View Full Version : 100 Watts on 11 Meters? Look no further...'s right here. I thought that enforcement was up? I guess not.
Via Google Shopping (HERE - scroll down). ( ...0.0...1ac.1.WlJmxPNRBN0)
From the webpage:
this model can be amplify 50W for CB radio.
Turn on/off switch
Auto receive/transmit switch
Electrode reversal protect
(That's 100 Watts on AM according to the same page)
You too can be a big fish in a dead pond. (
07-26-2013, 08:51 AM
Here's an even EASIER way to 100W on the Chickenband! And alot Cheaper!
But the HAM RADIO thing to do is replace the 11 Meter Crystal with a 12 meter rock.
So I need a 30.52 Mhz 3rd overtone xtal in a HC-25/U holder.
Those are hard to come by, and probably would cost $30 or more if I ordered one new!
07-26-2013, 09:07 AM
Just worked C37UN from Andorra special event station on 20 (14.214) needed 400 watts from the Heathkit SB-1000 to cut through the terrible noise of calling stations that had no notion how to behave working that station....
Used my inverted L because it worked the best, better as the OCF at 45 feeet above the ground, L- 77 feet high and 77 feet horizontal.
Sometimes feel an idiot behaving gentlemen like on the bands, seems the ham spririt is seriously lacking above 160.
I first listen to get the details right and what the operator asks of the calling stations and stick to that.
Lots of Ukrain and Russian stations behaved like monkey's there, tuning up on the frequency, not doing as asked etc.
Looke like the chicken band to me...
Well, bagged him anyway ;)
That power is nothing some 11 meter peeps here use the 2000 watt amps here.
Mobile 500 watt amps are the rule, luckily the 11 meter is almost dead here.
07-27-2013, 08:32 PM
HAH! You don't need 11M Chicken Boogers to find chaos, where there's a dog pile you know there's DX under it even though you can't hear it through the barking. GENTLEMEN??? Where there's competition you'll never find cooperation, where there's cooperation chaos soon follows.
When I got my IC-736 it had already been opened up to the point that it will put out (more or less) full output on any frequency between 1.8 and 28MHz. I know, I've tested it into a dummy load.
07-27-2013, 10:45 PM
When I got my IC-736 it had already been opened up to the point that it will put out (more or less) full output on any frequency between 1.8 and 28MHz. I know, I've tested it into a dummy load.
Oh, so that was you I heard, all over the place, eh?
07-28-2013, 05:34 AM
I can get a full 100 watts carrier + hi fidelity AM audio on 11 meters right now of if I wanted to. Just warm up the 50+ year old Viking 2, throw the VFO into the 11 meter position and away we go. But I prefer to run it on 40, 75, and 160 meters on cold winter nights.
07-28-2013, 05:37 AM's right here. I thought that enforcement was up? I guess not.
Via Google Shopping (HERE - scroll down). ( ...0.0...1ac.1.WlJmxPNRBN0)
From the webpage:
(That's 100 Watts on AM according to the same page)
You too can be a big fish in a dead pond. (
When it comes to Chinese dealers they'll sell you anything. CB amps, cell phone jammers, opium, etc...
07-28-2013, 01:12 PM
Dayum, that's an awful lot of money for a BJ!
Dayum, that's an awful lot of money for a BJ!
And let's not count the smoke afterwards.
08-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Here's an even EASIER way to 100W on the Chickenband! And alot Cheaper!
But the HAM RADIO thing to do is replace the 11 Meter Crystal with a 12 meter rock.
So I need a 30.52 Mhz 3rd overtone xtal in a HC-25/U holder.
Those are hard to come by, and probably would cost $30 or more if I ordered one new!
This may be heresy to say but, I would much rather our friends on CB who felt the need to run extra power use good quality Ham gear rather than a lot of the garbage I hear them run. There is a town about 20 miles down the road from us where the locals are busy having power wars on channel 15 and 34. The splatter is amazing! The amount of power they run isn't so much the problem, It's the out of band spay they spew. They are running big solid state amps with no output filtering and they are pushing them hard for every last watt they can get with out any regard to is it's in band or not. Yuck!
I'm glad I'm not any closer to them
Archie N8OBM
08-12-2013, 01:53 PM
100W is so QRP on the Chicken Band!!!
