View Full Version : Changing to Metric

12-11-2013, 03:28 PM
I spotted this chart which seems to infer that the USA is the only nation, apart from Burma, not to adopt the metric system of measurements. This is not entirely correct, I know Britain sells beer and milk in pints and measures distance in miles, food in pounds and ounces for those who prefer and kilos for those who are up to date.


Our former colonies have metricated to a greater extent than we have but then they probably had it forced on them. Personally I miss crowns, half-crowns, florins, shillings and farthings but at least we've avoided the Euro.

I note that either Sierra Leone or Liberia are still imperial according to this. The map's a bit small!

12-11-2013, 03:54 PM
In industry etc, both metric and what we call SAE are used together.

12-11-2013, 05:23 PM
And who can ever forget the ha'penny?

12-11-2013, 05:26 PM
I had an awesome conversations calculator that did everything. Any format to any format. Fractions, tenths, decimal, metric etc in all modes. Then some sorry excuse of a human ex-cop stole it.

12-11-2013, 06:00 PM
I spotted this chart which seems to infer that the USA is the only nation, apart from Burma, not to adopt the metric system of measurements. This is not entirely correct, I know Britain sells beer and milk in pints and measures distance in miles, food in pounds and ounces for those who prefer and kilos for those who are up to date.


Our former colonies have metricated to a greater extent than we have but then they probably had it forced on them. Personally I miss crowns, half-crowns, florins, shillings and farthings but at least we've avoided the Euro.

I note that either Sierra Leone or Liberia are still imperial according to this. The map's a bit small!

What about stones?

That aside, I have to convert things daily. It is a good workout for my brain. However, without the conversion I can just not picture how big something is when the measurement is metric.

12-11-2013, 06:07 PM
Wait a minute—a Brit advising the US to adopt a measurement system invented by the French? No effin' way! Besides, I like a system with units based on the length of the King's dick, or whatever the currently fashionable appendage happens to be.

Seriously, whenever I'm building something that doesn't have to mate up with something else already built with Imperial units, I always go Metric.

12-11-2013, 06:16 PM
That would defeat the measurement of "5 and two lines after it".

You've done it.

12-12-2013, 04:13 AM
Wait a minute—a Brit advising the US to adopt a measurement system invented by the French? No effin' way! Besides, I like a system with units based on the length of the King's dick, or whatever the currently fashionable appendage happens to be.

Seriously, whenever I'm building something that doesn't have to mate up with something else already built with Imperial units, I always go Metric.


12-12-2013, 05:03 AM
USA! USA! USA! :roll:

12-12-2013, 05:38 AM
My only car was the first American car that used the metric system. The Chevy Vega (for all I know it was also the last too).

It would drive some mechanics nuts when they had to look for metric tools to work on it. I have used metric measurements for all electronics (broadcasting) and medical stuff for years, but you have to remember how to convert that when you have to explain it to the station manager...

12-12-2013, 07:13 AM
Still have 2 sets of tools, metric and the stuff needed to do the outlandish USA material ( reloading) and older UK cars i once had.
Since the semi auto reloading stations will be here for a long time i put the tools needed for that in the attick where i reload, never use them for something else now.

12-12-2013, 08:09 AM
My only car was the first American car that used the metric system. The Chevy Vega (for all I know it was also the last too).

It would drive some mechanics nuts when they had to look for metric tools to work on it. I have used metric measurements for all electronics (broadcasting) and medical stuff for years, but you have to remember how to convert that when you have to explain it to the station manager...

In electronics I use strictky metric, i.e. ohms, volts, amperes, cycles per second, etc. In radio I use wavelength in meters as opposed to measuring wavelength in feet or yards.This can be confusing to some die hards who are used to measuring wavelength in feet, yards, or inches. In blood pressure i prefer using mmHg as opposed to the more customary inches of mercury.

12-12-2013, 10:37 AM
My only car was the first American car that used the metric system. The Chevy Vega (for all I know it was also the last too).

It wasn't. We currently have two Ford products in this household; both were built in the USA and both are metric.

12-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Wait a minute—a Brit advising the US to adopt a measurement system invented by the French? No effin' way! Besides, I like a system with units based on the length of the King's dick, or whatever the currently fashionable appendage happens to be.

Seriously, whenever I'm building something that doesn't have to mate up with something else already built with Imperial units, I always go Metric.


12-12-2013, 01:23 PM
As a DIYer, unfortunately I need both SAE and metric.

I've been putting together a shopping list for a while for new sockets/wrenches, figure it'll hurt the wallet once but I've never had full, complete sets of anything that'll last for a while.

12-12-2013, 02:29 PM
As a DIYer, unfortunately I need both SAE and metric.

