View Full Version : WWII Beer Delivery

03-31-2014, 05:32 AM
Here's one I found, most inspiring. Cheers!



03-31-2014, 06:18 AM
Here's one I found, most inspiring. Cheers! 12020

I believe that picture with all my heart and mind. In Iraq, our stuffy US Leadership said "We don't want to offend the Muslims, so no beer will be allowed." So it was great to have a Brit Unit next door, their leadership said "Poppycock" to that rule! "Long live the Queen!"

04-01-2014, 06:26 PM
Gotta love the Brits. I'll be over there sometime within the next week or so, not exactly sure of the travel arrangements yet. The XYL and 3rd harmonic are there already.

04-02-2014, 04:57 AM
I believe that picture with all my heart and mind. In Iraq, our stuffy US Leadership said "We don't want to offend the Muslims, so no beer will be allowed." So it was great to have a Brit Unit next door, their leadership said "Poppycock" to that rule! "Long live the Queen!"

I meant to ask: were you allowed bacon and roast pork?

I'll be over there sometime within the next week or so, not exactly sure of the travel arrangements yet. The XYL and 3rd harmonic are there already.

Me being nosey as usual, where will you be visiting?

04-02-2014, 07:35 AM
[QUOTE=HUGH;585451]I believe that picture with all my heart and mind. In Iraq, our stuffy US Leadership said "We don't want to offend the Muslims, so no beer will be allowed." So it was great to have a Brit Unit next door, their leadership said "Poppycock" to that rule! "Long live the Queen!"

I meant to ask: were you allowed bacon and roast pork?

We started with pork dinners in our MREs which were pretty much offensive to all mankind. Later when they established mess facilities we had bacon and pork served by non Muslim contractors. I guess the difference was that our friends could not smell pork on our breath. :lol:

We had a unique barter system. The Brit Unit kept plying us with beer as long as we let them use our satellite phone to call home!

04-02-2014, 07:42 PM
Germans and Japanese are great, but we had to kick their asses before they decided to become friends. Brits are great too but stubborn as hell, we had to kick their asses TWICE before THEY decided to be friends. Bier, nektar der götter. 神々のビール果汁 Beer, nectar of the gods.

04-05-2014, 09:01 AM
But the Brits like their beer at room temperature! Ewwwww!!!

04-05-2014, 10:40 AM
But the Brits like their beer at room temperature! Ewwwww!!!

As any British sports car enthusiast will tell you, they don't drink their beer at cellar temperature because they like it that way, they drink it at cellar temperature because they have Lucas refrigerators.

04-06-2014, 01:20 AM
Yeah, Lucas refrigerators. (;->) The only time they drank beer at RT was during the war years when German bombs cut the power.

04-06-2014, 11:50 AM
I've never heard of Lucas refrigerators, maybe they delighted in selling you all their sub-standard products which we wouldn't buy, I don't know.

What I do know is that you should read this if you're interested in beer:


In brief, like some other northern European countries, British beer is brewed from top-fermenting yeast which doesn't clear at low temperatures so ideally the cellar should be not lower than about 13 degrees C. When beer, lager, ale or porter is served at low temperatures it loses much of it's taste and afficionados will insist that much American beer has no taste anyway so in serving it cold no-one will notice.

Imagine coming into a pub from a snowstorm, I've done it often, you might not want beer that's too cold, I would request a nice dark beer at, say, 15 degrees C to warm me up.

I do know that in New Zealand, beer left to warm up in the summer always went horribly sticky due to the amount of sugar contained and I've had beer served that produced tootheache it was that cold. Now their brewing is much improved and you can buy a good range of brews.

04-06-2014, 12:59 PM
When prohibition was at long last ended, President Roosevelt ordered a special delivery. :)


04-09-2014, 08:39 PM