasions, especially if government "kills" the Internet via draconian control of its traffic. Youth returning in great numbers will drive the idiots away and they'll use the Class D service for a number oof things it wasn't originally intended for - such as digital trasnmissions.
A linked data communications system which utilizes HF (CB), VHF (MURS) and UHF (GMRS/FRS) along with 802.x technology is not only well within the realm of possibility but is in all likelihood inevitable.
05-26-2014, 06:14 PM
I'm wondering how much power it takes to do this :wtf:
RF power or brain power ? :snicker:
05-26-2014, 06:22 PM
i see cb making a come back in the next few years. as money tightens, the internet locks down, cell phone restrictions and a more repressive government actions...the youth will rediscover it and make it their own. by then, most of nuts that ruin it will have died off.
I doubt it. Old tech is not going to usurp new tech. There are too many apps and features that make new tech desirable. Young people that grew up with new tech are certainly not going to drop it for old tech. It would be like expecting a young person to swap his iPhone for an AM transistor radio. Perhaps if there was an world wide atomic war or some major world calamity what few survive might have to drop down to low tech as a means of communication. But otherwise, I don't see it happening. Certainly not anytime soon. In fact to think about it, if such a major catastrophe were to happen and I somehow managed to survive (for a while at least) I may not want to communicate. Under such circumstances the fewer that know I exist the better.Might be best to remain unseen and unheard.
lastly, I doubt the gubmint is going to lock down the Internet to the point where people stop using it. They are not that stupid. The Internet is a major source of revenue and commerce and if the government forgets that fact the business sector will remind them. . Even if a person never intends to buy anything or spend money on line, sooner or later, via day to day communications, visits to private web sites, etc. something will whet a persons appetite and drive them towards commerce. For example, Ebay has recently gotten a lot of my business. I have been buying and collecting vintage and antique pocket watches. My interest in these old mechanical marvels came via communications I had on the internet that piqued my desire to find and posses at least a few of them. Most are in working order. Ebay made finding and collecting them easy. Think of millions of other transactions that occur. To make the internet so draconian that people are driven away will also drive away a lot of potential revenue.
05-26-2014, 09:46 PM
RF power or brain power ? :snicker:
I was really wondering about RF power but you bring up a good point actually...
While I agree it's incredibly stupid to run that much power especially that close to ones self and others..
But you kind of wonder, this person has to have some smarts to be able to set up such a system and not kill themselves even on accident... So I sometimes wonder about their level of intelligence when I see stuff like that.. I wouldn't even want to be where the camera person is or within probably a mile of that place if I knew what was going on hahaha
I wonder does this person possess the ability to build such a system capable of such power? If so then how do they not know what is really going on with those levels of RF power..
Do they just simply have lots of money to buy stuff pre built and just got lucky not killing themselves with it installing it?
Or do they just have so much money that they paid someone else a pile of money to buy, build, and install everything for that person and it's just a matter of time before they take the cover off of one of those amplifiers and an effect similar to a squirrel touching more than one lead across a transformer happens when they touch the wrong part?
The things that make ya go hmmmmm
I'm wondering how much power it takes to do this :wtf:
Cincinnati, Ohio August 2010
It's a "Top Secret" whatever was in the near truck (T-Bird / Bluegill), they will not allow you near it; windows tinted purple, Suburban hauled to the event on a flatbed then offloaded at the venue. They shoot out for the money and then load the Suburban back on the flatbed. Has 12 Leece-Neville ( (or ElectroDyne ( Alternators
Small-Driver (in the decorated Suburban) was running two 3cx-20,000 tubes ( only 10 alternators) and, was doing well over 50 Kilowatts (for 15 seconds signaled by surplus Traffic Light off screen).
At the 37 second point, there is a fellow in a white Tee-Shirt (with yellow insignia) standing between the the two Suburbans; that's "Half Pint".
I was really wondering about RF power but you bring up a good point actually...
3CX5000, 3CX10,000 and 3CX20,000
While I agree it's incredibly stupid to run that much power especially that close to ones self and others..
But you kind of wonder, this person has to have some smarts to be able to set up such a system and not kill themselves even on accident... So I sometimes wonder about their level of intelligence when I see stuff like that.. I wouldn't even want to be where the camera person is or within probably a mile of that place if I knew what was going on hahaha
Engineering Smarts
I wonder does this person possess the ability to build such a system capable of such power? If so then how do they not know what is really going on with those levels of RF power..
Do they just simply have lots of money to buy stuff pre built and just got lucky not killing themselves with it installing it?
Most have the money, there are no "Pre-Built" appliances, they are custom order or you build it yourself.
