View Full Version : Hammy Holiday Heartwarmer now playing!

Jeff K1NSS
12-05-2013, 07:49 PM
At last, the tender Yuletide Tale with something for everyone from 6 to 160, so long as they often find themselves moping about basement boatanchor graveyards, asking no one in particular "What ever happened to Jeeves?"

First Chapter Screening RIGHT NOW, where else but http://www.dashtoons.com (http://www.dashtoons.com/)

12-06-2013, 12:22 PM
Ah yes, the Dashtoons version of Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story and destined to become a cult classic. As long as he doesn't get his nose stuck to the flagpole it'll turn out well.

I miss Ask Jeeves, the search engine with an Easter egg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg_%28media%29 In response to certain questions it responded with some pretty hilarious answers. BTW, Google and Google Earth have some, you just have to know where to find them, and some are entirely unexpected. http://www.eeggs.com/

12-08-2013, 12:15 AM

Hope you don't mind, but I just put your poster (and a link to your site) in the December WASHRag.

Jeff K1NSS
12-09-2013, 07:55 PM
Thats cool Ron, many thanks!

12-10-2013, 12:27 AM
Thats cool Ron, many thanks!Good, 'cause it's done. :lol: You probably have the WASHRag in your email already.

12-10-2013, 01:39 PM
I have mine hanging on the towel bar next to the sink. (;->)

Jeff K1NSS
12-11-2013, 03:22 PM
"Good, 'cause it's done. https://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif You probably have the WASHRag in your email already."

Dash! d'acomplit.

Back on line, at least conveniently so, after a five day cable internet outage. Mouse eaten analog cable in basement. Had to use a drop amp to get any kind of signal for years, and now I know why, when the old cable finally got eaten enough.

New Gate Crasher Chapter hopefully tonight. Ran the story last Christmas, but the text is being freshened, punched-up and otherwise revised, so please stop by for this Not Quite Same Old Same Old in bearded Little Match Girl drag.

How about that 160 Contest? We had a blast, pouncing the hell out of the Gentleman's Band. Worked my old Portsmouth NH radio club president K1RX,Yankee Clipper Contester Extraordinaire. Bugged at having to listen for the new flavors of good old Ontario section. Seemed like nothing but low-hanging fruit for the calling, with the sole exception of a WY station that pretended not to hear us for most likely some grudge against Dash!. No multitasker me, calling CQ was out of the question. Need time to enter all the info in the contest log pgm, get everything all set up, and then pounce and hit Enter. Can't copy and type at the same time, one of a long list of annoying deficiencies, including not knowing left from right on demand. First have to visualize my third grade class room, in which the piano was situated on the left. Once I see that piano, I'm pretty much good to go.

12-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Well Jeff, you and Dash did better than I did.

I knew the 160 antenna wasn't playing well, but something broke in the cold weather right before the contest, and it's totally atrocious now. I suspect one of the caps in the HF2 section of it may have gone.

No one to blame but myself, really. I have 48 feet of aluminum ready to go to replace it, I just need to take a little time to assemble the new antenna (one 4 foot section at a time) and swap. Just never could seem to get the right time to do it.

Now it's going to be a priority. In this weather... great.

Jeff K1NSS
12-11-2013, 09:23 PM
Ron, that's why I never wish anyone Good Luck In The Contest.

There's no such thing.

12-11-2013, 09:44 PM
"Ran the story last Christmas, but the text is being freshened, punched-up and otherwise revised, so please stop by for this Not Quite Same Old Same Old in bearded Little Match Girl drag."

Like I said, it's bound to become a cult classic, as if Dash! hasn't a cult following already. Oh and BTW, kill the mouse. No, not THAT mouse, the metal munching mouse from Mars!

Jeff K1NSS
12-12-2013, 05:27 AM
The Gate Crasher Chapter the Second, now playing: in which poor J____s, the long-suffering captive GRRL butler resolves, taser ankle bracelet or not, he gonna WALK AWAY!