I've been putting together a shopping list for a while for new sockets/wrenches, figure it'll hurt the wallet once but I've never had full, complete sets of anything that'll last for a while.

Yeah, right. That don't work with kids around.

12-12-2013, 05:50 PM
In school back in the 70's, they were teaching us metrics because there was an attempt to convert the country...then it sort of just...went away.

Never figured that out. Maybe big business were afraid that they would have to part with a couple of dollars for the changeover. Who knows?

12-12-2013, 06:09 PM
5280 feet = 1 mile
1760 yards = 1 mile

1000 meters = 1 kilometer

....... just a little easier to remember and deal with .......we were already studying the metric system in school in the 1970's for a government mandated change later in the 70's decade......

using electrical measurements you are already using the metric system already......

I think it's plain stubbornness that Americans can't or won't change to a now universal system .....not that I'm calling any of you stubborn believe me..... ;)

12-12-2013, 06:11 PM
We hams use it too...but then, ham radio isnt exclusively American.

I think Ron still needs NV on the 480 ft band. It doesnt have the same ring to it.

12-12-2013, 06:14 PM
We hams use it too...but then, ham radio isnt exclusively American.

Shut your mouth :lol:

12-12-2013, 06:17 PM
...but im jus' talking bout Shaft!

12-12-2013, 06:45 PM
5280 feet = 1 mile
1760 yards = 1 mile

1000 meters = 1 kilometer

....... just a little easier to remember and deal with .......we were already studying the metric system in school in the 1970's for a government mandated change later in the 70's decade......

using electrical measurements you are already using the metric system already......

I think it's plain stubbornness that Americans can't or won't change to a now universal system .....not that I'm calling any of you stubborn believe me..... ;)

We studied the metric system in 1975 then nothing was ever said about it again because metric is that Frenchy Socialist crap.

12-12-2013, 07:00 PM
"I had an awesome conversations calculator that did everything. Any format to any format. Fractions, tenths, decimal, metric etc in all modes. Then some sorry excuse of a human ex-cop stole it."


You may be right, I may be crazy, but this could be the calc you're looking for. (Sorry Billy Joel.)

12-12-2013, 07:06 PM
"I had an awesome conversations calculator that did everything. Any format to any format. Fractions, tenths, decimal, metric etc in all modes. Then some sorry excuse of a human ex-cop stole it."


You may be right, I may be crazy, but this could be the calc you're looking for. (Sorry Billy Joel.)
Couldn't go online in the workplace. These days I'd used an app on my phone.

12-12-2013, 07:08 PM
We hams use it too...but then, ham radio isnt exclusively American.

I hurd ferriners on the 3 Rod band today.

12-12-2013, 07:26 PM
"I had an awesome conversations calculator that did everything. Any format to any format. Fractions, tenths, decimal, metric etc in all modes. Then some sorry excuse of a human ex-cop stole it."


You may be right, I may be crazy, but this could be the calc you're looking for. (Sorry Billy Joel.)

Yeah. I had one like that. These days any good desktop calc or mobile app can do all that + lots more. I remember buying a Texas Instruments SR-50 back in 1975 for well over $100.00. For it's time it was amazing. it could compute trig functions, radians, degrees, n-th powers, nth roots, base e and base 10 logs, averages, etc. When it wore out I replaced it in 1980 with a TI-57 that could do even more and was programmable. Then in 1981 when I got my first desk job in an engineering department of a well known battery technology company I spent $200.00 for a TI-95 with up to 200 progrmmable steps, magnetic cards that could store programs and data, and plug in modules to make the thing into a aviation calculator, a statistics calc. an engineering calc. etc. At that point in time Radio Shack also came out with the TRS-80. I went back to college to finish my education and I was playing around with the PDP-11, DEC 2060, and in the late 80's the VAXen computers.

12-12-2013, 07:55 PM
We studied the metric system in 1975 then nothing was ever said about it again because metric is that Frenchy Socialist crap.

I don't adhere to "....that Frenchy Socialist crap" either...... but a system of measures based on 10's and the multiples thereof is much easier to work with despite having been invented by the French......:mrgreen:

12-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Yeah, right. That don't work with kids around.

If I have kids around, that's a bigger problem in itself :lol:

12-13-2013, 12:07 AM
I don't adhere to "....that Frenchy Socialist crap" either...... but a system of measures based on 10's and the multiples thereof is much easier to work with despite having been invented by the French......:mrgreen:

Hey, aren't you faux French?

12-13-2013, 12:09 AM
He'd just be one wouldn't he?

12-13-2013, 12:11 AM
He'd just be one wouldn't he?

Any Cajuns in the house?