70KW!!!! That's more like it!
heres more pix
08-12-2013, 02:06 PM
Or how bout this one?
10 batteries, 8 extra alternators.'
Laura would like to look these guys up!
08-12-2013, 08:13 PM
BAH! Why clutter your engine compartment with alternators and nearly blow the engine red lining it to transmit when you can have your power plant on a trailer? Triton has the answer, here's the 15KW baby for your QRP rig but since your 250KW Collins SW transmitter is in your big rig why not pull twin pups? Tag on behind the top of the line that will loaf along powering that champ of the shootout when you hammer down, you need 480V 3 phase current anyway so how's a MEGAWATT grab ya? Here's how, heh heh heh.
08-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Or how bout this one?
10 batteries, 8 extra alternators.'
Laura would like to look these guys up!
Yikes! I wouldn't want to be with in a mile of one of these things firing up! Talk about RF burns waiting to happen. Crazy, that's the only word I can think of for this. What next, A key down battle with a commercial broadcast station?
Archie N8OBM
06-15-2015, 11:30 PM
Yikes! I wouldn't want to be with in a mile of one of these things firing up! Talk about RF burns waiting to happen. Crazy, that's the only word I can think of for this. What next, A key down battle with a commercial broadcast station?
Archie N8OBMNo. How about commercial TV channel 2?
06-16-2015, 08:51 AM
"Blown fuse 2x12 A"
They could at least put GOOD fuse in it! Cheap plastic from China........
Backing up a couple of years:
"This may be heresy to say but, I would much rather our friends on CB who felt the need to run extra power use good quality Ham gear rather than a lot of the garbage I hear them run."
That's exactly what we did back in my CB daze and up to a full gallon too, but most a bit more sensible ran 100W plate modulated AM. My little circle of friends used transmitters "Stereoized" on my bench, clippers and filters bypassed with the speech amp widened to get rid of that telephonium audio to borrow a phrase from WA1HLR who made the same mods then unbeknownst to me. I had a 100W wide band push-pull amp in the mobile, some think they spit trash but mine was clean as a whistle and with a Shure 404B mic on the 23 channel Rat Shack radiddio audio to match. 100W is just about right for a decent signal and nobody but those in the know had any idea we were 'pushing power". That guy in Brooklyn with the Johnson Ranger exciter on the Desk Kilowatt was another story but then again so is Brooklyn.
For those who missed it here's the station part of my old basement radio room/shop/man cave. Interestingly the flash gives the impression the transmitter HV is on but it's not, if it were the red on air light on the wall would be lit. The black box with the 4-400A sitting on it is the Courier 1M legal rig (;->) and the only one with triple conversion receive. It had razor sharp selectivity that eliminated splatter from all but the jerks with amplified mikes cranked up to 11.
06-25-2015, 12:49 AM
"Blown fuse 2x12 A"
They could at least put GOOD fuse in it! Cheap plastic from China........
Backing up a couple of years:
"This may be heresy to say but, I would much rather our friends on CB who felt the need to run extra power use good quality Ham gear rather than a lot of the garbage I hear them run."
That's exactly what we did back in my CB daze and up to a full gallon too, but most a bit more sensible ran 100W plate modulated AM. My little circle of friends used transmitters "Stereoized" on my bench, clippers and filters bypassed with the speech amp widened to get rid of that telephonium audio to borrow a phrase from WA1HLR who made the same mods then unbeknownst to me. I had a 100W wide band push-pull amp in the mobile, some think they spit trash but mine was clean as a whistle and with a Shure 404B mic on the 23 channel Rat Shack radiddio audio to match. 100W is just about right for a decent signal and nobody but those in the know had any idea we were 'pushing power". That guy in Brooklyn with the Johnson Ranger exciter on the Desk Kilowatt was another story but then again so is Brooklyn.
Ah yes... Artie was quite a charachter. When he was running that configuration he used to hit me up here in Westchester stronger than many of my locals. He also liked it when I switched my Model 122 VFO to the 11 meter "ham band" and ran the Viking 2.
06-25-2015, 01:21 AM
06-25-2015, 06:12 PM
A kid with 6 blackboard eraser ?????
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