View Full Version : What a misplace quote mark can do...

05-04-2013, 09:56 PM
If you are running PowerDNS (A pretty badass BIND replacement), and you are about to key in this:

update records set content = 'blah lah blah where" where ID=1';


This will blow away all of your DNS records.... Dragons lurk beyond here!

This will update all of your records in MySQL, and unless you are running InnoDB, there's no "rollback;" command to recover.

Lesson: Run InnoDB, in atomic mode. Then, you get "rollback;" as an option.

I just cost 3 days of labor... Or, be mindful of quotes.

05-05-2013, 12:08 PM

05-05-2013, 12:36 PM
Yikes! To be, or not to be, that is the quotation mark.