12-13-2013, 12:12 AM
No, but I think he has a dog.

12-13-2013, 12:20 AM

12-13-2013, 12:27 AM
Dog = Chien in Frenchy speak. Canada starts with a "C", which is also temperature and they are 9 hours difference in time. So that gives you FAUX different factors to go by. Now I get it. I wish a VISA was that easy.

12-13-2013, 12:31 AM

12-13-2013, 12:41 AM
You're right because GOD=DOG which can talk to horses which is the Knights Templar mascot!

12-13-2013, 12:45 AM
You make it too easy.

12-13-2013, 12:53 AM
You make it too easy.

Should I be more coy?

12-13-2013, 12:56 AM
Only if you are craving pancakes.

12-13-2013, 01:13 AM
When you go out to dinner alone, are you coy with yourself?

12-13-2013, 03:11 AM
When you go out to dinner alone, are you coy with yourself?

This thread has been close to McCoy itself.....or is it Hatfield...... you have lost me now :mrgreen:

12-13-2013, 03:30 AM
you don't need a special program--just browse to google and type your conversion request in the search box.

"5 miles in km" (a bit more than 8km)
"20 us dollars in euros" (14.55 euros)
"2 gallons in liters" (7.57 liters)

12-13-2013, 04:35 AM
They have an app for that.

12-13-2013, 06:37 AM
"you don't need a special program--just browse to google and type your conversion request in the search box."

The app is easier, that's why the link in my last post, I use it all the time.

12-13-2013, 08:22 AM
10 meters is open, just sayin' ;)

12-13-2013, 08:27 AM
Dammit! I'm days away from being back on the air since January...i am waiting on my new power cable to arrive in the mail. I will be grabbing to 10 meter openings soon enough!

12-13-2013, 08:30 AM
10 meters is open, just sayin' ;)

That would be the 394 inch band to us Westerners.

12-13-2013, 08:47 AM
No inference to inferiority meant, incidentally the froggies, sorry, the French had their own imperial system up to about World War 1 and it's likely the British avoided changing because we thought the French devised the metric system.

I have 4 sets of spanners because we've gone through Whitworth Fine, Whitworth, SAE, British Association (nice fine threads I still use) and now metric. Gets confusing.

It was always good mental exercise doing financial sums such as 13 pounds 8 shillings and threepence halfpenny minus 7 pounds 9 shillings and sixpence farthing. See what you've missed? Nowadays many shop assistants can't even multiply by 10 without a calculator. Could these be the ones that can't find their way home without a satnav?

12-13-2013, 08:50 AM
No inference to inferiority meant, incidentally the froggies, sorry, the French had their own imperial system up to about World War 1 and it's likely the British avoided changing because we thought the French devised the metric system.

I have 4 sets of spanners because we've gone through Whitworth Fine, Whitworth, SAE, British Association (nice fine threads I still use) and now metric. Gets confusing.

It was always good mental exercise doing financial sums such as 13 pounds 8 shillings and threepence halfpenny minus 7 pounds 9 shillings and sixpence farthing. See what you've missed? Nowadays many shop assistants can't even multiply by 10 without a calculator. Could these be the ones that can't find their way home without a satnav?

Wouldn't it be easier to just say "Keep the fookin change"?

12-13-2013, 12:10 PM
Yes it would, but hey, a sixpence farthing here and a sixpence farthing there and before you know it you have some real money...;)

Wouldn't it be easier to just say "Keep the fookin change"?

12-13-2013, 12:13 PM
Were all screwed up here at work. The scientists all use metric and the mechs use...chickens and rocks, cubits, feet, or whatever is convenient at the time which I might add really pisses off the physicists...

12-13-2013, 04:53 PM
You mean to tell me that "a bit" and "no, a little bit more" are not good units of measurement?

I supposed next you're going to tell me that the tried and true method of measurement, the "that looks about right", isnt valid either.

12-13-2013, 05:40 PM
You mean to tell me that "a bit" and "no, a little bit more" are not good units of measurement?

I supposed next you're going to tell me that the tried and true method of measurement, the "that looks about right", isnt valid either.

How many tads in scooch?

12-13-2013, 05:45 PM
A few...but not too many.

12-13-2013, 06:57 PM
Were all screwed up here at work. The scientists all use metric and the mechs use...chickens and rocks, cubits, feet, or whatever is convenient at the time which I might add really pisses off the physicists...

Good to see you back bunneh. Thought Elmer Fudd gotcha.

12-13-2013, 07:19 PM
I don't get it. What is so hard about converting between the 2 systems. I've been doing it since I was in high school. These days there are calculators, desktop apps, mobile apps, iPhone apps, android apps, etc. that do it for you. It's a cinch these days.