Or do they just have so much money that they paid someone else a pile of money to buy, build, and install everything for that person and it's just a matter of time before they take the cover off of one of those amplifiers and an effect similar to a squirrel touching more than one lead across a transformer happens when they touch the wrong part?
Three weeks back, a CB'er (Unit 502, Middletown, Ohio) Stuck his hand in the wrong place, killed him dead; the wife was severely injured at the breaker box from the unapproved 220v circuit run.
The things that make ya go hmmmmm
The things that make ya go "unh-unh!" :shock:
05-29-2014, 08:58 AM
Whether these rigs were cobbled together by them or some other chicken choker doesn't matter, neither has the sense God gave a goose. If you look beyond the shootout to see where they come from you'll see where the money goes. Back home you'll see a tar paper chicken shack, beat up double wide, or some other Welfare housing featured on Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Yard Of The Week.
Back in West Creek out in the Pine Barrens there are no Chicken Banders, but along with our famous Jersey Devil there exist our version of hillbillies, the Pineys. Come Christmas some of those yard decorations get rearranged, I spotted this rather interesting display.
05-29-2014, 06:46 PM
I was really wondering about RF power but you bring up a good point actually...
While I agree it's incredibly stupid to run that much power especially that close to ones self and others..
But you kind of wonder, this person has to have some smarts to be able to set up such a system and not kill themselves even on accident... So I sometimes wonder about their level of intelligence when I see stuff like that.. I wouldn't even want to be where the camera person is or within probably a mile of that place if I knew what was going on hahaha
I wonder does this person possess the ability to build such a system capable of such power? If so then how do they not know what is really going on with those levels of RF power..
Do they just simply have lots of money to buy stuff pre built and just got lucky not killing themselves with it installing it?
Or do they just have so much money that they paid someone else a pile of money to buy, build, and install everything for that person and it's just a matter of time before they take the cover off of one of those amplifiers and an effect similar to a squirrel touching more than one lead across a transformer happens when they touch the wrong part?
The things that make ya go hmmmmm
I was thinking more in terms of "what's the purpose ?"... Okay, so you spend a load of money and get some big assed equipment, stuff it into a vehicle, drive into some parking lot, strap on some big antenna array, rev up, key down and hope that someone hears you over the other guy, and then it's all over. I just don't get it. i don't see any fulfillment. I'd rather have a 100 milliwatt radio and use it to exchange useful information with someone than have 50 killowatts or a lots of Jigawatts just so I can key down...
05-29-2014, 07:18 PM
I'm wondering how much power it takes to do this :wtf:
I think what they should do is, each of the drivers get into their vehicle, get the engines warmed up, move the cars to where they face each other about 4 feet apart, and then key down.
Problem solved.
05-29-2014, 09:22 PM
I think what they should do is, each of the drivers get into their vehicle, get the engines warmed up, move the cars to where they face each other about 4 feet apart, and then key down.
Problem solved.
This... I want to see this go down hahahahahahahaha
I was thinking more in terms of "what's the purpose ?"... Okay, so you spend a load of money and get some big assed equipment, stuff it into a vehicle, drive into some parking lot, strap on some big antenna array, rev up, key down and hope that someone hears you over the other guy, and then it's all over. I just don't get it. i don't see any fulfillment. I'd rather have a 100 milliwatt radio and use it to exchange useful information with someone than have 50 killowatts or a lots of Jigawatts just so I can key down...
What's the purpose, money is the purpose, thousands of dollars change hands based on who was heard.
These are the same guys that built street racers and took them to Edgewater Dragstrip back in the '60's and '70's; it's the same mindset but, instead of the vehicle moving fast to get to a certain point, the vehicles are stationary and the radio signal does the moving.
The "T-Bird / Bluegill" team out of Chicago are "Celebrities", because they attract a audience, they demand an appearance fee from the group holding the function just for showing up.
Oh, BTW, being in one of those trucks is like being in a Faraday Cage with a tiger in the back seat.
05-30-2014, 06:23 AM
05-30-2014, 02:37 PM
All this CB talk and my neighbor's activity has me wondering if I should dust off the old Cobra 148GTL and play around a little. Back in the day I had a Washington with the bells and whistles and a few associated accessories. I sold all that off. Placed an ad on Craigslist and had it sold in under 12 hours. Got $400 for it all.
Still have the Cobra 29 from my trucking days. Every once in a while I'll hook it up to my 10m beam (with a tuner, of course) and talk to the guys waiting to cross the border.
05-30-2014, 02:57 PM
Still have the Cobra 29 from my trucking days. Every once in a while I'll hook it up to my 10m beam (with a tuner, of course) and talk to the guys waiting to cross the border.
You talk to aliens? Who Gnu?
You talk to aliens? Who Gnu?