12-13-2013, 07:33 PM
I don't get it. What is so hard about converting between the 2 systems. I've been doing it since I was in high school. These days there are calculators, desktop apps, mobile apps, iPhone apps, android apps, etc. that do it for you. It's a cinch these days.

And they make crescent wrenches, too. But it would sure be nice, from a knuckle busting standpoint, if everything were just metric. It's easy for little kids to learn the metric system without having to clutter their young minds with SAE bullshit. And, as for us old people, well.............we'll be dead soon, so it doesn't fucking matter.

12-13-2013, 08:03 PM
And they make crescent wrenches, too. But it would sure be nice, from a knuckle busting standpoint, if everything were just metric. It's easy for little kids to learn the metric system without having to clutter their young minds with SAE bullshit. And, as for us old people, well.............we'll be dead soon, so it doesn't fucking matter.

Yeah, but some conspiracy theorists say that the metric stuff is a Jesuit-Illuminati plot. ;)

12-14-2013, 01:29 AM
That would be the 394 inch band to us Westerners.

Or the 2 Rod band.

12-14-2013, 12:56 PM
You give them a centimeter and they take a kilometer.

The inch, pound, acre, etc. have been very good to us.

I especially favor the foot, because my shoe is exactly 12 inches in length,

meaning that in "baby steps," I can very accurately pace antenna wire lengths

(leaving a bit extra, of course, to prune for the Murphy factor). ;)

Divisions based on 12 can easily be divided by 2, 3, 4, and 6. :)

12-14-2013, 01:01 PM
You give them a centimeter and they take a kilometer.

The inch, pound, acre, etc. have been very good to us.

I especially favor the foot, because my shoe is exactly 12 inches in length,

meaning that in "baby steps," I can very accurately pace antenna wire lengths

(leaving a bit extra, of course, to prune for the Murphy factor). ;)

Divisions based on 12 can easily be divided by 2, 3, 4, and 6. :)

To quote Eddie the Desert Rat (https://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php/26804-Changing-to-Metric?p=569178&viewfull=1#post569178): "And, as for us old people, well.............we'll be dead soon, so it doesn't fucking matter. "

12-14-2013, 09:20 PM
Whinny little bitch xD

12-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Whinny little bitch xD


12-15-2013, 04:05 AM
General Chat

Keep the talk and links/photos at a PG rating. Personal attacks are not permitted in here.


Thank you.

12-15-2013, 11:04 AM
General Chat


Thank you.

Yes, PLEASE. As you all know, I am close to God, and this type of conversation highly offends my tender ears, eyes, and brain. Bastids

12-15-2013, 01:19 PM

12-15-2013, 04:27 PM
Yes it would, but hey, a sixpence farthing here and a sixpence farthing there and before you know it you have some real money...;)

Sixpence none the richer, you say. Not really my cup of tea but I do recall the 90's well enough. Well, later in the 90's anyway. In the early years I was still learning how to walk. Eh...that may be a wee exaggeration but I would have been entering pre-school. Though during the popular years of the band I would have been in my early teenage years.

Wait...we were talking about money.

12-15-2013, 05:28 PM
The speedometer on my old Triumph read in FPF—Furlongs per Fortnight.

12-15-2013, 07:00 PM
The speedometer on my old Triumph read in FPF—Furlongs per Fortnight.

And kept the blacktop well oiled, too.

12-15-2013, 08:30 PM
when it was running and hardly ever at night

12-15-2013, 08:47 PM
The speedometer on my old Triumph read in FPF—Furlongs per Fortnight.

I love the metric system...............:mrgreen:

12-15-2013, 09:20 PM
The speedometer on my old Triumph read in FPF—Furlongs per Fortnight.

I've never seen a Triumph that would run furlong.

12-15-2013, 11:50 PM
You know what will happen if the speed limit signs are converted to metric.... the teenagers will think the speed limit had gone up overnight to 110-120 MPH....and Texas will be the autobahn @ 140. I shudder driving through L.A. or NYC at 55 mph... god knows how many will try to at 90!!

12-16-2013, 01:44 AM
You know what will happen if the speed limit signs are converted to metric.... the teenagers will think the speed limit had gone up overnight to 110-120 MPH....and Texas will be the autobahn @ 140. I shudder driving through L.A. or NYC at 55 mph... god knows how many will try to at 90!!

Ever hit Hwy 95 FLA? The further south you go, the faster the traffic gets but they do actually slow down as you near Miami. The speed limit in Miami is 55 so that means traffic is at 70.
Actually, people go pretty fast up to Jacksonville then after Jacksonville it's back up to 85 mph.