Yeah, from Tau Ceti Alpha 2
05-30-2014, 05:29 PM
What's the purpose, money is the purpose, thousands of dollars change hands based on who was heard.
These are the same guys that built street racers and took them to Edgewater Dragstrip back in the '60's and '70's; it's the same mindset but, instead of the vehicle moving fast to get to a certain point, the vehicles are stationary and the radio signal does the moving.
The "T-Bird / Bluegill" team out of Chicago are "Celebrities", because they attract a audience, they demand an appearance fee from the group holding the function just for showing up.
Oh, BTW, being in one of those trucks is like being in a Faraday Cage with a tiger in the back seat.
Yeah, no doubts bets are placed. So then your opponent goes and builds up a bigger amp and antenna array next time he wins. If I have enough money I can build up a tractor trailer with a couple large generators inside and a tower on top and I'll win until someone outdoes that. Maybe eventually one day some guy will build a mobile version of HAARP
Racing I can understand, in addition to equipment and mechanics there is also skill, technique, split second decisions, etc. But, just keying down a radio doesn't seem to cut it. But I guess if it floats someones boat and it's not harming anyone then what the heck. What someone decided to spend their money and time on is their business. I might pay a fee to see a race but I sure as heck am not going to pay a fee to watch some dudes in a parking lot key down a radio no matter how many jigawatts. At least a race has some excitement and some action and some display of skill.
P.S. If some guy eventually does build a mobile version of HAARP for one of these events I might just be willing to pay to see that... from a distance. :lol:
05-30-2014, 08:16 PM
other than the trucker, mexican and brother channels...37 channels are dead here. once in a great while i'll catch the locals having a qso.
05-30-2014, 08:26 PM
I'm listening to my neighbor trying to get more out of his amp(s). All he's doing is over driving the big one. I think he's trying to use a Maco 250 to drive a 2500w amp. Everything he's trying is just distorting his signal. He runs one at a time and it sounds clear. Anytime he tries to run them both it's just a cluster of crunch.
05-30-2014, 08:27 PM
I should add that every Saturday night they have a keydown contest (home version) in the tri state area. That's NE GA, NW SC and W NC.
05-31-2014, 01:58 PM
Just don't tell them all one needs is one of these things guaranteed to blot out the opponent's signal and every signal for miles around.
06-01-2014, 06:04 AM
other than the trucker, mexican and brother channels...37 channels are dead here. once in a great while i'll catch the locals having a qso.
That's pretty much how it is around here, except for a very small handful of "local" stations, mostly in the Bronx. At least that is how it was last time I listened to that band. It used to be quite busy round here in the 60's and into the 1990's. CB is pretty much a dead item in my local area these days.
06-01-2014, 06:14 AM
I'm listening to my neighbor trying to get more out of his amp(s). All he's doing is over driving the big one. I think he's trying to use a Maco 250 to drive a 2500w amp. Everything he's trying is just distorting his signal. He runs one at a time and it sounds clear. Anytime he tries to run them both it's just a cluster of crunch.
In the old days we had a lot of CB'ers who ran their amps like that and were distorted as hell. When I became a 40 and 75 meter AM Gangsta I had my old scope hooked up to my receiver so I could look at the waveforms of the stations I was in QSO with. Most were nice clean with nice positive peaks. Then just for laughs I would tune up to 11 meters and watch the scope go crazy. Nice flattopping, clipping and lots of > 100% negative making those nice big flat lines between the peaks. Even the Atlantic ocean during a cat 5 hurricane runs a cleaner waveform. :snicker:
06-01-2014, 07:16 PM
"It used to be quite busy round here in the 60's and into the 1900's."
Yeah, in the 1860s those steam rigs splattered all over too, steam amplifiers only made it worse.
06-02-2014, 01:16 AM
"It used to be quite busy round here in the 60's and into the 1900's."
Yeah, in the 1860s those steam rigs splattered all over too, steam amplifiers only made it worse.
Check. I meant 1990's.:lol:
06-16-2014, 07:34 AM
this past week i took time to see how many mobiles in my area had 11meter radios. not many but, more than i thought. well, it is the eastern panhandle of w.v..
06-16-2014, 01:44 PM
What I find interesting is the number of trucks around here in my area (Rockford, IL), have 1 or more cb antenna's but no radio...
Now I understand a few people don't leave their radio in their vehicle all the time... But I think it's funny when more than half of the trucks I see with CB antenna's on the bed rails have bare so-239's hanging on the bottom of their antenna mounts (yes usually two)...
I was unaware that CB antenna's became a fashionable accessory hahaha
06-17-2014, 07:25 AM
yes, strange but, true. remember when having a cell phone antenna stuck on the rear window was all the rage?
06-17-2014, 11:12 AM
"Are we better off without CB?"
No, but then again I don't particularly think we are better off WITH it. It's fairly clean at least in my area, some truckers, yeah they swear but not just to swear, just talking to like minded folks far as I see. Don't hear the echo stuff so much. Not like we really NEED the frequencies with 10 meters not saturated. Be nice if more folks used the GMRS side of that service so it would be better for road/freeway conditions. (more power/external antenna, but it is licensed).
06-17-2014, 12:33 PM
"Are we better off without CB?"
No, but then again I don't particularly think we are better off WITH it. It's fairly clean at least in my area, some truckers, yeah they swear but not just to swear, just talking to like minded folks far as I see. Don't hear the echo stuff so much. Not like we really NEED the frequencies with 10 meters not saturated. Be nice if more folks used the GMRS side of that service so it would be better for road/freeway conditions. (more power/external antenna, but it is licensed).
I kind of agree with the last part. It would be nice for road/weather/freeway conditions. Perhaps keep the high power GMRS side still licensed, and maybe have it shared with the amateur service. I know if I were traveling and current travel conditions were available somewhere in the 11 meter band, I would use it, but that's about all I would use it for.
06-17-2014, 12:34 PM
GMRS more power? Welcome to Earth, welcome to Misfit Island, stick around a while and you'll learn a thing or three.
06-17-2014, 12:36 PM
GMRS more power? Welcome to Earth, welcome to Misfit Island, stick around a while and you'll learn a thing or three.
I've been around awhile, and I the only thing of importance that I have learned so far, is about bushtits.
I've been around awhile, and I the only thing of importance that I have learned so far, is about bushtits.
You learned to say no more.
06-22-2014, 07:44 PM
I've learned a Bushtit has become a most popular bird on the Island..... more so than say,a Sea Gull.... :mrgreen:
06-22-2014, 07:50 PM
What I find interesting is the number of trucks around here in my area (Rockford, IL), have 1 or more cb antenna's but no radio...
Now I understand a few people don't leave their radio in their vehicle all the time... But I think it's funny when more than half of the trucks I see with CB antenna's on the bed rails have bare so-239's hanging on the bottom of their antenna mounts (yes usually two)...
I was unaware that CB antenna's became a fashionable accessory hahaha
prob said driver got tired of all the stupidity and the idiots who think echo sounds good on cb and said hell with it not even worth having the damn thing.
quite frank, I doubt i would even bother with a cb in a semi these days.
06-24-2014, 10:41 AM
It's also possible he drives for one of the many companies that got tired of being held responsible for their drivers having illegal equipment in the cab and they banned all radios in their vehicles. Responsible ham drivers didn't like it much but obey company rules or you're out on your butt. Drivers for companies that banned all connections to the electrical system liked losing their refrigerators and like equipment even less but that's the way it goes. I'm pretty sure you've heard it called Children's Band, unfortunately they all got spanked because of a few brats that wouldn't behave themselves. (:-<)
06-24-2014, 12:21 PM
I've been around awhile, and I the only thing of importance that I have learned so far, is about bushtits.
And itchy nuts are a common thing.
06-24-2014, 01:27 PM
It's also possible he drives for one of the many companies that got tired of being held responsible for their drivers having illegal equipment in the cab and they banned all radios in their vehicles. Responsible ham drivers didn't like it much but obey company rules or you're out on your butt. Drivers for companies that banned all connections to the electrical system liked losing their refrigerators and like equipment even less but that's the way it goes. I'm pretty sure you've heard it called Children's Band, unfortunately they all got spanked because of a few brats that wouldn't behave themselves. (:-<)
that is why if you are a driver and a company does that... go right over to another company.. when company A loses a shit load of drivers all of a sudden they will change the rules.
07-14-2014, 01:21 PM
CB is probably a good thing. It's kind of like a chroot jail for some of the crazies on the air. Unfortunately amateur radio has it's own set of crazies as well. So maybe amateur radio is a better organized chroot jail.
07-14-2014, 03:10 PM
Being unfamiliar with Unix I had to look that one up only to find your use of the term redundant. (;->) Unfortunately Children's Band isn't a chroot for crazies who had their PLL chips tinkered with and complain about the beepers at the bottom of ten meters, and paradoxically have roger beepers and more than 1500W. CB USED to be a good thing when I was licensed in 1965, there were few who operated more or less legally, plenty of clear channels to spread out into. You know what happened next that caused me to pack it in, now it's back as it was more or less (less being a few more crazies) but my loss of interest is permanent. It does make a good beacon band for 10M though, often the lights are on but nobody home, but they're always home "downstairs".
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